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CHAPTER FOUR Ryan Valiente was the Italian version of a Greek god with his enticing gray eyes patched on a killer face accentuated on a sharp jaw. He was lean but not as tall as his father with a body only designed for male models on the Millan runways. At the age of seventeen, he had appeared on the cover of the vogue twice. At the age of twenty, he signed a deal to be the envied model of Vin Rio and well, many fashion companies have been keeping out an eye in case he decided to quit the Vin Rio Company. He lived a lavish life and now he was going to be twenty-four in a couple of months. Sighing I looked at the two women chatting happily as they finished transferring the food into the serving dishes. The men were sitting in the dining room obviously catching up on the latest trends in the hotel industry.   “Zoe, why are you so quiet?” Mrs. Valiente questioned.   “Well, I’m just enjoying watching two long lost friends catching up,” I answered with a slight smile.   “That is so adorable of you. Help us set the table please,’ she handed me the dish containing the steak.   “Sure,” I muttered already walking into the dining room.   Minutes later we were all munching our food away and all the while I waited to hear them speak about their son but they all seemed lost in their business chit chat to bring Ryan up.   “How is Ryan by the way?” thankfully my dad brought him up.   “He is good. His career in fashion is booming and well he is mostly on fashion trips,”   “So he is not here with you?” My mum inquired as I pretended to play with my fork.   “Not really but hopefully he will be joining us in a few days for the grand occasion you know,” at this point, I couldn’t help but get curious.    “What grand occasion?” I inquired casually.   “It’s um… well, it’s not really grand. Where did you study in the university by the way?” that was a quick change of topic and I didn’t miss the secretive glances Mrs. Valiente threw towards my parents.   I was about to answer when my new phone rang. It was my best friend Elisa. My dad had managed to have most of the contacts restored which was really a good thing.   “It’s Okay honey, go ahead pick it up,” mum said smiling.   I walked off towards my bedroom still baffled by their behavior. Sliding the screen I answered the call while jumping on my bed.   ”Elisa,” I called into the phone.   “Guess who just arrived in town?” she inquired.   “Oh my God Elisa, you are back. Where are you? We are totally meeting tonight,”   “That’s why I called. Let’s meet at Carly Kings, say in ten minutes,”   “Damn right,”   After she hang up I remembered we had visitors and it would be rude to leave just like that. Crossing my fingers I walked back to the sitting room. The adults were speaking in hushed tones but on sensing my entrance they all looked up.   “Is it okay if I go out for a bit? Elisa just got back in town and-“   “Greet her for me,” and that was my cue to leave.   It was weird that she didn’t even try to object, in fact, it seemed like she was really eager to get rid of me. I changed into a black sequin party dress with matched black heels to compliment my look.  I smeared a little bit of makeup, just enough to hide my crappy state. Lucky for me my black shoulder-length tendrils were so soft so I had no problem combing it then let it flow smoothly down. I picked my purse dipping my phone while wearing my black trench coat just to please my mother. She would never allow me to step out of the house at night without something warm.   “I’m off, “I said the moment I stepped into the living room.   All I received was a nod as they went back to whatever it was they were talking about. I let myself out sliding into my car before driving off to the center of LA just a few miles from home. I walked into the club as the waiter helped me out of my coat. I saw Elisa sitting by the counter obviously flirting with the bartender. Smiling I walked over just as she turned to look at me. A smile lit up her face as she stood up from her stool. Soon enough we were engulfed in a death-causing hug.   “You are so fat,” she joked.   “Thanks. I have been eating your share too you know,” we both laughed sitting.   “So what did I miss while I was in school?” Elisa was currently in her sixth year in med school.   “Not much. Just that dad is selling the company to the Sinclair’s,”   “Shut up! Really? Did he threaten your father or something?” She inquired in her usual cheerful manner.   “Nope. Apparently my twin brother’s cancer had taken a huge toll on our funds. We were so determined to save Noah that we kind of lost track of our expenditure. Dad got the best doctors but Noah’s cancer was irredeemable. After Noah’s death, we tried to get back on track but unfortunately for us, we were way too deep in debts. So dad now has no option other than hand over ownership of our company tomorrow,” I choked back the tears that were threatening to spill out at the memory of Noah. He had not just been my brother but my best friend too.   “I’m so sorry Zoe,” she stroked my back.   “It’s one and a half years now. I moved on and learned to accept he was no more. Tomorrow I’m going to lose my office El, I don’t know what to do,” I confided finally.   “Let’s forget our troubles for once and drink up,” she signaled the waiter.   “Give us your strongest shot,” I ordered before she could.
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