Chapter 6

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Castiel's pov: "No Castiel. Look at the price tag; I can get three tops from the money you will pay for this one top!" Emma protested. God why doesn't she understand that I can pay for all these things easily. Each time I pick up something she protests that it is so expensive. "Look muffin, just pick up what you like I can surely pay for it." I said sighing in defeat because this wasn't getting us both anywhere. After picking some tops and shorts that were of the lowest prices, we paid and went out of the shop. I will ask my secretary to buy some more dresses and shoes for her. As we were on the third floor, Emma squealed and ran towards the ice skating podium, she pressed her nose on the glass of the podium and watched with excitement and she had such a glint in her eyes that melted me. "Wanna go ice skating muffin?" I asked and I swear when I asked, her excitement was almost radiating off her. "But I don't know how to do ice skating." She said pouting and it was the most adorable pout. "Muffin stop pouting or I will kiss that pout of yours and as for skating I'll help you." I said and she blushed. We were slipping on our skates in the locker room and I could clearly see that Emma was struggling with her straps of the skates and continuously pouting. "God muffin, pout one more time and I swear I'll kiss you senseless." I said bending down to her knee level and she blushed like a tomato which made me chuckle. "Here let me help you." I said as I took the straps and tightened them. "No you Casanova! I am not leaving the railing! Can't you see how slippery it is? I can fall down on my head and even die!" She shouted at me and her voice echoed in the podium and everyone glanced at us. Emma wasn't leaving the railing of the podium and it was no fun if we kept holding the railing. "Muffin, you won't fall down and open your head trust me. Just give me your hand and I will take you to the center." I said trying to convince her. "No Castiel. I am having quite fun here, you go." She said holding the railing even tighter. That's it, if she doesn't understand in a polite convincing manner, I will use my own way. "Muffin give me your hand or else I will carry you in front of everyone and I can't guarantee if we won't fall because of the slippery surface." I said in a serious tone and she gulped. Oh its working, I smirked to myself as she slowly let go of the railing and handed her hand to me. "Yes that's right. Just hold my hand tight and try to maintain your balance." I said steadying her while walking to the middle of the podium. After a while of practicing, she became used to the slippery floor and lightly started skating in the middle of the podium. "Look Casanova! I am skating." She said loudly using my nickname and everyone in the podium chuckled and I just shook my head at her childishness. "Yes muffin, you are skating, go on." I said encouraging her. As she was skating, a boy skated past her at a very fast pace and knocked her down. WTF I WILL NOT SPARE HIM! I quickly skated towards Emma who was groaning holding her arm and struggling to get up the slippery floor. "f**k! Hold on Emma." I said placing one arm on her back and then picking her up although struggling a bit at the slippery floor but I managed and brought her towards the railing. "Hey does it hurt very much?" I asked. "Umm.... yeah actually my arm hurts but its okay." She said trying to smile but hissed in pain. I watched the boy still skating freely not even coming to mutter sorry and that boiled my blood even more. "Hey you!" I called out, skating closer and closer to that boy and he turned towards me giving me a boring look and I grabbed him by his collar. "Hey leave me alone man. What the hell!!" He said struggling out of my grip but poor him he was nothing against me. "This is hell, you idiotic asshole!" I said before pushing him hard as he landed flat on his face but didn't pass out to make it that serious but I am sure his nose is badly broken but I couldn't give less s**t about him and without sparing him a glance, I skated towards Emma. "You know, you didn't have to do that." She said looking shocked at me. "Yes I had to, I wanted to, no I needed to after he made you fall although seeing that you were there and then the bastard didn't even dare to apologize." I hissed thinking and Emma flinched a bit at my tone. "Come on. We need to get your arm checked." I said carrying her out of the podium. "No, no need. Its okay, it will be alright in a while." She said but I was in no mood of a debate. "Look Emma, I am in no mood to argue so you keep your pretty little mouth shut for a while and do as I say." I said and she then kept quite getting the signal. I went towards the Ferrari still with Emma in my arms although she said she can walk but I don't want to take any chances so I carried her the whole way. I buckled her up and I set off towards the mansion/house/home.
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