Chapter 5

1010 Words
Castiel's pov:That was one sweet kiss. I was alrwady addicted even though was the only one kissing while she was frozen in her place but i have mixed feelings about her reaction towards the kiss cause she just got up and left. Did she not like it ? Or i think i took it too fast too quick with her . I need to go talk to her . I made my way to my bedroom and saw her sitting on the bed in deep thought while fidgeting with her nails . "Ema i am so sorry for what happend back there , i acted on impulse and i shouldn't have done that. I think i took it to fast woth you and made you uncomfortable, i am so sorry" i sincerely apologized to her . "Umm... i..its okay i guess.. its just that ummm.... it was my first kiss well my first consious kiss atleast so umm it was kind of a big deal for me and i freaked out at the moment" she said fidgeting and biting her lip. I just looked at her incredulously. Is she for real ? This was her first kiss ? I was her first kiss ? "Well i hope i didn't disappoint you for your first kiss muffin" i said with a smirk plastered on my face , i took pride in the fact that i was this beautiful girl's first kiss. "You have a very big ego casanova... i dont wanna talk about this any more please" she said and i smiled . " okay then Get ready Emma, we're going shopping since you need stuff" I said casually. "But I don't have any money besides I don't want to go , i don't like shopping at all" She said whining and I chuckled at her childishness. "Muffin, do you really think you will feel money less with me? Besides you don't have any clothes to wear for the month and girls love shopping . Although I don't mind you wearing mine, but for your own good. Plus don't want anyone seeing you in less clothes." I said finishing and by that time she had on her sandals and was standing ready. "I don't like shopping one bit , it makes me tired but you're right i do need stuff so let's go." She said walking towards the door and me hot on her tail. As we reached my garage she gasped in shock. "Omg, you have cool cars! A Ferrari, limo , Lamborghini. .. what do you not have ?like this is so cool and they are all so shiny" she said with excirement and i chuckled . I have a thing for sports cars and i have the money so i don't see why not . "Well then muffin which one should do the honors of you placing your ass on it and increasing its worth?" I said smirking. "Shut up you Casanova and I'll be honored to place my ass in the Ferrari first" She said jumping in excitement and running towards the car before I could even get there. I went towards the driver's door and started the black 488 gtb Ferrari and raced out of the garage. "Doesn't the roof open?" Emma asked. "Sure it does. Do you want me to open it?" I asked. "Yes please." She said with pleading eyes, I smiled and opened the roof of the car. Emma squealed and unbuckled the belt and stood on her seat. "Careful there muffin. Don't fall out and I think it's best if you sit or I'll be the one getting a ticket." I said. "Oh come on Casanova. Live a little perhaps i am sure you can pay for a ticket." She said and I chuckled. "Careful muffin asking a Casanova to live a little." I said with a smirk and she rolled her eyes. At that moment she looked like a goddess as she stood on the car seat with stretched arms as if flying and her blonde hair flying freely with her eyes close, it was getting hard for me to focus on the road, but we somehow managed to reach the mall. We walked into the mall and I pulled her closer to me. There are guys checking her out and she is completely oblivious to it but i don't like it one bit , it enrages me jist like it did in the club. There is this feeling of possessiveness ans protectiveness and it is all too foreign and she is the only one who can bring it out in me . I stopped in front of Prada. I heard it is a nice brand and girls like it a lot yet just Emma seemed to stare at it. "What's wrong? Go in and dig in through the clothes i am sure the store won't disappoint you , i have it is a nice one" I said. "You know, I can shop at a local store, you would be surprised at how cool the wallmart clothes are like they seem like they just came out of prada , once i found this really cool avengers sweat shirt in their rack and now it is my favorite piece of clothing plus I never desired these fancy brands , i dont see the point , they are all clothes..." She said and I was shocked at her answer, what kind of girl doesn't like this?! First dhe didn't like shopping now she doesn't want branded clothes which too i am buying for her. She is truly something else . She is a change and i love this change . It makes her special. " muffin stop blabbering you will have to, now come on go in." I said nudging her inside and she walked in timidly making her way towards the racks of tops and shorts looking at the tags with a horrified expression. I feel like she'll need a lot of convincing and boy was i right. ❤❤❤❤
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