47. Seeds of Envy

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Diana’s eyes opened wide with shock as Adrian kissed her and continued moving her lips against his. There was a malty bitter taste that flowed out of Adrian’s mouth and fell down on to Diana’s lips, which were the softest thing that Adrian had ever sense in his entire life. Her lips were not thin, unlike her figure, in fact they were plum and full and there was just something that Adrian didn’t realize that he would get lost in. Seeing Adrian kiss Diana a loud gasp erupted in the entire crowd and suddenly everyone stopped dancing. Chloe and Zion continued moving against each other, lost in the trance of their own bodies, until they felt the entire crowd stopped moving and the only thing left buzzing behind them was the the music. Disco lights continued spinning around the whole ball room, illuminating one area at a time and once the green and red light fell on to Adrian and Diana where the two stood at a corner making out Chloe couldn’t help but feel completely shattered. she noticed that people were gazing between her and Adrian, who was busy kissing another girl. Even Zion was rendered completely shocked to witness Adrian go this low just to win the game of the wits and try and show Chloe that he was capable to doing anything. Zion looked at Chloe and watched the way she held her tears back but it was surely quite embarrassing for her soul that the guy that she claimed was her boyfriend a few hours ago, was making out with another girl. Adrian held on to Diana’s face and what he thought would just be a small smooch, turning in to something a little bit too longer. Diana on the other hand was rendered completely intoxicated as she comtinued to hold on to Adrian’s face and tried to keep up with his pace but he was quick and smooth. He pulled back and away from her and looked down at her flushed face. Something about that kiss told him that he shouldn’t have taken the risk and gone too far. But well things were done now and nothing could be undone. He grabbed Diana with him and rushed up the stairs and towards the bedroom. Everyone who was attending the party knew that no one was allow to go up the stairs because there were bedroom where the guests were prohibited from going to. Chloe felt shattered and broken, as she slumped her head low and walked out of the crowd, irritated by the way Adrian had humiliated her. “Gosh! If I were here and had gotten replaced so quickly that also with a loser girl like Diana, I would have definitely second question my worth.” One of the girl cooed out and loud among the entire crowd and everyone started laughing and that was the lowest point that Chloe thought that she had achieved in terms of humiliation, which made her run away and out of the party but Zion only held her hand and dragged her along with him towards the elevator where he took her towards the roof top. As soon as the two entered the roof top, Chloe freed herself from Zion’s touch and began pacing around the entire place, fuming like a bull. “I hate that f*****g b***h! I hate you.” She yelled at Zion, making his eyes go wide and wonder what he had done in that entire mess. “Me? What have I done?” he asked, confused and lost as Chloe planted a part of the blame on him. “You gave me that f*****g stupid idea to click those stupid pictures with you at the carnival the other day because of which because of which Adrian got mad at me the first place and ended up breaking up with me. He dumped me! Me!” Chloe screamed as her ego and her self worth felt questioned and hurt because of Adrian’s second choice which was a girl that Chloe assumed was a mere insect compared to the beauty and grace that Chloe was. “The whole school is crazy about me. I am the captain of the cheer leading squad and any boy would die to be with me.” She complained and strutted about herself with confidence and Zoin smiled back at her, finally glad that Chloe realized her worth. “Exactly! Any boy would die to be with you. so, why do you care if that stupid Adrian doesn’t value you or…” “That b***h! That f*****g bitch.” Chloe screamed yet again and stomped her feet on the roof, as she kept on fuming and pacing with anger. “She made Adrian crazy and act in such an absurd way. She was there around him all the time and that’s why it was so easy for him to break up with me and he broke up like nothing that happened. That w***e was always available to him even when he acted rude and that was how he wanted me to be. Gosh! I swear once I get my hands back on Adrian, the first thing I would do is pull that b***h apart from the root. I would extract her out of Adrian’s life and rip her apart so badly.” Chloe formulated her own plan of getting back on Diana and Zion placed his hands over his hips, amazed to see how Chloe was obsessed with Adrian and she would notice everybody’s mistake but except observe and realize the real problem which was Adrian and his adamant behavior and inability to understand Chloe and give her the time she deserved. He thought that if he worked hard enough to make Chloe break apart from Adrian and and make her see that she was better off from him and could do much better, he would have a chance with her but seeing the way Chloe acted and even apart from Adrian, he controlled her brain by making her feel jealous of Diana, only made Zion realize that Chloe was a lost cause. He couldn’t do anything about her, even if he liked her a lot. It hurt his heart that she wouldn’t see that each time Adrian hurt Chloe or disappointed him, Zion would be there for her, to help her and to made up different excuses just to be with her. But instead, all Chloe thought about was Adrian and even when he could be possibly having s*x with another girl right underneath their feet, she only thought about destroying that girl and different ways of getting back with Adrian. Chloe moved to leave but Zion quickly grabbed her wirst and pulled her back, forcing her to stay put. “Where are you going now?” he asked Chloe and she only freed her wrist from Zion’s grip with a single snap. “To stop Adrian.” “Why?” he c****d at her and Chloe squinted her eyes lowly at Zion. “Because I love him and I am not going to let him be with another girl especially that trash Diana.” Zion rolled his eyes at Chloe and grabbed her elbow, pulling her back and away from the exit of the roof top. “Don’t even think about stopping Adrian.” He reprimanded her and Chloe only scoffed at Zion. “Who the hell do you think you are to stop me and why should I not interrupt Adrian? I am not going to let him put that d**k of his in another w***e’s pussy.” She yelled as she tried to go after Adrian but Zion on held her arms and forced her to say put. “Because you f*****g i***t! Don’t forget that you also f****d me…” Zion stated those words nonchalantly and Chloe suddenly stopped struggling against him realizing that Zion was too vehement as he stated those words and had he been any louder, she feared someone may have heard them. “Keep it low!” she scolded him but Zion only scoffed back and rolled his eyes. “Why? Are you afraid that Adrian would hear it? he could do it in front of you with another girl but you wouldn’t do it behind his back?” Zion scoffed and Chloe gulped hard as she was reminded of that night two months ago where she ended up drunk at a party with Zion and the two ended up having s*x. But that just wasn’t the twist. The two had been having an affair for over the two months and had been paying each other many conjugal visits throughout the whole time while Chloe was still dating Adrian. “It was different. Adrian and I were still dating and he went on to be with another girl while we broke up. Remember that.” she reminded Zion, who only breathed in aggression. “It doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is that nobody knows and it will remain the same but what Adrian did, would be known by everyone and you need to let Adrian f**k another girl, so that he would feel guilty and you could use that guilt against him.” Chloe went in to a state of total silence as she heard Zion’s word and resonated with his logic. He wasn’t wrong. It anything she needed to let Adrian f**k Diana so that he would be guilty of cheating or partially cheating on Chloe, as he moved on too quickly and immediately slept with another woman. “If you are going to go back to him, then at least make him repent and make him pay.” Zion gave her the idea, with which he believed that not only he was helping the girl that he loved but also he was going to watch his cousin, his nemesis and his competitor finally suffer. Zion had suffered a lot because of his cousin, since his father always taunted him that he was a careless freak while Adrian was a particularly organized and a very responsible boy, who was already learning about their business and studying the art of being a businessman. All the while Zion had to listen to his father’s taunts and was always compared to his cousin and made feel inferior, it was time that he got back at Adrian. Adrian was the kid of the family with good grades, good in sports and even had the perfect and beautiful girlfriend and slowly and gently Zion was destroying all of those things for him. First, he made his girlfriend cheat on him and destroyed his relationship with his girlfriend and the next target was that he was going to ruin his peace. And just like that one by one, Zion had decided that he was going to control Adrian’s life entirely and take over everything that he had and never let him live in peace. Envy was definitely a bad seed and it had started spewing hate in Zion’s heart and he was going to use it to destroy Adrian, Adrian - Who right underneath Zion’s feet had dragged Diana inside his bedroom. Bringing her around, he pushed her towards the bed and she went on crashing down on the soft mattress, hitting her bottom on the bed. She let out a soft gasp and at the same time Adrian turned on the lights of the room. He took his shirt off and threw it away and without letting Diana think or understand the situation, he pushed his weight on to her and pushed her down on the bed. Diana let out a soft plea, as she tried to push Adrian away. She didn’t even understand what was happening. She was very young to be surrounded by all those confiscating and gut wrenching thoughts and feelings. She never had any friends, didn’t have any excess to mobile phones, so the concept of s*x was still foreign to her. All she knew and had seen and read about so far was just about kissing. She didn’t know that there was anything more than that. Her innocence was her greatest weapon and essence and all that she carried with her was her dignity. She knew that there was something more grave and serious that adult people usually did and it involved activities to be done inside the bedroom and she only feared whether Adrian was taking things towards that direction, whereby Diana would have to take her clothes off and get deeply and seriously intimate with Adrian. She opened up her mouth to speak but Adrian only shushed her down and planted his lips on top of Diana’s and began kissing her. This time his kisses weren’t so soft anymore, they were more vigorously and forceful. He soft touch of her plum lips right on to his, made Adrian crazy. His eyes rolled to the back of his head, as he darted his tongue out and rubbed it on to Diana’s lips, who didn’t even know how she was supposed to kiss anyone at all. But then there was Adrian, who was going crazy at that moment. He was always composed and very collected when it came to Chloe, who was the only girl that he had ever been with but there was just something entirely intoxicating about Diana. She was something occult in his perspective. Just her lips were incredibly soft and her body that Adrian planted underneath him and hovered up was incredibly timid and it was somehow making Adrian want Diana even more. She was like a delicate flower and Adrian could tell with the way she kissing with great hesitation and fear, she was definitely a virgin. He pulled his mouth back and away from Diana and breath, as he looked down at her and supported his weight on to his hands that he had planted on both sides of Diana’s head. “What is it? why won’t you open up your mouth and let me kiss you properly? I want to kiss you properly?” Diana stuttered as she tried to formulate the words that wouldn’t come out of her mouth and she felt that she was entirely mute or dumb. “I… I don’t know…” She spoke softly and Adrian only smirked, as his lip that was so closed to Diana’s face, puckered up from one side slightly. “It’s fine… I can teach you. just try and follow my actions, okay?” He told her, as he had lost his mind entirely and leaning down he began kissing her softly at first and as he opened his mouth very slowly, Diana followed his actions. “See…” he pulled only slightly away and whispered huskily around her mouth, “It is not that hard.” With that he leaned back and down on to her again and began kissing her. this time he opened up his mouth a little wider and so did Diana and taking advantage of the moment he darted his tongue inside her mouth, making Diana shook up and plant her body even more tiglty against the bed. Adrian smirked against her mouth, as he felt her quiver with impact of his atcions. The way she was moving and squirming underneath him. He then planted his entire forearm down on the mattress on one side and putting his entire weight dowm on that arm of his he moved his other hand through Diana’s head, gently patting her forehead and feeling joyous on the inside as once again he felt just how delicate and soft everything about her was. He ran his hand down on to Diana’s face and moved it down towards her neck, touching her sharp collar bone that stuck out of her skin, He then moved his hand further down and directly placed his warm palm on top of Diana’s breasts. They were small but still soft and round and feeling Adrian’s hands planted right on top of her chest, Diana shook up entirely. No…. he isn’t supposed to touch me here. Her mind screamed, as her eyes shot open with surprise and she knew just where to draw the line with Adrian. She immediately pulled her hands away from Adrian’s face that she was touching and holding on to and immediately pushed him away. At first Adrian didn’t budge and that only made Diana feel more desperate as she screamed against his mouth and once Adrian decided to be ignorant towards her yelps as well having no other option she fisted her palms and began hitting them on to Adrian’s chest and his shoulders. Even though her fists were small but her hits were still impactful and made Adrian flinch back. He pulled away and looked at Diana in a state of sheer shock as she pushed herself back and away from Adrian. “Diana…” he whispered at her but she only collected herself and jerked her knees up till her chests and immediately moved back and away from Adrian. He leaned forward to reach out to her and touch her but she only held her back at him and prohibited him from coming anywhere near him, as she cried back at him and pleaded him. “Don’t come near me.” ------------------------------ Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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