46. To Create a Scene

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As Adrian swarmed through the pool of people at the party, hanging out and around with Diana on purpose so that soon Chloe would detect him and burn with jealousy, Zion watched the too from a distance and snickered to his own self, actually appreciating his cousin’s game. “Adrian is an asshole but he knows how to handle people especially girls. I have to give that to him.” He grinned watching his cousin drink his beer, all the while keeping a hold on Diana’s hand. “He used the very girl that Chloe hated the guts of and only tolerated her because of Adrian. Wow! What a turn of events. I didn’t know that this party would become this interesting.” Soon the crowd parted away when Chloe finally entered the party along with Carly. Chloe was accustomed of making late entries at the party and Zion did not want to miss the whole scene unfold for the life of it but his phone began buzzing inside his pocket and he took out only to find his mother calling him on his iPhone 5, which was the latest back then and Zion had gotten his hands on the device even before it was launched. His mother got the phone for him as a birthday gift and Zion flexed it in front of his group of friends. Zion groaned in agitation as he decided to finally answer his mother rather than ignoring her because he had become annoyed with having to decline her call again and again. He knew that once his mother was down to texting or calling him she never stopped until she didn’t receive a reply from him. Having no other option left, Zion excused himself to a secluded balcony that they had kept closer for safety purposes and answered his mother’s call, cursing the fact that he had to miss out the show that Chloe and Carly were about to fuss about with Adrian and Diana. But he had to miss because of his mother’s constant fussing and pestering. “Yes mom!” he answered the phone in an annoyed tone as he finally picked up his mother’s call. “Zion Christopher Sarmiento, for the love of God, why were you not answering my phone?” she asked, lashing out at the careless behavior that her son possessed. “You told me that you were going to have a cozy gather and the guards of the building just called me telling me that you are having a huge fiesta. Why are there so many high schoolers at our place?” Rosalia complained as she lashed out at her son and Zion only pulled the phone away from his ear, finding his mother’s tone to be fractious and unnecessarily tumultuous. “Mom, relax will you?” he remained indifferent as he answered his mother. “It is just a cozy gathering and I expected more kids but only a few showed up.” “You called two three hundred high schoolers, just a few?” Rosalia’s tone spewed with sarcasm and annoyance. “Yes Mom! Now will you stop calling me? Nothing would happen. Don’t we own this building? So, can’t you have a few guards shut up? They work for us, okay? And let me enjoy this party.” With that Zion cut his mom’s call and blocked her number for the time being so that he would not be disturbed and made his way out where he saw Adrian standing at a corner still holding Diana and Chloe dancing around the dance floor, acting all unnerved and unbothered while one could clearly tell how pissed Adrian was about Chloe’s decision of not giving much attention to him and Diana. That was where Zion decided to slip in. he moved like a worm throughout the entire dance floor and made his way towards Chloe. He pushed his sister aside and began dancing around with him. Adrian noticed the petty move that his cousin made and somehow it only irked him even more. He clenched his jaw tightly and tightened his hold over Diana’s hand. Diana felt uneasy at first, noticing the way Adrian squeezed her hand but his grip on tightened and got ferociously firm and it made her yelp in pain. “Ouch! Adrian…” she tried to wriggle herself free from Adrian and his touch but he didn’t stop there and in fact, he gripping her hand even more firmly which pressed and crushed Diana’s fingers and her bones. She whimpered in pain and felt tears forming in the corner of her eyes as she try to get herself from Adrian’s firm grip but the man remained unhinged. His eyes were focused sharp on Chloe and Zion, who danced in each other’s arms and he felt envious to see his girl, Chloe getting all cozied up. Perhaps even Chloe got the idea of why Adrian was using Diana and thence started using Zion, who was already available and wanted to be used. This irritated Adrian beyond any limit and then he realized that it was time that he enhanced his game and took things to another level. But it was about time that he showed Chloe that he meant business when it came to playing those petty games and Adrian was taught one and one thing the most – that Ross had told him to always remember when it came to business. When someone goes low – he was supposed to go lower. Turning around, he pulled Diana closer, making her crash right in to his body and without a second thought, he pulled her hair behind her face and tugged them behind her head, digging his fingers deep in to the back of her head. Diana squealed as she felt the sudden jolt that electrified her body and her mind was still in a state of shock trying to comprehend everything that was happening around her. Before she even knew, Adrian smacked their lips together and pulled Diana closer, kissing her with great fervor. ---------------------------------- Thnak you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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