48. They Don't Know Any Better

2190 Words
Diana quivered in anxiety as she held one hand out and prohibited Adrian to move closer to her and her other hand rested over her chest, only moments ago where Adrian had tried to touch her. “Just… stay away from me.” She whimpered as Adrian stood back in utter shock. He couldn’t place what made Diaan act so abrupt, while in his mind everything was working out smoothly. He sighed and took two steps back and away from her, holding out his hands up in the air. “Okay! Just relax, alright? I won’t do anything to hurt you.” He reassured her and Diana rested against the backrest of the bed, trying to catch her quivering breaths and tried her best to calm her erratically beating heart. She looked at her state, as she sat back crumpled up like a used up and thrown out piece of paper and then looked back at Adrian, who shook his head and looked away, showcasing that he was clearly disappointed and hurt by Diana’s actions. A sudden feeling of guilt and hurt took over her heart. What is wrong with me? Didn’t I want this? Didn’t I want to be closer to Adrian? Why couldn’t I then bring myself to be with him? he finally wanted me! So, why couldn’t I be just with him, without creating a scene! Maybe, Dad is right. I am a cursed person and my entire existence is futile. With that Diana perched her head low over on her forearm that she placed on her knees and began crying silently. She had gotten used to of keeping her yelps and sobs just to herself, since one time she cried a bit loudly in pain her room, when Ross dragged her out of it and assaulted her again, only because he could hear her cry. Ever since then, she had become silent and kept her voice low even when she would cry. And if it weren’t for her reverberatingly oscillating body, Adrian would never had been able to tell that she was crying. He gently tip toed towards her, making sure to not make any abrupt move that would otherwise startle her. So far, he could tell that she was very timid in the matter of intimacy and could not be as open and as Adrian wanted him to be. He found it to be almost fractious that she would flutter around him as if she wanted him badly but when he showed interest in her, she became timid and pushed him away. What the hell did she expect from me? Did she want me to just hold her hand? Once Adrian reached near her and stood by the edge of the bed, he cleared his throat and caught Diana’s attention. Diana held her tears back and wiped the ones that were smudged over on her face. She looked up at Adrian, in her mind her face looking composed but she couldn’t hide the reddened cheeks and rose, with the swell around her upper lips and the underneath her eyes. Her eyelashes were jammed together, showing that they were still wet and Adrian only wondered why she was trying so hard to hide her tears all the while it was clear as a day that the poor girl was seemingly traumatized by some sort of event. “What happened?” he asked and Diana shook her head, refusing to speak and held in her tears, at the same time not letting herself cry in front of Adrian. “Okay! Then, can I sit here?” he asked politely, pointing towards the edge of the bed, closer to Diana and Diana simple shrugged back at him. “It’s your bedroom. If anything, I should leave…” With that she straightened up to leave and placed her hands on each of her side to push her weight forward but Adrian immediately grabbed her hand and pulled her back. Diana only gently gasped and turned towards him, looking at him with confusion. She then looked down at his hand that was holding her wrist and Adrian also shifted his gaze low and noticed that his actions at some point could be deemed as frivolous and nonconsensual. He gulped hard, pulling his hand away but then immediately spoke up, thinking that it was better that he clarified himself first. “I mean… I don’t want you to leave.” He told her and Diana looked up at his face in confusion. “I mean… I don’t know what else to do by staying.” She rubbed her left arm with her right hand, feeling unwieldly in that intoxicatingly awkward situation. “Do you not like me?” Adrian asked, trying to gain some clarity and Diana only looked at him and nodded. “I mean, you could tell that I do, can’t you?” she asked, as she moved a strand of her hair behind her ear and looked down at her lap, feeling shy of having to confess her feelings in such an inadvertent fashion. “I mean I thought so too…” Adrian stated and Diana looked up at him and smiled but that little curl of her lips vanished soon when Adrian spoke again. “But I guess I was wrong and I took your kindness towards me as something completely else.” “What?” she asked, shocked by his words and Adrian spoke up again. “I mean, if you really like me then why would you ask me to stop?” Diana fell in to a state of total silence, having no answer to Adrian’s question that seemed completely logical to her. As Diana remained confused and silent, Adrian decided to continue further with his argue and bombarded Diana with further statements that would spew a spiral of guilt into her heart. “I guess I just confused things. You were always so nice towards me and always did my homework, so when I went in to a state of slump and wanted to be with you because when my heart got broken and I looked around, all I could think about was you. you were the only person who was always there for me and showed me that you really care about me.” “I do.’ Diana admitted and Adrian squinted his eyes sharply at her. “But I need you now. So, why are you pushing me away.” Diana gulped hard as she tried to explain her feelings but felt lost at words. Adrian gently lifted his hands and Diana only flinched, still scared that he was going to hurt her physically but Adrian only reached out towards her and only gently touched cheeks. Diana opened up her eyes slowly and looked up at Adrian, finding his blue eyes, that were always cold, turned soft and warm. She looked at his face and the stern and aloof expressions that he always had whenever he looked at her were nowhere to be found. He wasn’t his usual self. In fact, she thought that the Adrian that she knew of to be stern in his expressions each time, he would look at her, was gone and the person sitting next to her was someone completely different. His eyes were swarming and they held an excruciating pull that made her lean in to his touch. She felt safe! She didn’t know when was the last time she felt safe but she did in his arms. She swallowed the lump of anxiety that had formed in her throat and the anxious feeling that wrapped her guts tightly also opened up slowly making warm blood gush through her whole body. She finally felt at ease and all that knotted her tightly, suddenly seem to flush away. “I didn’t mean to push you away.” Diana spoke softly and Adrian tilted his head low and looked up at Diana through the hood of her eyes. “Really? You didn’t mean to?” he asked and she nodded back at him. “I am sorry. I was just taken by surprise. Your moves…. They just startled me. I wasn’t ready for any of that. I don’t know what goes on and what happens when two people get close…” She shifted her gaze low, feeling embarrassed to admit that she was oblivious and naïve when it came to understanding the dynamics of love and sensual feelings. All that she had ever felt from someone’s touch was disgust and that was when Zion would try and force himself on to her. She cleared her throat and looked back at Adrian, who was still looking at her through the hoods of his eyes, keeping his gaze soft and warm. He was being very peculiar and careful, as he was staring at her, making sure to not look at her with a stern manner, that might scare her. He didn’t want to terrify her once again and make her push him away. He realized that she was naïve and innocent and needed to be taught about some things. She just knew that someone touching her would mean the wrong thing. So, he assumed that it was up to him to teach all those things and it only meant for him that he could control what he feeds in to her mind. He leaned gently closer, still making sure to remain careful around Diana and not scare her with his brash moves just like he already had. “Hey! If you like me and I touch you then it is totally fine. if you don’t like me then you can tell me now.” Diana looked back at him and for a second she saw a glimpse of affection in his eyes. She nodded her head back. “I like you!” she spoke softly and Adrian’s lips stretched in the longest smile that he had ever had. His heart burst with happiness and he didn’t even remember the last time he was that excited or happy about something in his life. He didn’t remember what actual happiness looked for felt like but in that moment, if anybody would ask him if he was happy and without the bat of an eye, he would have gladly said yes. “So, it’s fine if I touch you.” He declared, perhaps in his mind he was naïve as well and had he known better he would have left Diana alone but his body and mind both wanted her. There was just something about her innocence and his need to take charge of the situation, that made the entire environment turn so intoxicating. Diana didn’t know any better either. She believed that intimacy was something alien to her and for the first time, her unaware mind coupled with the gullible likeability that she had for Adrian led her to feel this safe in the arms of the man, who was going to bring her nothing but only pain and suffering. Adrian leaned forward and planted a soft kiss on Diana’s lips and then moved back, noticing the way she had shut her eyes up just the moment their lips came in contact. Adrian’s mind was filled with excitement. His hormones were shooting everywhere in the room and being someone who was quite mature of his age, he knew that he would never get to live the moment that he was going to have with Diana. He was smart, clever and keen but one thing that he wasn’t… he wasn’t of age to know any better or be a gentleman enough to care about Diana. She trusted him blindly with mind and soul and he simply took advantage of that, all the while keeping his conscience clear. Or perhaps… he was too horny to even care about anything else. He slipped one hand behind Diana’s back and pulled her closer, making her jump up and planted her sleek and timid body right on to his lap. He moved his lips rapidly and wildly against hers, making Diana squirm, as she felt a gush of feelings surface in her body. What she felt was different, way too special – something unlike she had ever felt before. Her underwear felt went and she could feel excreting fluids from her body. For a moment she felt afraid and embarrassed with her mind wondering if she got her periods but yet then again… she knew that periods came methodically and on fixed dates. But there was something different that was happening to her. This time as Adrian slipped his hand over her chest, he only gently touched her, making sure not to grope her or fondle her just yet. He pulled his lips away from hers and whispered huskily closer to her ear. “Is this fine?” He asked, rubbing his nose over her ear and Diana gasped involuntarily, that escaped her lips as a moan. She only bobbed her head slightly, which was enough to give Adrian the confidence to make his next move. ------------------------------------ Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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