45. Using Her for His Own Good

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Adrian then turned towards Diana, who stood in a state of completely shock and as if that wasn’t just enough to rock her world, Adrian leaned down and planted a soft kiss on Diana’s cheeks, making her heart flutter open and burst in to flames as she felt a completely different form of sensation take over her mind and her body. Diana stood in a state of complete shock as the unthinkable had happened with her and at the same time Chloe, Carly and Zion gasped when they saw Adrian being that affectionate towards the girl that he had told all of them multiple times that he hated that girl and her guts. Well… Diana on the other hand, went down the spiral of the believe that her pestering and hanging on to Adrian and being there for him, despite of shunning her many times and showcasing his distaste towards her. Little did the poor girl know that Adrian was only using her as a pawn in his game that he was playing with Chloe. “Well… if you guys wouldn’t mind then, Diana and I have many places to go to. We are going to celebrate my win.” With that he grabbed Diana’s hand and dragged her out of the locker room and towards the parking lot, pushing past Chloe and the rest of his two cousins. While Zion was completely amazed with the way that Adrian had ended up playing his cards right, he couldn’t help but appreciate the fact that Adrian used the timing of the world to his own advantage. Diana on the other hand chose to remain tacit, too afraid to say another word. To her, it all felt like a dream and she was afraid to even blink or say anything at all, thinking that if she said a single thing then all of that would be over and she would not have what she was having. She felt afraid of losing that moment and the very second Adrian brough her closer to his car, he craned his neck back and noticed that Chloe and Carly were standing by the exit of the school, where they were also waiting for Zion to bring around his car and even though they were waiting for Zion to show up, their eyes and attention was completely turned towards Adrian and Diana. Without giving Diana even a second to collect her thought, Adrian leaned down and hugged Diana tightly, making her head hit his chest. He dissolved her timid body in to his arms and it almost felt to him that he was holding a weak twig that would break down any moment if he hugged her too tightly and pressed her a little too firmly against his chest. But Diana stood immobile, to afraid to even make a move. None of all of that, what was happening felt real to her. It all felt too much fake and much of dream to her. Adrian only flung her around in his arms, acting overtly affectionate, something that he had not even been like so with Chloe. “Oh! I am so glad that I found you.” With that he pecked her soft head once again and it him it once again felt like he was touching and kissing a baby’s head that was so soft and felt so fragile. Diana to him, seemed to be extremely fragile or maybe it was the first time that he was holding her in such a manner. Usually, he would just move her aside or toss her off, in order to make her get out of his way and thought that it was less of his force and more of Diana’s voluntary movements that made it easier for him but it was for the first time he was noticing that she was very soft and timid and somehow he felt excited in his heart to even think about that. But his major focus at that moment was Chloe and to make her feel jealous. He was quite petty when it came to competing and if someone would go low, just like Chloe had by hanging out with Zion and making her place his hands on her shoulders just to get Adrian’s attention and just to piss him off, Adrian was going to make Chloe envious in a much more worse manner. Chloe used Zion deliberately because she knew that Zion was Adrian’s weak point and someone that Adrian felt really annoyed with. She used him to get his attention, so he decided to use that one person who Chloe found to be the most irksome. And no one better than Diana. Diana – the poor girl who stood frozen and did not even dare to hug Adrian back, as she feared that if she made even the slightest move than all of that would be over and she never wanted the moment to end. He opened up the door of the car and helped Diana get inside and once she was settled, he closed the door behind her and went on to sit inside the passenger side of the door. He giggled once he was inside and strapped the belt around his body. He fixed the back view mirror of the car and laughed loudly, once she noticed how Chloe was fuming with anger and like an angry bird, she threatened to burst in to feathers and flames any given moment. He clapped his hands together loudly and the loud voice was able to snap Diana out of her daze. She shook her head and turned to find still sitting the car with Adrian at the driving seat. She had only imagined and dreamed of that day and never thought that she would ever get to live to see all of that happening to her but there she was actually living her dream. She then looked at Adrian and as he drove away from school, he looked in the rear view mirror and laughed his heart out. “This is so much fun.” He stated and Diana looked at him with confusion, wondering how come someone who found her to be fractious only a few days ago was being so kind and affectionate towards her all of a sudden. She looked at him with curiosity and suddenly as her adrenaline rush began to reside, something started to become uneasy inside of her and she only felt nervous as she spoke up. “Adrian…” she called out his name and he cleared his throat, realizing that in order to make Chloe jealous he may have taken things a bit too far and ended up getting all cozied up with Diana. He straightened up and made a serious face, as he looked back at Diana and sighed, slightly relieved that he may have ended up giving Diana some sort of hope and it was for the better that he made things clear. “Don’t get too worked up, I only did all of that because….” He began explaining things to her but just as he looked at her, he saw her eyes gleaming with happiness and somehow he couldn’t just break her heart. He took in a deep breath and looked away, making up his mind that he needed to be clear with Diana before things went a bit too far with her and she may end up getting her hopes high. One thing he always did was made sure to keep her hopes low. That was the reason why he acted rude towards her, despite of knowing how much she liked him and as crazy about him but when he wanted to use her for his own good, he always did but kept her within a limited boundary and he realized that in the awe of making Chloe jealous, he may have ended up breaking the boundary that he himself had formed with Diana. He cleared his throat and finally began speaking up to her, trying once again to have the courage to break her heart. “I mean… Chloe and I broke up and I didn’t know what to do and you just showed up and she felt jealous so…” “Oh…” Diana scrunched her nose in confusion wondering what Adrian was up to and seeing her being so muddled Adrian decided to make things easier for her. “Just play along, okay and don’t get too worked up or take things too seriously at this point. Just don’t bother your tiny brain with all these worries. I am on to something and besides, like weren’t you always there for me?” He asked and Diana felt even more jumbled up with his words but she only nodded her head, understanding just the final question that he asked of her. “Yeah… I guess…” “So? you don’t have to worry about anything at all. It is all my mess and I will deal with. You just relax and enjoy the ride.” He offered with a smile and Diana nodded back at him, wondering where he was taking her. Adrian on the other hand, felt that his conscience was clean. Diana never minded being there for him and so he believed that it was okay for him and his right to use her just however way he wanted to. They roamed around the streets of the city for about an hour and the car ride was cumbersomely silent but Diana bore with it because she was riding around the town with Adrian. Although, she wished and wanted the two to be talking about a lot of things at that moment. She wanted him to tell her how he felt being so burdened by the responsibility of having to compete hard with his cousin and explain to her how he felt anxious for being bullied and she herself wanted to talk to him and confide within him about how she was being abused by her uncle, since she had no one but him that she felt that she could trust. But still there was nothing but taciturnity that took charge of the situation. Once Adrian noticed the time and knew that it was the perfect time to make his grand entrance, he turned the car towards his street and finally parked in front of his building, which was swarming with young kids going in as the party had already started. “Come on let’s go.” For the first time he finally spoke up with Diana and it was only doleful for her that he asked her to get out of the car instead of saying another word to her. As the two hopped out of the car, Adrian came to stand next to Diana and grabbed her hand without a single word. He then took her inside the building and in to the elevator from where the two went straight towards his family’s top penthouse mansion. Once they were inside, Adrian firmly held on to Diana’s hands and roamed around the party, in search for just one and singular person. As the two walked in to the party and Adrian deliberately held on to Diana’s hand just to show it off to everyone else, believing that word of mouth would be enough for word to reach out the person that he was trying to target and agitate. People whispered in awe and murmured in sheer surprise as they watched Adrian holding out hand of the girl that his cousins claimed to be the maid of the family and was only allowed to attend the school because she catered the family’s needs. But seeing Adrian strut around, holding her hand with such confidence only made everyone question what was the girl’s exact position in the family. And not just family, what was her deal with Adrian. Carly had already spread out the word that Adrian and Chloe were broken up so nobody should ask Chloe about Adrian and congratulate her on his win. But seeing Adrian show up with the timid and meek girl from school that nobody befriended and everyone only bullied, made people question the change and shift in dynamics. Diana felt really awkward, being gawked on by many people with many girls wanting to rip Diana’s arm away from her body and replace her hand with theirs so that Adrain would hold on to her and many other girls only questioned Adrian and his choices. “Gosh! If he was going to choose her then why not us?” stated one of the girls in the crowd. “Really? Had I known that the weirdo had a chance with him, I would’ve given it a shot and tried to ask him out.” Stated another one. “God! That girl used to flutter around him like a pesky little insect and see the moment Adrian and Chloe broke up, she slid in. she really is a whore.” Laughed another girl in the crowd and Diana felt really embarrassed and scathed by the kind of the remarks that people passed on to her. “Seriously her? now I am judging and questioning Adrian’s choices?” this time it was another one of the guys. “Hey isn’t that Flatty? What is he doing with that Flatty?” mocked another boy. Diana realized that not only girls were the ones who were gossiping but in fact even boys were also passing remarks on Diana. Somehow they always did so and called her words but when it came to passing comments on her being with Adrian, she assumed that it would just be girl who would be murmuring about her but she realized that gossiping wasn’t gender specific at all. Adrian continued hanging around holding Diana’s hand, wishing to spot that one person for whom he was making all those efforts but feeling embarrassed by the commentrs that everyone was passing on her, Diana grabbed Adrian’s hand that held her other one and began pulling him back. He halted as he felt a tug on his hand and turned around to find Diana gesturing at him to move to the side with him. He nodded and the two moved to a secluded balcony that they had not opened for the guests just yet. “What happened?” he asked, afraid that Diana might want to stop playing around and she might want to pull back, “By any chance you don’t want to go home now, right?” he asked, immediately wanted to know if he would be left alone at the party or else it would be sheerly embarrassing for his soul. Diana shook her head at Adrian, “It’s not me. I don’t mind going back home late as well. It is just that, everyone is talking and saying out things about you for holding my hand, so I think that we should stop it.” She informed Adrian and he knitted his eyebrows in confusion. “What? Why do you care what they are saying? They are stupid people, let them talk. Listen, we are out on a mission and we are enjoying, right?” Diana shrugged, as she contemplated on the entire situation. Things weren’t exactly ideal for her and the way she wanted them to be but she didn’t also mind hanging around with Adrian. Because even though they didn’t talk much, she still felt at peace being with him and all of her worried somehow vanish whenever she was with him. She nodded back and Adrian smiled back at him. “Great! So let’s just go out and have our fun and do what we came here for.” Adrian was about to walk out when Diana held back his hand. “Wait! You didn’t tell me what did we come here for!” she pointed out and Adrian couldn’t help but chuckle a little. “You are so naïve.” He gently patted on her head. “To make Chloe jealous, duh!” He elucidated and Diana still felt completely lost. “I don’t get it. didn’t you and Chloe broke up?” She asked and Adrian nodded. “Yeah! But I want to make her feel jealous.” He remained honest and somehow felt that it was appropriate only if he masked and hid half of the truth from Diana. He wasn’t just making her feel jealous but also trying to make her regret losing him and come running back to her. Diana gulped hard, as she felt uneasy being part of a plot that she was never connected to. Her only concern was Adrian and to be someone who would get connected with Chloe on the same level, didn’t sit right with her and a feeling on uneasiness began devouring her. “Why? What happened? Don’t you want to help me? But you always help me. Come on! I thought I can count you. I always do. Do you really think that I can not get any other girl out here to make Chloe jealous? But I just know that I can not trust anyone but you. so come on now. Just help me out here.” He pleaded and Diana couldn’t help herself anymore. She was helpless and hopeless when it came to Adrian. She just could never say no, no matter how wrong it felt helping him and doing his work. And Adrian on the other side felt completely guilt free by making his conscience clear on his end that he had ended up telling Diana the entire truth but actually he had hidden the part where he planned on making Chloe jealous and then making him come back to him. Had he told Diana that his break up with Chloe was temporary and the two would be together soon again, Diana wouldn’t have ended up doing what she did that night. She nodded and Adrian immediately grabbed Diana’s hand and was about to pull her out again but Diana held him back, making Adrian grunt in annoyance this time. “Now what?” he asked with quite a fractious tone and Diana could tell that the meter that Adrian turned on every time just to talk to Diana had started to finish off and she needed to get her thoughts and words straight if she wanted to be the one that Adrian used to make Chloe jealous. But at the same time she didn’t want Adrian’s reputation to be tarnished because of her. “It’s just that everyone out there would judge you hanging out with me.” She reminded Adrian and he simply shrugged. “So?” he asked nonchalantly and Diana shook her head back at him. “Aren’t you worried that it would tarnish your reputation?” Adrian couldn’t help but snicker at Diana’s words. “Hey! Do you think I care about what other people say? It doesn’t matter to me? I don’t date Chloe because she enhances my reputation? I am with her because she makes me feel good and she is also from a nice family. I don’t care what people say. So, I will only do what I please to do. And that’s why I believe that you should also not care about other people and do whatever you want to do.” With that, Adrian walked towards the door of the balcony and extended his hand out for Diana to take. She looked at his hand for a second but then she immediately rushed towards him and gladly placed her hand in his without caring about the consequences and being fearless, not considering what was about to happen next. --------------------------------- This Book is full of so much context for me, I hope you guys are enjoying it. Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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