44.A Change in Dynamics

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Diana cheered on to the football team that she was supporting, which was obviously the Falcon High Tigers, for which her crush and source of infatuation, Adrian played for. She adored him to the fullest and supported him whenever he would be playing. It was a very important and a huge game, as right after the game was going to be the home coming function at the school but no one was going to go to that function since everyone was invited to the homecoming party that Zion had already invited the entire school to and he was going to be throwing that party at his house. He had made his mother give him the permission to throw a party since it was the senior year and only the coolest of the seniors threw the party, as part of the annual graduating batch tradition of the Falcon High School. Zion also played as a tight end for the school and as the team held a tight competition with their competitor, once could tell that Adrian struggled to secure a goal while Zion had already been pushing forward and score a goal for the team. The cheerleading squads on both ends with the Falcon high’s being led by Chloe cheered on one side while the other one led by the team from the different school competed tough against the Falcon High’s cheering squad. Diana sat on the end most bleacher, avoiding the marching band and their members, who always forced her to be a part of their troop, since she was quite good at playing the drums. But ever since her father had began beating her, she had lost strength in her left hand, which made it difficult for her to hold the drum sticks and hit them with jet pressure on the surface of the drums. So, instead of having to explain everyone why she couldn’t play the drums anymore she decided to ignore everyone and simply cornered herself far and away from everyone else. Her eyes only glued and stuck to the one person, who was the most important one to her. She noticed that Adrian looked tensed and it was his second last game for school and after that the other one which would be his last, he was going to play on another school’s football ground. Thence, it was an important game for him because he was going to play it for one final time on his school’s ground. Therefore, it was important that he scored a goal and made him team proud and his game memorable. Diana kept on hooting and cheering each time the ball would come in Adrian’s hand but knowing that he was his team’s best player, he would be hurdled down by his oponents, so he would have to pass the ball to someone else. But he was still doing great and was highly appreciated by his couch for his team play and team work and sheer efforts that were going to help the team to secure that win. Zion on the other hand, remained selfish as he tried to secure a goal for his own good and if he could not, he simply would throw the ball down, five yards before the play would end. Diana noticed the kind of the disgusted immoral man Zion was and she also noticed that none of the members from the other team hurdled him but only hurdled Adrian deliberately. As Zion scored another touchdown, Chloe screamed her name out and loud and clapped her hands, as the entire squad cheered his name out and Adrian turned around and sound a deathly stare at his girlfriend, watching his cheer on to his nemesis, his competitor, which was something that Diana caught on to. She observed the way Adrian didn’t enjoy Chloe’s cheer for Zion and she wondered what had gotten in to Adrian. She knew him as a very calm guy who was never jealous of anyone, be it if it was his own girlfriend, cheering for other guys. but somehow, Adrian didn’t seem to be in a great mood. As the team went on to play again, a member of the opposing team, hurdled Adrian once again and somehow this time Adrian, who was too close to scoring but couldn’t because of his opponent, ended up throwing the ball at his face, making the player stumble back and down. The referee declared Adrian’s acts as a clear offense and made him sit on the bench for the next half as a punishment and the coach also continued scolding Adrian for his irresponsible behavior. Adrian simply threw his helmet down on the benches and went inside the locker room, and noticing her cousin in a sour mood, Carly took the charge of the squad and asked Chloe to go and check in with him, since Adrian was one of the best players on the team and without him, the team would lose, which would mean that the cheer leading squad would also lose. Chloe rushed behind Adrian and at the same time, worried about Adrian and oblivious to the fact that his girlfriend had also gone after him, Diana also went to check up on Adrian and ask him if he was alright, since he was acting quite lost and obviously quite out of his usual manner. As Diana reached for the lockers, she stopped right outside where she heard Adrian’s loud voice booming and complaining to someone. “You know that I don’t care what you do or who you hang out with but why the f**k were you hanging out with Zion last night?” Diana wondered, who it could be that Adrian could be so upset about them hanging out with his cousin. He usually was very much involved in his own world and only cared about his education and training and never actually took interest in whoever someone would hang out with. So, it came to Diana as a surprise that Adrian was pissed off about someone hanging out with his nemesis Zion. “Ugh! Adrian! Why are you acting like a child because of this one small thing and where did you even get to know about me hanging out with Zion? Are you stalking me? Is it going to come down to this now? Are you going to act like a creep?” Diana went in to a state of total shock as she heard Chloe’s voice and realized that she was the one with whom Adrian was mad. Diana gulped hard and somehow felt bad about herself that she was inadvertently sneaking up on a lover’s quarrel and listening to a conversation that was supposed to be private. Thence, having no intentions of intruding someone’s privacy she simply turned around and left behind the couple, who continued laughing. “I saw your pictures with him, enjoying and laughing at Coney Island on f******k that Carly posted.” Adrian admitted and revealed to Chloe about how he ended up finding out about Chloe’s little betrayal. “Ugh! Fine! I did hang out with him but we weren’t alone. We were with many other friends.” “Why him? you know I don’t like him and he always competes with me about everything. He was deliberately holding your arm in many pictures and he kept his hand over your shoulder on purpose. He knew that Carly would upload those pictures and that I would get to see them. He does everything just to piss me off. How come you would act so thick and naïve?” He yelled back at Chloe, who couldn’t help but scoff at the manner in which Adrian was acting. “Oh my God! So, this is what all of this is about. Drop this act and stop acting like a child. You need to get back in the game and act right. And stop making everything about yourself. The whole world does not revolve around you. you are always so busy and I just wanted to go out. Who else am I supposed to go out with? You are always either studying or working.” “Yes! But it is only until I graduate and then we go to college…” Adrian tried to explain his situation to Chloe, who by that point was exhausted, having to listen to the same boring and repetitive explanation, over and over again. “Oh my God! Not again with these lame excuses of yours. I am so tired of listening to you tell me that I need to wait and then things would turn around but don’t you see it? you are willing to compromise all of this because you may be getting something at the end but what would I get? Nothing but a wasteful regret that I just sat back and waited for you and did nothing while my days of enjoying and having fun passed by.” “I take you out and we also hang around. Yes, I can’t do that all the time…” “NO! we only go out and hang around when it is convenient for you and when I need you, you are never there.” With that she turned to leave but Adrian only grabbed her hand and held her back. “I thought, you understood me.” “I did and I don’t want to anymore.” Chloe complained as she sobbed lowly and Adrian only let go off her hand, making her look up at him in surprise. “Fine then, you don’t have to understand me anymore. We are done.” With that, Adrian walked out of the dressing room, leaving Chloe behind in a state of total shock. She began crying as Adrian left her behind and on his way he bumped in to his cousin Carly. “Hey where is Chloe…” Carly asked him but he completely ignored her and she only grunted at his obnoxious arrogant behavior. Carly went inside the locker room and found Chloe perched on a bench and crying to her own self. Carly somehow convince Chloe that it was important for her to pull herself together, since the team needed her and at the same time as the half came to an end and the final half of the game started, the two teams were tied together and Adrian picked up on the game and then finally was able to score the wining touch down for his team. The whole team gathered around him and everyone from the bleachers also rushed down and picked Adrian up and celebrated his win. But Adrian’s eyes were stuck at Chloe and he watched as Zion rushed to her and the two giggled and hugged each other. It really agitated Adrian that even in that state, Chloe was laughing with Zion and to her, Zion was the one who made her laugh. As the crowd scattered and everyone went on to prepare for the after party that was at Zion and Adrian’s place, the team’s gears and other necessary equipment was left out in the ground. Some students volunteered to pick it up and as Diana was also getting ready to leave, she was spotted by the coach and he asked her to place the gear back in the locker room. Diana didn’t want to, especially knowing that the locker room at that time would be filled by smelly boys, who would do nothing but jeer out and loud at her but she didn’t have any other option. She was very bad at sports and the only reason why coach always passed her through the PT was for the extra credit and help that she did around with other teams and sports. She agreed and helped the school staff along with some other students, clean up the ground and picked up some equipment and took it inside towards the locker room. Finishing up with his shower, Adrian walked out and found Zion standing in the middle of the locker room on top of bench, flexing his arms and his entire existence, which only made Adrian somehow even more pissed. He knew that Zion did everything around him deliberately only to piss him off. “Dude! I know, I know I scored two touch downs but we should not forget that it is Adrian who despite of his little f**k up, my cousin was able to help us win the game.” Zion hooted out for Adrian, on purpose, just to throw some limelight on him and he knew how badly Adrian hated attention. Adrian remained silent and only continued to dress himself up. “You know Adrian, I am really jealous of you and I really envy you. you have everything. Good grades, good game and even a great girlfriend, right?” Zion looked deep in to Adrian’s eyes and gazed him down in a much more grave manner, as he placed his hand on his cousin’s shoulder. Zion’s gaze was daunting and he was trying his best to push Adrian’s buttons because he had seen and noticed him previously that he was not in a great mood. Adrian only pushed Zion’s arm off his shoulder and went on to put his shirt. “Come on now! Be in a good mood at least today. Even Chloe must be so happy because you won and so did she.” Zion clapped in excitement and everyone hooted and cheered, all prepped and charged for the party that Zion was throwing. “I don’t want anybody in a bad tonight, okay? Because I am throwing the homecoming party as a senior and You guys should ready for the ultimate party that nobody had ever seen that Adrian and I are throwing.” Zion cheered and placed his arm again on Adrian’s shoulder, who this time with much more force threw Zion’s arm down and pushed him back, making the whole locker room go silent. Zion held a grim look on his face as he looked at Adrian, not enjoying the insult that Adrian was openly throwing at his cousin but Adrian also knew the mind tactics and games that Zion was trying to play with him and there was no way he was going to let Zion get away with them. “First off, I am not throwing the party you are. So those of you, who would come, come for him and don’t expect me there and secondly, Chloe and I are broken up.” With that, Adrian loudly slammed his locker door shut and walked out of the locker room, carrying his jacket in his hands and his bag over on his shoulder. Zion smirked, not minding Adrian’s behavior at all. In fact, what he really enjoyed was listening to the satisfactory remarks that Adrian stated in the end. Adrian broke up with Chloe, which meant that it was time for Zion to slip in and make his move on Chloe. He didn’t mind even if he was a rebound, he just wanted to get his hands on the girl and shove it in Adrian’s face that whatever he thought was his, Zion was going to take it away from him. As Adrian walked out of the locker room, being the first one to exit the place, wanting to be left alone for the rest of the night, Diana placed down the large gear on the floor at the entrance of the locker room. She had just straightened up when she bumped right in to Adrian, who immediately grabbed her hand held her firmly before she lost balance or could have fallen down. Diana felt scared that it was Adrian who was holding her from falling down because she believed that it was going to be yet another tumultuous scold session of him, being annoyed with her. At the same time, the door to the locker room flung open and Chloe walked in along with Carly. She came in to talk to Adrian, being in a better mood and expecting Adrian to be feeling better as well but just as she walked in, she found Adrian holding Diana in his arms and at the same time, Zion walked out following behind Adrian, from the other side but even he felt viciously victorious that Chloe found Adrian to be holding on to the girl, who was infamous for being obsessed with Adrian. Adrian immediately straightened Diana up and the girl wanted to do nothing but leave. She felt embarrassed and was about to slip out when Adrian held her elbow and forced her to stay back. Diana’s eyes bulged out as Adrian held her. he had never wanted her to stay at any place but that moment when he held her, there was more fear in her veins, than butterflies, unlike she expected. She gulped hard and try to calm her anxious heart down but it didn’t seem to work. She looked up at Adrian and found him gawking ahead of him, right at Chloe and his cousin, Carly. Zion also walked ahead and came to stand between the two parties of two persons. “Whoa! It’s nice to see that you didn’t waste your time to make you move.” Zion taunted Diana, making her look at him with confusion. She fixated her glasses and looked at Zion. “What… what do you mean?” she asked and Zion only scoffed. “I mean the way you flutter around Adrian, even a blink person could tell that you are madly in love with Adrian and even though he had a girlfriend and despises you, I thought you would have some ethics and at least wait a little before making any move on Adrian after he broke up with Chloe but I guess you don’t have any shame in you at all.” Diana couldn’t help but feel not just unjustly accused but surprised to learn that Adrian and Chloe had broken up. Carly also gasped as she learned the news. “What? You guys… broke up?” she looked at Chloe and inquired, wondering if that was the reason why Chloe was crying when she found her in the locker room earlier, in the middle of the game. Chloe felt embarrassed that not only did Adrian dump her, he had already made it public and was already on to the next girl, who worshipped him like anything. Somehow to Chloe, it felt like it was her loss because Adrian found someone who would tolerate him and his absence unlike something that was unacceptable to Chloe. She gulped hard as she threw daggers with her gaze at Adrian. “And Adrian, I mean come on, even if you guys did break up why would you move on so quickly and that also with this cheap piece? I mean look at her? what do you even look in her?” Carly stated bitterly as she analyzed Diana’s condition, making her feel anxious about herself. Adrian looked deeply in to Chloe’s eyes and smirked noticing that Chloe was always insecure about Diana. She held nothing but bitterness and regret in her face and Adrian decided to rub it further in to Chloe’s face. He gently slipped his hand down from Diana’s elbows and grabbed her timid little hand, that felt almost like a small and lost soul as he intertwined his fingers with hers, making Diana’s heart beat rapidly inside her chest. Suddenly all the fear that she felt due to Adrian’s previous grip vanished right away and all that she felt in that moment was pure bliss and tiny little butterflies erupting away from her stomach. She gulped and looked between Adrian and her hand that he held on to tightly. She tried to free herself off his grip but Adrian remained adamant and held on to her hand. She felt shy but Adrian was only feeling joy as he saw nothing but pure jealousy and anger in Chloe’s eyes. He realized that holding on to Diana made Chloe feel agitated and thence, he did so purposely, only to make her realize what he felt and what he had gone through when he saw Chloe with Zion in those pictures. But it wasn’t just Chloe who was bewildered by Adrian’s move but even Zion and Carly were left flabbergasted with the way Adrian was acting so affectionately towards the girl that he had openly denounced. “You ask me what I see in her?” Adrian turned towards Carly and she look at him with nothing but pure shock. “I see that she is a very nice girl. She had always been there for me and waited on me. She doesn’t cry about not getting enough attention or even cries about my absence from her life. She supports me and my dreams, don’t you?” He then turned towards Diana, who stood in a state of completely shock and as if that wasn’t just enough to rock her world, Adrian leaned down and planted a soft kiss on Diana’s cheeks, making her heart flutter open and burst in to flames as she felt a completely different form of sensation take over her mind and her body. ----------------------------------- Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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