39. Time To Open Up

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Diana stood inside the kitchen, preparing her morning coffee. Even though she had woken up earlier. She had decided to remain inside her room till late, making sure that her cousin left for school and her aunt also left for work. Even though she had removed her makeup when she got out of bed around four in the morning, after she cried herself to sleep and wore herself out but there were still heavy bags under her eyes and her eyes were significantly reddened from down low and up above. She was definitely tired from all that crying and her eyes, head and even her feet hurt due to the stupid sprinting that she had done in the high heels. She couldn’t sleep well and kept on having her eyes flutter open after every thirty minutes or so. the night was excruciating for her and when one bad thing happened to Diana, her entire night would become restless because flashes of all that was bad and had happened to her in the past started to rush to her mind and tormented her brain brutally, to the point where she would become insomniac for days. She had issues and problems and she believed that her issues needed to be worked on and she did need therapy but of course that was expensive. She didn’t register her own self to get a medical insurance because she was always afraid of someone from her past finding her but she burned herself when it came to luck she believed. She wasn’t abused brutally for the past ten years so perhaps, she got out of luck and it stopped working for her. Adrian still found her. One and only thing in her life was the fact that she enjoyed doing the theater, where she believed that she was someone else but even there Adrian reached for her found her. and she only feared that she may not be able to go back to theater any time soon, due to the fear of being seen that Adrian had chipped in to her mind. She groaned patting the back of her head slightly, as she grabbed her coffee and sat down on the small kitchen table. “Stop thinking about that asshole. All he does is come close to you, hurt you and just vanish and I really hope that he vanishes for good this time. I hope he just takes a hint that I don’t want him anymore and never shows me his face.” she grumbled under her breath. “Really? You hate him that much?” Emily laughed, making Diana gasp in shock and horror, as she turned around and found her aunt standing by the door of the kitchen, still in her silk robe and night gown. Emily entered inside the kitchen, keeping a cheery attitude and placed her cup in to the coffee machine and let her coffee brew. She came to sit in front of Diana and smiled as she looked at her niece. “How are you feeling? Have you had breakfast? I doubt you ate anything last night.” Diana shook her head at Emily, “I just had the appetizer and then…” She fell in a state of complete silence, remembering the events of the night before that led to the horrific incident with Diana coming home in shambles. “So, what happened last night?” Emily asked, cutting straight through the chase and getting straight to the point. “Do I really have to tell you?” Diana asked, embarrassed to repeat the whole incident and Emily nodded firmly. “Listen I need to know everything. The thing with…” Emily swallowed her pride as she spoke up. “The thing with Ralph was different in many ways. He was an asshole that hurt my pride when I saw him chose you over me, It hurt me that he chose a younger woman, while I was confident that I was able to get a young and rich guy and thought that I was some sort of angelic enchantress. All the while I neglected you and treated you rudely…” “If I wasn’t in your life, perhaps maybe Ralph wouldn’t have done with he did.” Diana admitted with embarrassment and looked down at the coffee mug that she held in her hands and Emily hated how brutally self assessing her niece was. She hated that Diana was ready to take the entire blame on her without a second thought and without considering the fact that Ralph was a malicious bastard. “No! not at all. What Ralph did had nothing to do with you. he would’ve hurt me anyways. If not you, he would’ve found another woman and when I treated you rudely, I only did it because it somehow feigned my ego that even if a guy would leave me for someone younger, those younger ones would still work underneath me and there was nothing you or anybody else would do about it. but I have to face the reality that Ralph was an asshole and that my ego will not be bigger than the fact that you have been a great help to me in life and I need to put you first.” Diana couldn’t help but feel tears formed in the corner of her eyes. “You need to go easy on yourself and let go off things and that’s why I need to know what happened between you and Adrian.” Diana immediately straightened up as she realized that he aunt meant strict business, since she had come to terms with leaving behind the Ralph incident so Diana should also reveal the fall out that she had with Adrian. She took in a deep breath and began narrating to her aunt the incident about the night before. “Well, everything was going well and as I told you and everyone also asked me to do. I was waiting for him to soften up and tell me what he really wanted from me. But I felt that something was off. Everything around me was very much according to my liking. There was a small set up of a bench that looked like the gardens of Babylon and a fountain reflecting the Italian structures but I still enjoyed the place, until a band started playing and Adrian twirled me around the music and then… he kissed me.” She stated, making Emily look at Diana with quite shock. “And that offended you?” she asked and Diana nodded. Emily gently slapped her hand on the table one too many times. “How many times will I have to tell you Diana, you can’t keep on doing this. Why do you still have all these issues with you? it is normal for a guy to be attracted towards you and wanting to kiss you.” “I wouldn’t have minded if it had been someone else.” Diana stated bluntly and honestly making Emily raise her eyebrows in surprise. “What? But you didn’t let Kevin touch you…” “Of course I let that bastard kiss me. We made out all the time but he was never satisfied with anything and always wanted more and I hated that. the only fault of mine was that he had once seen me shirtless and ever since then he had been pestering me to have s*x and that was the most annoying thing a guy could do with me. I hate it when a guy acts lusty and sultry. It is disgusting.” Emily fell silent, understanding that Diana had issues when it came to being sexually involved with a guy. “Forget about that asshole. Tell me about Adrian. He kissed you and then what happened? What did you do then? What could have he done for you to hate him in such a manner and cry so much?” Diana shrugged, “I didn’t let him do after that. I began arguing with him and then he delivered this long monologue about how he had found me two years ago and ever since then he kept on thinking about me and missed all the time and I don’t know, I blacked out in the middle of his speech.” Diana complained, as she sipped on her coffee try to regurgitate her memory and Emily only held amusement mixed with shock as she heard Diana’s words. “he found you two years ago?” Diana nodded at Emily’s question. “He apparently had tried to search for me when I left but couldn’t find me. And then he saw me performing at Bernard’s theater one day, I don’t know what he was doing there to begin with because you know the kind of the audience that comes in there.” “So, why didn’t he approach you back then?” Diana remained indifferent by that question and kept her tone plane and monotonous. “Apparently he only had me searched and see where I was living and if I was happy or not and he said that he found out that, I was safe and healthy and that was enough for him. so, he didn’t search for me after that. but he kept on thinking about me and now that he is becoming the CEO and achieved the first goal of his life, he somehow wants me in his life. I don’t know, my heart just can’t seem to buy that shit.” “And why is that so? why can’t you believe that he would be genuine towards you and might actually love you?” Emily inquired, now finally connecting the dots that Diana’s hesitation was linked towards the past incident that happened between her and Adrian. Diana shook her head at her aunt, refusing to speak up and Emily only splattered her hand at the table once again. “Speak up! It is about time you are done keeping things to your own self.” “I don’t want to talk about it, okay? I am sorry I know you want me to find a good guy, someone a nice and reasonable guy preferably and move out of your house and I know that would not come if I do keep on acting this way and…” “if you keep on holding things inside you, they will only hurt you and that is the only thing that matters to me. So, speak up and tell me what is that happened between you and Adrian. I know that your bastard father used to train him all the time and Adrian used to be around you most of the time. So, what is the big deal that happened that made you turn this way that even a kiss from him makes you run away.” Diana fidgeted with her fingers, closing her eyes, as she tried to dig deep and see through things and wondered if she would be able to open up and reveal the truth to her aunt. Her hands shook as she tried to muster up the courage to speak and tears brimmed in to her eyes, as she dug deep and tried to bring up the valor inside her to finally speak about her past. She took in a deep breath and lifted her head up, looking at the ceiling for one last time and contemplated her options. “I hate him.” she mumbled, “If he had not shown up in my life again, none of this would be happening.” She stated and then finally turned to look at her aunt, who crossed her arms across her chest and lifted an eyebrow above, raising it higher than the other in a questioning look. She pressed her lips tightly and Diana shook her head, throwing her hands up in defeat that it was time that she lost control of herself and finally let go and one after the other, she revealed all that, she held back all those years. ----------------------------- What are your thoughts on character of Emily and thoughts on the character of Jared? Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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