40. And The Flashback Begins....

2693 Words
The coffee machine beeped three times, signifying the cup that was placed on the espresso machine was brewed and ready to be consumed but the consumer to be, Emily sat on the chair of the table, looking ahead at Diana, showcasing her that she was ready and it was about time for her to reveal the truth about her past in all of its entirety and not hide anymore, what had happened between her and Adrian. Diana sat across the table from her aunt, as she closed her eyes and let a lone tear escape down her cheek, finally ready to speak her truth and at the same time Adrian also stood in front of his large window of the penthouse, with Jared sitting on the couch behind him, whereby Jared also mentally prepared himself after the whole night, when Adrian confessed his darkest truth to him. “You might think that I had people kidnapped and tortured just to get what I wanted and that would be something that would leave a mark on conscience.” Adrian mocked and Jared only listened to what his friend and boss had to say. “But I never felt even the slightest ounce of guilt because of those people that I have tortured or had tortured were criminals or villains in somebody else’s life but not Diana. She wasn’t bad to anyone but the rest of the whole world was someone, that was malicious towards her.” he admitted and finally he began narrating to Jared what he went through just at the same time in that somber environment of the kitchen Emily also sat back with a grave looking covering her face as she heard what her niece had to tell her. Ten years ago… The loud smash of her steal locker, startled poor Diana. She immediately retracted back and pulled herself away from the lockers. The cold air that blew out of the smash, hit her face and still made her heart quiver with anxiety, as the attack was quite sudden and swift. She immediately fixated her thick square glasses, that covered almost half of her face and looked up through her chestnut blonde fringes that fell almost in to her eyes. The rest of her mid length hair, remained in a pony tail, tucked inside her lose hoodie, that fell over her thighs as well, keeping her petite and skinny figure hidden and undiscovered. She looked up and found, Carly, the tall blonde, in a mini skirt, resting against her locker that she had deliberately smashed, to attain Diana’s attention and to scare her just for the sake of her own entertainment. The corridors of the school remained crowded, with many of the students, including Carly, wearing the official blazer jackets, part of the school uniform over their upper bodies. Poor Diana had just taken the blazer off when Carly had showed up. Diana always wore an extra layer, only to keep her skinny figure hidden that she knew was a matter of joke and mock for many bullies around the school. “Carly, you scared me.” Diana held her hand over her heart as she scoffed and looked at the blond, who only snickered back. “Yeah and what about it? I like seeing your scary little face. it gives me pleasure.” Her smirk and obvious derogatory tone towards Diana remained unhinged. Grabbing a bunch of files from her other friends, she threw it towards Diana, who by that point had developed her reflexes quick enough to dodge or catch anything thrown her away. And she grabbed Carly’s files just in time before they hit her face as well. “Finish up the homework and come by the house in the evening. Or just, don’t bother to come.” Carly informed, “And by the way, it contains, Zion’s homework as well. So, you know he likes to get the highest marks in the class. Make sure, you don’t piss him off this time. Do some good work. The last time he got the second highest score and remember that he made you do his assignments three times just so you would use that skinny brain of yours…” She deliberately pushed her finger in to Diana’s temple, in a much viscous and derogatory manner and with that Carly strutted away as the rest of her minions, who were just as blond and brand studded as her, joined her and the group of friends left to hang out with each other. Diana watched as Carly left with her friends and she only pressed her lips feelings sorrowful for herself that she didn’t have any friends around the school. Or more like no one would make her their friend. To everyone around, she was the gawking spirit. Who was bony, petite and skinny and also the designated maid for the Sarmientos, who was assigned to complete their homework, carry Carly and Zion’s bags for them and except for that, she had no other role. Even though, she knew that she went to that private, high profile private school, situated in the heart of Manhattan as part of her father’s job that allowed her to study at a nice school but it was spread like a rumor around the school that Diana only got to attend that school because of Carly and Zion’s parents, who wanted a full time maid for their children and to cater them around the school as well. But Carly and Zion always pushed Diana around and made her feel that if she disobeyed them, she would be thrown out of the school. She knew that it was not possible but she was too scared to even say a word. But there was a hope or a reason for which she tolerated Zion and Carly’s a***e and stayed in that school. Diana felt slightly exhausted as she went through the files that Carly gave her. Some of the topics that she had to cover were quite senior to her knowledge, since she was only a freshman and both Zion and Carly were in senior and junior years respectively. And besides, she knew that if she sat at the library at school, only then she would be able to finish up those assignments in the right manner that was required or else, Zion would not get good grades and blame the entire thing on Diana and torment her again. If anything, she avoided Zion the most and never wanted to become the target of his direct agony. She turned back towards her locker, mentally preparing herself to do all the exhaustive homework but paused, when the key to her mental peace, came right in to her view. The reason of her survival, the only person to whom she hung on to even though she knew that, that very person didn’t want her but for her, she was her hope and her reason to thrive through all the bad things that were happening in her life. Across the red rows of the lockers, at the end polar opposite to the one where she stood, slightly hidden behind all the other students, who stood by the lockers, obstructing Diana’s view of the tall six feet three inches tall boy, who was a senior but most importantly her heartbeat. She placed the files in her locker and immediately paced towards the boy, knowing that once he hit the football ground for practice, he would not be accessible to her. She always looked for ways and thin lines, where she could ever just get to talk to him or at least just get a glimpse of him. That was how much she was obsessed with him. Crossing the crowd, she went to his locker, trying her best to fix her fringes and flat out her hair that had frizzed out and spiraled loosely around her head. She cleared her throat as she reached his locker, attaining the boy’s attention. “Adrian, hi!” she waved her hands at him and the guy, who had his head submerged inside his locker, only groaned silently and rolled his eyes, before moving out of his locker and turned towards Diana. “Hey!” he perched a dead smile at her, keeping his tone and gestures as uninteresting as possible, wishing and praying that the girl would one day pick up on his signals but it had already been years of hoping and so far there had been zero progress. “Dad told me that you have a training session with him in the evening. Will you be coming home? I can make you, your favorite Mac and Cheese, that you really liked the last time I made it?” she offered with a chiming smile and Adrian only gulped hard, finding it difficult to dodge the girl’s advances every time and if he was being honest to his own self, he did enjoy the Mac and Cheese that she cooked for him. “I just liked it one time, you don’t have to cook it every time I am at your place.” Immediately realizing that he needed to stop being that soft towards Diana, since it only gave her the confidence to come and talk to him and even though the pasta was delicious, till that day he was regretting the one time he had his training with Diana’s father Ross and he simply appreciated the food that was put in front of him and ever since then, Diana had become severely obsessed with feeding him the Mac and Cheese, only because he said once, ‘It is delicious’. “I don’t mind cooking it every time…” Diana shrugged at Adrian’s dry and repulsive response, not reading much in to his lines and simply tried her best to shoot her shot with him, hoping that some day, the magic would happen and he would realize that she is the one girl who had always been rooting for him and had been there for him. “… I am not coming to your place for the training. Your Dad would come to my house, just like he had been for the past few months. I had been there only once when My uncle didn’t know that I was getting trained and now that he does, there is no point for me to come to your house. Besides, it is very small and always dirty. Don’t you guys have like cleaners to sweep around that place?” Adrian immediately shut the girl down, crushing and hitting her as harshly as he could. He ran a hand through his thick dark hair. Not feeling it joyful inside his heart, being so redundantly crude towards the girl but what other options did he ever had? “Oh, so maybe I will see you at the mansion then? I was going to drop Carly and Zion’s homework so…” “Oh wait!” a realization suddenly hit Adrian as he heard the word homework. “Here…” he took some files out of his locker and passed them to Diana. “Can you please do my homework for me as well?” suddenly his crude face held a cheery smile and Diana couldn’t help but feel hopelessly happy. She realized that she may not have many qualities to attract Adrian and her cooking or care might not be enough to make him like her but her kindness to be always available for him and to help him in every other thing was definitely something that would make Adrian turn soft and polite towards her. “So? I shall bring it around and give it you at the mansion?” she asked and just as Diana asked the question, Adrian was pulled back from his shoulder and another tall brunette, wrapped her lips around his and kissed him hungrily. Diana stood flimsily, next to the couple, who made out till their desire’s brim and once done, the girl pulled back and placed her hands over her hips, acting just as lost as she could. “Oh! Diana, didn’t see you there.” She smirked, looking down upon the girl, both physically and metaphorically. Being five nine, she towered Diana quite evidently, moving the front of her blazer away, revealing her flat belly, that she flashed, wearing the crop top and the skimpy skirt, that revealed her toned legs as well. Underneath that blazer, she wore her cheer routine outfit, that denoted quite clearly that she was on the cheerleading squad of the school while Diana was nothing but a mere watcher. Adrian and his girlfriend Chloe, when hand in hand; being the perfect pair for each other. While Adrian was the quarterback of the school’s football team, Chloe was the captain of the cheer squad. “Hi! Chloe…” Diana clumsily waved her hand at Adrian’s girlfriend, who knew that the girl had obvious crush on her boyfriend and had wanted multiple times in the past to shove the girl down and pushed her off and away from Adrian but didn’t so, only taking pity on her condition and the fact that Adrian highly respected her father, who was the manager of the planning committee of the family business and was training Adrian, so that he could take over the business someday. And being from a conglomerate family, who wished to marry rich and the top man of the business system, Chloe herself, had to tolerate Diana more than she wanted to. There were times where she wanted to pull Diana by the hair and humiliate her just like her friend Carly did but she held herself back and tolerated Diana only because of her boyfriend. She knew that Adrian didn’t support abusive bullying and that was also the reason why he took pity for the basket case that Diana was. “Babe! Aren’t you about to hit the field? I am also going for my cheering practice.” Completely ignoring Diana, Chloe simply grabbed Adrian’s hand and dragged him away, along with her, leaving the poor Diana, feeling dejected and low. She only sighed in exasperation, having to mentally absolve Adrian for dating another girl. She always compared herself with the other girls, who would die to date the rich quarterback of the school’s football team. Tall, dark hair, incredibly handsome with those perfectly contoured cheeks and those sparkly blue eyes and the rugged look of his face, that gave him an enticingly mysterious look altogether. It not only made him dreamy but perfect for every girl in their teenage days, when they always went for the douche bag, silent and doleful guy, that they think they could fix. But Diana also knew that she had zero to no chances with Adrian. The chances that she had with Adrian were just as much as of a politician ever speaking the truth. But she never gave up and never stopped hoping and praying for a miracle. She knew that Chloe was the perfect girl for her. Smoking figure and a leggy cheerleader. Guys, fought for her and who fought for Diana? The volunteers at the public community commission, who wanted Diana to work in their shifts because she was simply a pushover and people would give her their work and she would do it without any complaints. She never complained about being pushed around by people because that kept her safe and protected her from being bullied out of the house as well. She assumed and thought that, being a push over was the best and the only way for her to live by and not get bullied out and around as well. She thought that she was being mature. And at what age maturity is really supposed to hit someone? When someone makes peace with how things are and how they should just let others push them over? Or when they fight back and stand tall for themselves. --------------------------- So much clarity would be provided for the characters through these flashbacks. I hope you guys enjoy these updates! Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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