38. The Truth

2007 Words
Adrian sat inside his penthouse, over the black L shaped couch, that was placed right in front of the large floor to ceiling windows that made the beautiful twinkling lights of the city mesmerizingly beautiful. He planned on bringing Diana down to his apartment and impress her by showcasing those lights to her but all of his plans plummeted when he couldn’t just control himself anymore. And all that was left behind was merely Diana’s coat that she left behind as she charged forward and didn’t even stop herself to collect her belongings. He gently reached out for the coat and touched its soft fabric that reminded him of her beautiful lips but he immediately pulled his hand back as he realized that it wasn’t his place to be touching her or trying to feel her. The door to the pent house slid open smoothly and Jared walked inside, walking out of the elevator. Adrian looked up at him as he continued to pace towards Adrian, until he finally came in standing in front of his boss. “I just got off the phone with my man. he said that she reached home safe and her aunt and cousin took her inside the house.” “Hmm…” Adrian only nibbled back lowly, “They must be in shock to see her in such a state and they must think that I tried to or have hurt her.” “Didn’t you?” Jared c****d, making Adrian look up at his assistant and the grave look on Jared’s face was enough to tell Adrian that he wasn’t laughing or joking around and only meant business. Adrian sighed, rubbing his face with his hands, that he slid up in to his hair and pulled them back, relaxing a bit and leaned back on the backrest. “Yeah! I am in no mood to talk about it.” he told him and Jared only slumped down on the couch next to him. “Okay! So, you weren’t in the mood to talk about it as well back when we came to LA and we were working our assess off to somehow get the girl to you and in all of that you didn’t think it was important for us or at least for me to know that you shared a past with her?” Jared complained and Adrian only grunted in sheer frustration. “I didn’t think that it would be important! Okay?” he tried to defend himself through a lame pretense but even Adrian knew that his excuses were not going to work this time. “To you? duh! Who the hell would you be kidding if you said that you thought that all of these things were important for you? none of this was ever important to you or else why would you hurt her like that?” “Hey! How are you so sure that I hurt her?” Adrian argued back with Jared, offended how jared was putting his own friend and boss on the line of offense. “I saw the way she cried and the way she trembled when she was with you. she was being careful and avoiding you. how could you hide all of this from me? Huh? I worked so hard to make sure that thing fell perfectly tonight and one after the other you kept on screwing it up.” Jared complained, revealing the fact that he was actually disheartened and crestfallen with the way things had turned out to be. He had put up quite the effort and hard work to make things work but nothing turned out the way they wanted things to and in fact, everything kept on falling apart and he believed had Adrian told him the entire truth about his and Diana’s shared past then many things could have been changed and the lawless eruption and the discourse of events that had happened earlier that evening could have been avoided. “Okay! Fine! I was a jerk but I didn’t know any better and I may have still not had her cousin not told me what she was had gone through in New York.” Adrian also quarreled back, erupting like a lava. He was tired of being the one who had to be the target of everyone’s anger. First it was Diana and then it was Jared but he just couldn’t hold himself back anymore and thence ended up bawling out his feelings that he had been bottling inside him and letting them eat him from the inside. “I was an absurd teenager who was made feel that if I didn’t sit on that chair of the CEO than I would be nothing and my whole existence would be of waste. My father wanted that and I am only trying to fulfill his legacy somehow but all of this just feels worthless and a sham now. Everything just feels so useless because this stupid legacy that I have worked so hard to fulfill could be achieved by anyone and despite of working so hard, being such a big asshole that I was, I still can’t believe that none of that hard work mattered and all of my sheer work has been put on line only because of a mere girl who held no value at all. The future of the Sarmiento Corporations now lies in her hands. Even I can not f*****g believe it. none of this feels or looks real to me and you know what I regret the most in my life. I don’t regret wasting my time working hard but I regret being an asshole towards her. what do you want me to tell you huh?” Jared only waved his hand at Adrian asking him to stop speaking, “Let it go, I don’t want to know anything.” He stated, just as disheartened and exhausted as Adrian was. He realized that he wasn’t the only one who was pissed off by the fact that all of his hard work was going to go to waste. But Jared’s attempts to hold Adrian back turned out to be futile as his friend was long lost in his anger and decided to lash out on his friend. “Fine! I was the biggest jerk that one could tell. I hated Diana because she gave me the due attention that I thought was elusive to my aim in life and was a distraction but I still couldn’t get rid of her because she always stuck around. Her father – the man I thought was a walking angel who helped me become the meticulous businessman that I am, was actually the biggest bastard in the whole world, who abused his own daughter. Diana would know each and everything about me and even knew when I had dinner and lunch and I couldn’t even tell if she was getting hit by her own father and you know despite of saying it to her face multiple times that I hated her, found her pesky and annoying, do you know what I did? Not even for once, I told her to leave me alone because yes! As I said I was enjoying her attention. So, when she stuck around only because I never asked her to leave and that thing gave her hope that she may have some future with me or I might feel something for her and I took advantage of her feelings and I used to her to make her do my homework while I get trained by her father. And now that I think about it, I believe that her father may have been abusing her in to doing my homework so that he could do his job… Gosh! How thick headed and lost could I have been?” Adrian complained stunned at his own miserable and oblivious self as the realization was dawning deep upon him that he was nothing but a self centered and egoistic man and he enjoyed being that way. Jared was left in compelte shock to learn that diana had just a horrible and twisted past. Looking at the girl and the way she was, one could tell that she was hiding away from something but to be this terribly mutilated and hurt by her own father, was something that scathed Jared on the inside. “No way… she…” he spoke only slightly, but then shut up, as he got lost deep in his thoughts and Adrian decided to let his guilt off his heart and confess his crimes out in the open and admit the kind of the soulless person that he was. “They say that ignorance is a bliss and damn, I was one blessed asshole. I remained oblivious towards her and only thought that my problems are the one real ones in this world. But imagine having a father, who shows it to the world that he has everything and is kind and composed when he is at work. He used to treat me better than my uncle and I used to be irritated by Diana and feel envious and wished that Ross was my father. But behind the closed door, that bastard was a wimp and he hit his daughter. And I honestly wouldn’t have believed Polly when she told me that Diana was abused by her own father had I not connected the dots and seen all the signs of obvious a***e. He used to be rude towards Diana most of the times and always scolded her. I used to get happy, because of course I was a jealous asshole and I used to work even more hard to please Ross and impress him at times, all the time he was such a delirious man who was hurting his own daughter in such a malicious manner.” “That asshole is lucky that he is dead or else, I would have sprained his neck.” Jared mumbled under his breath. “How could he hurt that little soul? She must have been alone and so weak, how could that bastard even think about hurting her?” Jared panted out his anger and Adrian only scoffed. “You weren’t even there and you feel bad. Now imagine me. I was there, thinking that the man was a saint, who is helping me and is acting like a father. I thought he emphasized with me but he was only kind with me because I was rich and so was my Mom, who must have paid her a good amount of money just to train me. He wasn’t nice towards me without any reason. He was nice to the money that he got because of me. And I was wishing upon stars to get me a father like Ross and I guess it is a good thing that some wishes don’t come true and you know to top all of that? what else guilt do I have on my heart?” Adrian turned towards Jared who looked at his boss with confusion. “What is it?” he asked, scared and held a feeling in his heart that if he revealed the truth to his friend, he might not even want to see his face again but what other option did Adrian had? He had no other choice but to be honest and deal with the guilt that would devour him any time if he didn’t let it out. He believed that it was fine to let the truth and confrontation eat him up rather than being sacrificed by the demons. Thence, he decided to let it all out, since it was for the best. And just as Adrian stated his confession, the color of Jared’s face turned pale and only silence remained in that penthouse as Adrian’s words echoed all over the place. “I slept with her and broke her heart.” ------------------------------------- Welps! Did you guys expect this? Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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