36. Why Should I Listen to You?

2017 Words
Adrian rushed towards Diana and immediately held her elbow, stopping her from leaving through the elevator. “Wait! You have to listen to me once.” Jared was shocked to see that Adrian was sacrificing his pride which was the most precious thing for him, just for the sake of Diana and keeping her with him. Diana tried to free herself off and move away from Adrian but the man only adamantly pulled her closer and more in to him. “Just listen to me, will you? for f***s sake!” he cried out and loud and Diana only shook her head at him. “NO! why should I listen to you? so that you could hurt me again?” she cried to him, not holding back her tears and her words were enough to inform Jared that his boss had hidden the truth about his interaction with Diana from the pass and he had done something malicious towards the girl that had made her hate him for some evidently vituperative reason. “No! I don’t want to hurt you, okay? And I regret what I did in the past.” As Adrian spoke those words both Diana and Jared turn silent. Jared was not sure what to say anymore and thence, Adrian took charge of the situation and he only sat back and listened and saw what his boss had to say. With Jared not feeding words in to Adrian’s mind anymore, he realized that Adrian was not in anybody’s control and he was doing and saying solely what he truly felt in that moment. Diana looked at Adrian’s face as he held her back and made her listen to what he had to say. “There hasn’t been a single day where I had not thought about you. you know why? Because everything that I did or acted upon was taught to me during my training and whenever I would think about your father, you know what would be the first thing that would come in my mind? You! you would always come to my mind and I would think about the pesky little daughter that she had who would flutter around me like a butterfly.” Diana only pushed Adrian away, freeing herself from his grip. “Unfortunately! That pesky and fluttering little girl is no more. She is dead. Long dead and you were part of the troop who killed her.” she retorted back at Adrian. “I know and she shouldn’t be alive either because I never liked her but you… what you are and what you have become is what I like and what I want.” Diana couldn’t help but scoff at Adrian. “Do you even know what I am? How could you even claim to love me when you don’t even know what I have been through and what I have suffered from. You don’t even know what I am now that you are claiming to love.” Diana turned to leave but Adrian only yelled back at her, making her stop un her feet but she didn’t bother to turn back and show her crying and meek face to Adrian. She hated that she showed her weak side to him and showed that she was vulnerable still. “I tried to search for you and tried so hard to find you in so many places.” Adrian stated and noticed that Diana remained immobile but he continued nonetheless, hopeful that she at least chose to stay and listened to what he had to offer, “…I stripped down the entire state of New York and even tried to search for you in different places close by, hoping to find you somewhere but you were nowhere to be found. I was afraid that you may turned to a life of atrocity and life of hopelessness. There wasn’t a single day when your worry had not crossed my mind. I would only wonder and hope that you would be doing better and then one day, two years ago, I found you.” Diana turned towards Adrian, shocked at his revelations. “I found you two years ago. You were performing at the theater, dressed up as an old woman at your friend’s theater. And I recognized you right away through your voice. That voice haunted me and tantalized my mind and my dreams. I could never take that voice out of my head and snap my thoughts away from that sweet melodious voice of yours. I know you used to sing a lot. Whenever you would be hanging in our mansion’s veranda, you would sing so loud and so sweetly. I would stand hidden in a corner and listen to you sing because it calmed me and I was afraid to show my face to you when you would be singing because I knew that if I made myself visible you would stop singing because you were too shy to sing in front of anybody else. I know you better than the whole world does Diana. I know you so much more than anyone would and when I saw you at the theater, I had some men of me follow you and they told me only a few things about you. but I was just glad that you are fine and well and doing good. All of my worries somehow settled down when I found out that you were doing well and better in life. Better than I ever thought you would. that’s why I let you be but I still couldn’t stop running after you and my mind would always force me to think of you and it only made me wonder if I actually loved you. I battled with myself a lot and it only means one thing to me, the only one thing that I want to believe… I may not know you that well despite of staying so close to you but I have known you more by staying away from you because all that you were, remained with me in parts and I want to keep it with me and closer to me. And I want to add more of you. the new and better you.” Diana kept her eyes stuck and static as she kept on gawking at Adrian. He couldn’t have dug all of these things out through detective work even if he wanted to. No one knew that she could sing well and she did use to sing in their veranda all the time and not just that she even worked two years ago in the theater and portrayed an old lady. Adrian was right about all those things and it only meant to her that he had been looking for her for quite a long time and she had done a good job hiding away her migration and left with no trace to be found and almost going missing for good. And when Adrian did find her, he had known about her whereabouts for almost two years by that point. Everything made sense to her but just one thing didn’t. “Why do you care about me?” she asked, still not being able to understand the one and the only thing in the whole situation that was incomprehensible for her. Adrian only breathed softly, as he tried to tame his nerves down and calm his heart that threatened to burst open any given minute. “I don’t know I just want to. I want to care for you. care for all the things that matter to you and I want to take care of your feelings because I know I am responsible for hurting those feelings of yours. I know somewhere I am the one who hurt you so much and I want to take responsibility of what I have done…” “I am not a project for you to pick up that has been broken and destroyed by others.” Diana corrected him, voiding herself and separating herself from the material projections of the world. “You don’t feel any different than you used to do in the past. You are just the same as you were Adrian. You still don’t see me as a human being.” She told him as she turned on her heels and began pressing the button for the elevator to come up and Adrian stood back finally understanding Diana’s words that hit him hard in the chest. She was right. He had never considered her a human being and for her to have to say that to his face was enough of a smack to him, that should make him realize just how much of a terrible human being he himself was. Finally the doors of the elevator opened up and Diana stepped inside hitting the G button on the panel, not even sure where it was going to take her but she remained steadfast and looked down at the floor, knowing that if she lifted her head up, she would end up crossing her stare with Adrian and she did not want to look at him even the slightest. Soon the door of the elevator closed down and Diana bent down on her knees and broke down in to an ugly cry as she rest on the floor of the elevator, crying to her fate of always being hurt by every other person. She didn’t know if Adrian was being honest or but and she did not even dare to know. She had been hurt and wounded so much and so many times, in every possible manner that a person could think of, that all of this only made her feel afraid more about the future that would come ahead and it scathed her heart that she might never be able to trust anyone. But what even scared her more was the inevitable that she was able to finally comply and understand and that was the fact that to Adrian she would always remain vulnerable and she would always fall in to his arms easily. And it was something that rattled her soul. Just as the door to the elevator split open, Diana immediately rushed out and got out of the building, finding her way down the street, where she immediately called for a taxi and got inside the very first one that stopped in fornt of her. Jared rushed out of the surveillance van and tried his very best to hold and stop Diana back, in order to do some sort of damage control but he was already too late. He sprinted to catch up to Diana but she only grabbed the very first taxi and got inside it, driving off and away from the street where Adrian was. Jared stood in splits, placing both of his hands on his head and pressed it from top and above, as if putting pressure on his head would somehow bring any bright ideas or help him steer clear of the cloudy muddle that was formed in his head but who was he kidding. It was already too late. As Adrian stood at the rooftop and one of the waitress came to him and handed him Diana’s coat, he held the soft fabric in his hands, which he believed could be the only and the final thing of Diana that could be left to him. Diana on the other hand sat in the back of the taxi and cried ugly tears, breaking down like a fragile glass that has been thrown down on the ground. Adrian held on to the fabric of the coat, making a promise to his own self that he would never let Diana go and fight for her even if he had to drag himself through the gates of hell and Diana on the other hand, made a promise to herself that she would never fall for Adrian and his games anymore and stay away from him no matter what price she had to pay. ---------------------------- Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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