18. Done Feeling Sorry

1577 Words
“I am here because I love you and want you!” Adrian blurted those words out without any hesitation and Diana only spit the drink out of her mouth, chocking and coughing out and loud over the liquid that she drank. Adrian immediately pulled himself back, watching as Diana took a spit take of her drink and he only kept his torso pulled away from her. “Are you okay?” he only gently leaned towards her, still maintaining his distance. Diana kept on chocking on her drink, until she finally came to her sense and grabbed a napkin, that Adrian passed her. She wiped her face and cleared her throat, catching her breath at once, as she finally looked up at Adrian with her eyes wide and her heart beating rapidly inside her chest. “What? What did you just say?” she asked again, wanting to make sure that everything that she heard the first time was correct and her ears were not only betraying her. She wished and hoped that she was wrong but much to her dismay, she wasn’t wrong about what she heard and it was confirmed to her when Adrian repeated his words. “I just said that I am here because I love you and I want you.” Adrian stated, with the same straight face and Diana gasped again, this time not making a single move and went in to a state of complete comatose. Adrian snapped his fingers in front of Diana’s eyes, once again startling her and once she gained back her senses, she immediately jumped up on her feet. “Are you out of your mind?” she rose her eyebrows at him and kept her tone straight and offensive, all the while Adrian sat back and kept his face plain and void of any expressions, simply listening to what Diana had to say. “I get that you must be surprised…” he began to explain the situation to her but Diana only blurted out in anger, lashing out more at him. “Surprised? Wow!” she crossed her arms across her chest and this time only c****d a single eyebrow at Adrian. “Gosh audacity really must be on sale this year, seeing the way you are behaving and talking.” Adrian felt a nerve of his mind hit up with anger but he only closed his eyes and took in a deep breath, throwing his head down and low. He fisted his hand, that laid on his thigh, very gently and opened it at once, relaxing both his mind and his body, making sure to not act out of aggression that would otherwise ruin things for him. He swallowed his pride, quite literally and kept his posture upright as he looked Diana straight in to her soft light grey eyes, that twinkled under the sunlight but looked merely green as she flashed them at Adrian with anger. “I know, our past may say something else but I can explain everything to you…” The mere mention of the past revved up Diana’s insides, making her feel disgusted to her core. The horrible remembrance of the way everyone from her past treated her, only made her feel repulsed, bringing up all the coffee bile to her throat. She immediately shook her head and stood up on her feet. “No! I don’t want to listen to a single thing you have to say. All I want from you is to stop this nonsensical chasing. It’s irritating and unnecessary. I don’t know what you want and whatever your saying, whether it is true or not but I don’t want to do anything with you. it is honestly unbelievable to me that someone like you would ever want someone like me. And if you have the guts to mention the past then you of all the people should know that I know you better than anyone. You would never want someone like me. Someone, as a meager salon lady. I know your taste and I know the kind of the woman you would be interested in. you can not fool me. I only agreed to meet you today because I was really curious what you wanted from me but I just don’t care anymore. I know this vicious cycle. It will only lead me to feel more miserable and I am done feeling sorry for myself. I did just so when I left New York.” With that Diana turned to leave but Adrian was quick enough to get up on his feet. He immediately took a step towards Diana and grabbed her wrist, pulling her back towards her and crashed her right in to his chest. Diana gasped, as she felt Adrian’s strong pull but she quickly placed her hands in front of her, that landed right on to Adrian’s strong chiseled chest. Diana felt intoxicated at the mere touch. Her palms felt hot, as if she had planted her palms on to some sort of hot burning lava. At the same time Adrian felt something obnoxious tie in his throat, as Diana’s soft palm touched his chest. She looked up at him, her soft breath, touching the exposed skin of his chest and throat, where the button of his shirt remained unbuttoned, acted as a bolt of small current jetting through his veins, reaching down in between his legs, somehow agitating his member, that felt slightly uncomfortable growing between his legs. Diana’s heart on the other hand felt flattered, bursting with thousands of butterflies, that excited each and every fiber in her body. No… I can’t be feeling all of this. I felt this before and it only lead to me being heart broken. She reminded herself and immediately pushed herself away from Adrian by pushing his chest away. Adrian remained unfazed and stood his ground, while Diana built gap between them but Adrian still didn’t let go off her wrist. “You need to listen to me.” He told her. “I did! And I didn’t like what you said.” She retorted back at him and he simply scoffed at her. “You are being unfair.” “Well! It’s called getting a taste of your own medicine.” Diana reminded him and Adrian only felt agitated by that point. He let go off Diana’s wrist, pushing her gently away and it took Diana by surprise. “Fine! if you just want to be petty and punish me then do it.” he told her, acting completely opposite of how he usually would. Diana knew him as someone authoritative. Someone, who would never tolerate his word being looked over. She knew him as someone who would tolerate being treated harshly and yet there he was, letting Diana do whatever she wanted to. “But just so you know, I am not giving up on you. because I know that there is a mountain of pain that you carrying with you. I know that miles beneath all of that, that you show to the world, there is your pain that you have compiled and thrown away. Don’t you know that I would know the kind of the father, Ross was. I know it more than anyone. There is this cage of guilt locked in my heart, where I know that I am responsible for keeping your father busy. I kept him so busy that he was not able to perform his fatherly duty towards you.” Adrian took a deep breath in, holding back his words and bit his tongue inside his throat. Diana fell into a state of complete taciturnity and just looked at Adrian with nothing but confusion mixed with slight shock. He is acting… humane. She thought to her own self, as for the first time she was ever seeing a soft and out spoken side of his, where he didn’t speak like an analytic robot, who had words fed in to his mouth. He was someone that Diana knew never showed or even talked about emotions, so listening to his cram out his frustration only made Diana wonder about one thing. Could it be that he is also tired of keeping up a façade and is finally showing up his human side? She was lost in her thought when Adrian spoke up again. “Listen Diana, I get it! I was a jerk and an asshole to you back then but trust me, I didn’t know any better and…” “Why all of a sudden?” Diana demanded, cutting Adrian the middle of his sentence. He held his breath and collected his thoughts, somehow not surprised by the question but in fact, expecting Diana to raise that concern, which in his perspective was completely normal for her to ask. “I knew you would ask, why now and why all of a sudden. I knew it! in fact, I was amazed at my own self when I decided to come for you and tell you how I truly feel. I spent my whole life working like a dog to achieve this mark. And I finally did and when I did, I looked around and I knew that something was missing and…” “How could you miss the person you hate the most?” --------------------------------- I hope you guys are enjoying the book so far! Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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