17. A Good for nothing piece of meat

1809 Words
Diana sat across the table from Adrian, as Natalie served the two their coffee and immediately sprinted down the stairs, getting behind the counter, hoping that the two only customers of the noon, would not order anything else. She immediately took her phone out and opened up the text chain between her and other workers of the coffee shop. Natalie: You guys would never be able to guess who booked the coffee shop today! Another barista saw her message immediately and replied. Julia: Is it that manager with a good corporate job, who has an eye for our stupid waitress? She joked maliciously, bullying the poor waitress and not even caring that the meek girl was part of that group chain. Natalie: Eww! No way anyone would do such a thing for her but that makeup artist from across the street… Julia: No way! That stupid brunette? I hate her guts. Natalie: I know right? Some rich dude with a black card booked the coffee shop for her. I am so jealous of her and her stupid face right now. I hate her even more now. There was a moment of silence in the group, until another barista texted, attaining Natalie’s attention. Ben: Is she still there? Natalie: Yeah! That was the last message sent by Natalie and seen by everyone and after that there was complete silence mirroring the silence between Diana and Adrian, as the two sat all alone on the top floor of the cozy, white and light brown themed coffee shop. “You shouldn’t have booked the entire place.” She told him, taking a sip from her coffee and Adrian simply smiled back at her. “I wanted to.” He shrugged and then sipped gently on his black coffee. Just as the first sip hit his taste buds, he wanted to throw the tasteless, unbrewed piece of turd out of his mouth. He loathed the essence and taste of that coffee, which in his perspective was completely tasteless and classless. He only liked premium, Italian ground beans, that he believed suited his taste buds the best but he only tolerated that tasteless express coffee because he needed to bear all that came along with Diana for the moment and pretend to be as sincere with her as he could be. He needed to be warm, polite and be that perfect green flag man, that every girl needs and wants. A man that no woman would ever would be able to resist the charms of. Diana cleared her throat and sat up straight, “Umm… so what is it that you want to talk to me about? That you needed my number for.” Adrian also straightened up, showing that he meant pure business. “Well, I told you yesterday already that I wanted to talk to you because I want to fulfill my promise with your Dad and…” “Adrian!” Diana cut him off, even taking Adrian by surprise. “Do you really remember my Dad?” she asked and he nodded his head back at her. “Of course I do! He is the reason why I have been able to achieve this mark in my life and…” “You know him as Ross Finley, the noble, loyal and modest manager of your company. Who was always a loyal subject to the Sarmientos and made sure to follow his duty well. But I know him as a father and just as much of a great employee he was, he was a horrible father. He was ignorant towards me, my needs and my life. The more available he was for me, the lesser he was there for me. The extra training her gave to you at late night hours, came at the cost of him compromising his family. And you know what was the worst of all things…?” Diana c****d at Adrian, making her look at him with confusion. Diana took a pause, looking away from Adrian and over his shoulder, lost in a void of her own mind, where she was taken back eleven years ago. She was soaking wet, head to toe. Her thin brown hair darkened black and curled due to the heavy water that fell on to her and her grey over sixed hoodie that she usually wore around, in order to hide her skinny and bonny structure was also drenched with rain water, giving it a darker grey texture. A loud smack on Diana’s face, made go crashing down on to the rectangular brown carpet, placing over the wooden floor of the cozy apartment. The wooden frame center table was pushed only slightly a little when Diana hit the ground and her shoulder hit one of the four legs of the table. She only whimpered in pain, when her step mother, who sat on the old leather couch, placed in front of the table, pulled her legs up and away from the table, where she had laid them down. She had burgundy pixie hair, that she always kept dyed and styled, keeping up the image of the general manager of the Sarmiento corporation. Her face was round and skin was fresh, giving her a look, that made her look younger than she was. She always wore a tight colorful t shirt and paired it with even more colorful capri pants, never feeling any need to hide her curvy figure and bulging hips and waist. “Ugh! What a waste of life. Can you not stay upright and hold your ground?” she yelled at Diana, with her pitch high tone, still staying on the couch, instead of getting up and helping that poor little girl, who was becoming a target of her vicious father’s scrutiny. Diana felt jerked back, as her father grabbed her elbow and pulled her to stand up but she only flailed and felt meek, unable to stand her ground. Her body was already in pain, due to the high fever that she was running, which was quite evident through her puffy eyes and red burning face. And Ross’s torments weren’t helping the poor soul either. He made her run for his alcohol to the nearby store in the heavy rain and when she came back only five minutes late because of the heavy rain and fever that made her slow down, Ross only ended up hitting her more. He shook her harshly, by grabbing her with her elbow and threw another slap on the other side of her face, making her fall on to the other side of the small living area. Venessa, her vicious step mother, only smirked shamelessly, enjoying the tumultuous and voracious atrocities that her husband carried out. “You are a good for nothing useless piece of meat! I don’t even know why I put up with you.” Ross yelled out and loud and Diana only whimpered, pulling up her hoodie over her head, hoping that the next time Ross would hit her, she would somehow secure a lesser impact on her skull than the first two times she felt. “Gosh! You should’ve died with your mother in that accident. That b***h left you on my head but she should’ve taken you with her.” With one final kick to her ribs, Ross picked up his bottle of alcohol that the poor Diana had committed the mistake of bringing them a little five minutes late. He moved on to his office which used to be Diana’s room, she was little and her mother was still around. His wife also got up and ignored Diana’s agony and pain and simply moved back and inside her bedroom. Diana picked herself up and walked towards the small two by two room, with a small attached bath, that was given to her as a bedroom but was actually intended to be a storage closet. She threw herself down on the worn out sponge mattress, next to which she had a stand frame that she used as a cupboard to hang the five clothing articles that she owed and those were also the ones that Mrs. Joy Sarmiento gave her, once her niece Chloe wore those clothes out and intended to throw them away. Balling herself in pain, Diana cried in silence and whimpered to her own self, having no one who would comfort her and tell her that everything would get better. It only did, once her father and his wife passed away in an accident but even then the torment of those around her didn’t stop. The only way for things to end was for her to leave New York and she did just that. But her past still found her and flying his hand in front of Diana, sat her past, Adrian, who snapped her out of her lost trance. Diana’s face was flushed at the remembrance of the past and she also immediately straightened up and cleared her throat, swallowing the heavy lump of sorrow formed in the middle of her throat. “You were saying something…” Adrian reminded Diana and she shook her head at him. “I just wanted to say that I know that Dad, never made you make any such promise as you claim.” She told him, her voice a little hoarse, since she had just tried to hold back her tears. “Okay! Fine, you are right. I lied about the promise thing. I didn’t promise any such thing to your father.” Adrian sighed and rubbed his hands nervously over his thighs, showing not even the slightest sign of being nervous and remaining completely calm and composed. Diana couldn’t help but feel proud of her assumptions. She was completely right about Adrian, he was not the good person that he was pretending to be. In fact, he was the most vicious, selfish and self centered person, she had ever met. Everything that she thought of him, was right. He wasn’t there to help her or care for her. He was surely there to extract some ulterior advantage of his own. “I knew it.” Diana couldn’t help but scoff with nonevent, not even the slightest amused or surprised by Adrian revealing that he was lying about fulfilling a promise. “Now just reveal why you are really here and get this over with.” Diana retorted, flipping her hair over her shoulder and brought her coffee over to her mouth, sipping on it and Adrian simply sighed, as he didn’t hold himself back anymore and decided to follow Diana’s words and be nonchalant. “I am here because I love you and want you!” ------------------------------------------ How disgraceful was Diana's father? Don't you feel bad for her? Also were you expecting Adrian to be this blunt? Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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