19. Loved You!

1547 Words
“How could you miss the person you hate the most?” Diana squinted her eyes slightly at Adrian taking him entirely by surprise this time. Out of all the things, Adrian only wished that Diana would never bring up this one thing that would act as an abolisher to his plans. “When I, finally got the news that I had worked all my life only to hear, I looked all around me and there was just one person that I wanted and needed the most. There was just one person I was reminded, who never loved me for that position or for who I could become. But that person only loved me ever for who I was not for who I could be. I was surrounded by all those people who would’ve left had I not reached that pedestal. And I just wondered who would still be there with me, had I not achieved that mark and I was reminded of one and one person only and for me that was you. I never hated you…” Adrian stated the fact right off his lips and Diana only scoffed back at him. “This is you now but the past you would definitely beg to differ.” Diana reminded Adrian of how he used to be in the past and the fact that it was him, who stated out and loud, in front of a huge crowd, that bullied Diana and cheered on to Adrian as he insulted her. Ten years ago, Diana was stuck down on the ground, with her palms keeping her face afloat and her knees hurting like hell, that had been bruised as she was pushed down on the floor by a herd of bullies, who all encircled her and Adrian and standing only two feet away from her was Adrian, who looked down at her, not with pity but with agitation and hate. “I hate you! Don’t even try and show me your face ever again.” Adrian’s words stuck to Diana till this date, who found it incredibly hard to believe that someone like him, who had been so blunt and clear about his feelings towards her, would ever come back only to confess that they love her. “I was young and scared and I regret every single word and moment of my past and that’s why I want to fix things and…” “Fix things?” Diana scoffed harshly at Adrian, “You fix things where there is something to be fixed. There was nothing between us.” With that Diana threw her bag across her shoulder and walked ahead to leave but Adrian stopped her just in time by crossing her way and stood in front of her, right at the very edge of the staircase. “I didn’t mean to say all those things. Back then, I was scared and I didn’t know any better and that’s why I am willing to take whatever punishment you have for me, and I will pay whatever price I have to but I can not afford to lose you. not this time. I lost you before and…” “Wow! Why are you acting like you and I used to be some sort of thing?” Diana asked, getting straight to the point. “Because I know that you also love me.” “Loved you!” Diana corrected Adrian, using the appropriate grammar to define her feelings for Adrian. Adrian felt alerted that Diana referred to her feelings as a past instance and it only threatened him that his chances with Diana were thinning. “No! I know you still love me.” He immediately grabbed her hand and Diana felt shocked at his bold moves. He held on to her hand tightly and Diana only tried her best to pull her hand away from him. “Let go off me.” She warned him but Adrian didn’t budge at all. “No! First admit that you also love me.” “Are you a f*****g kid?” Diana asked in a completely bewildered tone as she tried to free her hand from Adrian’s grip but he remained unhinged. “Maybe I am but all I am asking from you is a chance.” He told her but Diana only applied more pressure and freed her hand from Adrian’s grip. “Listen Adrian! I don’t know what happened to you or what made your mind turn this way. But I don’t want to do anything with you.” With that Diana took a step down to walk away from Adrian but somehow her feet missed the step and she stumbled forward, about to go crashing down but Adrian was quick enough to grab her waist and pulled her back, bringing her back and up to stand in front of her. She wasn’t as cylindrical or bony as she used to be but for him she was still light. She used to be timid, she wasn’t but to him, she felt so. her body wasn’t the same anymore. Just by a single touch, Adrian could tell that she had grown more curvy. His arm rested on her waist and his hand touch the lower side of her bosoms and the dirt of his mind clouded his skull, making him wonder, how Diana was able to grow her breast quite heavy. From what he remembered, she used to be flat and from what he could feel, she wasn’t so. Diana felt some sense of sensuous feelings taking over body, as Adrian’s hand touched her breast. She tried to push him right away but Adrian remained unfazed and held on to Diana even more tightly. Blush crept to her cheeks and Adrian immediately grabbed on to Diana’s weakness. His touch… She felt meek and shy whenever he touched her and thence, he held on to her even more tightly, as he pulled her closer and snaked his arm around her back. Diana’s eyes bulged out of her sockets and her heart beat got louder and quicker, as Adrian hard chest hit her soft bosoms and he shamelessly pressed her tightly against his body. He turned her around and stood between her and the stairs, acting as a shield and preventing her from running away from him. “Adrian! Let me go.” Diana demanded, as she gently tried to brush him away but Adrian remained unbothered. “No! I won’t.” he told Diana and smirked viciously back at her. Diana looked at him with pure shook, looking at how audacious Adrian was acting. “First admit that you still love me and I will let you go.” “Why are you acting like this? I don’t love you! let me go.” She tried to push him away again but Adrian only tightened his hold around her body. “No! you are lying. I know you still do…” Adrian’s words were interrupted when a loud voice echoed, making both Diana and Adrian turn to look down the stairs. “What the hell is going on?” The two looked down, from where the gasp was coming from and were left bewildered to find Emily standing by the bottom of the staircase. Emily looked at Adrian holding, actually hugging Diana in quite an intimate fashion. Emily’s eyes were popping out of her socket and right behind her stood Natalie, who mirrored Emily’s expressions but in a more amused manner. “Wow! This is so rad.” She commented and Emily turned her eyes away from Diana and looked at Natalie, throwing daggers with her eyes at the barista, who simply took the hint, shut up and went back to stand behind the counter, minding her business. Emily then turned to look back at Diana, who recognized the look in Emily’s eyes and immediately pushed Adrian away, who was also caught off guard. His grip was loosened around Diana, who took advantage of the moment and just as Diana pushed him away, she forgot one small thing. That Adrian didn’t have a wall behind him to support him. In fact, right behind him were the stairs and just as Diana pushed him off and away from him, Adrian stumbled backwards, losing balance. His breath hitched in his throat and his hands went flying up in the air, reaching out for help. His heart beat dropped, to zero? Or maybe if not being dramatic to maybe twenty or something. But he couldn’t feel his body breathing. His brain went blank, as the last thing he saw was Diana’s scared and horrified expressions, in which she held her hands over her mouth, as the realization also began dawning upon her, about what she had ended up doing. Diana’s eyes were bulging out of her socket, as her mind finally worked and brought her out of the state of shock. She immediately reached out for Adrian’s hand and tried to hold on to it but she was too light for him and his flying hand only slipped out of her hands, as the man went crashing and stumbling down the stairways. ------------------------------------ Welps, looks like Adrian is quite down :D Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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