74. Has he really changed?

607 Words
Adrian sighed, as he dropped his hands down in defeat and shrugged at Diana. “Fine! say whatever you want to!” Diana went silent for a minute as she only felt shock at Adrian giving in to her demands. She had never seen that side of Adrian and each time she expected him to act just as stubborn and ruthless as he always acted towards her, he instead surprised her. It only made her wonder if the change that he was trying to show was real at the end of the day. Has he really changed? Diana wondered as she gawked at Adrian. Perhaps he had changed. This was the only thing that Diana could conclude while she simply stared at Adrian in a state of mindlessness. Sensing her silent, Adrian couldn’t help but snicker. He waved his hands in front of her face and snapped her out of her daze. “I thought you wanted to say something?” Adrian offered and Diana shook her head back at him. “Yes! I have to say a lot…” she came up with an immediate lie but then added more to her words, as she immediately realized just how weak and feeble she sounded. “I mean… what are you doing here? and why do you keep showing up without being wanted. Haven’t I told you that I don’t want to do anything with you? so, why do you keep showing up over and over again? What do I have to do to get rid of you and not just that weren’t you the one who once told me that he doesn’t want to do anything with me? Weren’t you the one who said that you don’t like me or don’t want me in your life. So, why do you keep showing up now. Now, that I have really moved on and I am happy in my life and I really do not want you. what is it that I have to do…” Diana was in the middle of her argument when Jared showed up and appeared right behind Adrian. “Hey! Is everything alright?” he inquired and at the very same time Emily also showed up at the door. “What is going on?” she asked, looking confused, as she stared between Diana, Adrian and Jared. "Who are you?' Diana asked as she looked at Adrian and at the same time Emily tapped on her niece's shoulder. "He is the guest that I invited over." Emily informed Diana. "But what are you doing here?" she then turned towards Adrian, who tried to speak up but Jared butted in. "He is my boss." Jared spoke and Emily stood back flabbergasted. "So, you invited him and you show up with your boss?" Diana asked, actually feeling completely worked up and muddled. "No! she invited my boss as well..." Jared informed Diana, making her look at her aunt with deceit filled gaze. "Why would you invite him over when I told you everything and even told you what he did to me." Diana complained to her Aunt, who tried to connect the dots but felt completely out of her mind. "No! I invited his boss." Emily once again tried to explain herself and Jared cut her off in the middle of her argument. "Exactly! and this is my boss!" Jared pointed towards Adrian. "You invited Adrian!" Diana complained and not having the patience in him to deal with the situation anymore, Adrian lifted his hands up and screamed on top of his lungs. "Enough!" ------------------------------------ Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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