75. 'Past Sins'

1168 Words
“Enough!” Agitated by the perplexity that was taking place, Adrian screamed on top of his lungs, making everyone shut up and look at him. “Everyone stop! Right now.” Adrian yelled once again taking everybody by surprise. “Jared! When you stopped the car in the street, I told you that the street looked familiar, didn’t I?” Adrian asked his assistant, who nodded in agreement to his boss’s claims. “Yes! You did.” “That’s because I have been here before I know the residents of this house.” He informed Jared, who showed clear expressions of surprise. “Really? But I told you that I would be taking you to the kind lady that I ran in to at the grocery store and who invited us over…” Jared tried to clear the situation but Adrian shook his head back at him, showing clear signs of disappointment and sorrow, that Diana was clearly able to read through. “It’s fine! you didn’t know anything.” Adrian sighed and then turned back towards Diana. “Listen! Even last time at the theater, I didn’t mean to run in to you. I just wanted to see the show but tonight, I had zero intentions of showing my face to you. I promise you, I held no plans of running in to you or seeing you. all of this is a stupid coincidence I guess. My assistant here, Jared he ran in to your Aunt at the grocery store…” He pointed towards Emily, whom Diana turned to look at and Emily nodded her head back, agreeing with what Adrian was saying and confirmed his statement. “She somehow ended up inviting him over…” Adrian further elucidated the whole situation, “… and she invited me as well!” Diana’s nose scrunched in confusion, as she turned to look back at her Aunt, who finally spoke up in her defense. “I wanted to invite his boss over… I heard that he usually goes to different homes and families to have dinner with and eats frozen lasagna himself… I heard that he was very sad and… so I just thought that it would not hurt to have him over…” Emily bit her tongue inside her mouth, as she briefed her niece over what made her invite the poor boss over for dinner, that she had no idea would turn out to be Adrian. Diana only breathed in, as she held back her urge to scream on top of her lungs and give her aunt an earful for carelessly inviting some guests in her house, that she may have either held some pity on or perhaps may have been impressed by their wealth. “Yup! That sad boss would be me.” Adrian lifted his hands up and one could clearly tell how hurt and broken he sounded in that moment. Diana was stunned to even find out that Adrian was down to being so alone that he went from house to house in search of gatherings and peace. “But I am sorry! as much as enticing and exciting it feels like to step in to your comfortable home, I would not like to intrude your peace.” Adrian finally confessed and he turned his gaze to look at Diana but she immediately looked away from him, rolling her eyes hard and tried her very best to express her utmost disappointment and loath towards Adrian. Adrian’s heart tinged at the sight as he wondered for a split amount of second. Does she hate me that much? He questioned, as he stared back at her and noticed that Diana didn’t bother to look back at him even for a second and it only pained him more. He took in a deep breath and held it back, as she finally looked at Emily and smiled one last time as she further apologized for having to miss on the dinner. “I guess it was written in my fate to have that cold lasagna. I’ll just buy one on my way home and if you don’t mind…” Adrian pushed Jared forward, making him stumble forwards slightly. “He is a nice guy and has nothing to do with me or my past sins…” The moment Adrian mentioned the word ‘past sins’, something within Diana crumbled and she immediately snapped her neck to look at Adrian, who maintained his expressions soft and void of any resilience, as he mentioned about those moments that completely broke Diana. Diana realized that Adrian did hold a sense of guilt and credibility for his faults and knew what it was exactly that was making Diana hate him so much. “The food aroma that is coming off from your house seems incredible.” Adrian admitted, “And this poor chap has to eat frozen foods because of me every night. He travels a lot and stays away from his own home because of me. He works hard for me and because of that he can not enjoy a simple home cooked meal. So, I will leave right now but have this poor guy over for dinner.” He tapped on to Jared’s shoulder and urged him to stay back for dinner. He turned on his heels and began walking away. Diana’s heart drowned in a sense of sorrow for Adrian, whereby she wondered if he would actually be having dinner from a frozen off the rack produce. She tried to shake the feeling of sadness that she felt for him and realized that she needed to get her mind together. He was the reason behind her troubles and her sadness. She didn’t need to feel bad for him. he chose that life, worked hard for him and in fact, the reason why he treated her so badly all those years was because Diana was a miniscule person compared to his plans and once he used her, he threw her away. Everything that happened that night was a sad coincidence and Diana needed to move on from that. she didn’t need to feel any sort of pain for Adrian but no atter how hard she tried. A slight nerve in her brain kept on irritating her and it kept on telling her that Adrian shouldn’t be leaving from her doorstep to go live that sad life. But he also could’ve realized that ten years ago and held the slightest sense of sympathy whereby, he could’ve at least held her hand that day when the whole school watched her get humiliated. And instead Adrian added more to her humiliation and told her off in front of the entire school, that also after sleeping with her and taking away the only ounce of humility and character that she had in her. But Adrian didn’t stop he continued to march forward until a loud voice called him out. “Wait!” -------------------- Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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