16. A Sweet Tooth

1160 Words
Diana stood static, as Adrian walked inside the coffee shop. He wore a freshly steamed polo shirt, one that shined brightly under the falling lights of the sun in to the glass structure of the coffee shop. He matched the white crisp shirt with a pair of light blue jeans and walked straight in to the shop, reaching for the counter, standing right next to Diana, who still had her eyes glued to the door from where Adrian had entered. She was lost in complete bewilderment with shock over the fact that Adrian had one upped her and already booked the entire coffee shop, leaving her with no comfort of having the meet up at a public place. Adrian on the other hand, felt nothing but great comfort, as he got to exhibit his show of power, which already leveled him up and placed the ball in his court. “Why would you not serve her?” Adrian c****d, crossing his arms across his chest and Natalie gulped hard, not only because her job was in danger, but because she stood offending the most devilishly handsome guy that she had ever seen. She blinked a little too hard, as she tried to adjust to the aura and essence that Adrian carried with him. She immediately pulled away from the counter and bowed in respect. “I apologize Mr. Sarmiento, I didn’t know you had other guests as well.” She immediately bowed down and apologized right away, even hit her head on the counter in the process of apologizing, making Diana cringe with pain. “Even if she wasn’t my guest, you should be that rude towards anybody. Got it?” he chastised the girl and then turned towards Diana. “So? what would you like to order?” he asked, with a very polite smile that was totally deceptive of the truth that Diana knew about him. Gosh! Why is he being so nice and polite? Why is he making things so difficult? Why is he not his old self? The brute that he used to be. Diana was lost in her thoughts when Adrian waved his hand across her face, snapping Diana out of her thoughts. “Huh?” she asked, coming out of the zone and Adrian simply held back his amusement, finding her lost expressions to be amusing. “I asked; what would you like to have?” “Oh…” Diana immediately got a hold of herself and straightened up. “I would like an iced caramel macchiato with two pumps of caramel.” “You still seem to have a sweet tooth.” He told her reminiscing how she used to die for sweet delights. “Oh! I just don’t like the bitter taste of coffee.” She admitted hesitatingly, still trying her best to not let Adrian dwell on the past. She pulled a strand of her hair away from her face and tugged it behind her ear but Adrian simply flicked his finger in to her hair and freed the strand back on her face. “I like your hair, falling on to your face.” he spoke softly, making Diana’s eyes bulged wide. She looked up at Adrian in a manner of total shock and he simply smiled at her and then turned back towards the barista, that had her mouth hanging open in sheer shock, that someone, as handsome and seemingly as rich as Adrian was being quite loving towards that one particular customer that she found to be loathsome. “Just one hot Americano for me.” With that Adrian placed his card on the table and Diana’s eyes flashed over the card and she realized that Adrian had finally been able to get a hot of a black card, or perhaps maybe, he got one made just for himself, given that he was going to be the CEO of the company soon. But just one look of that black card, took Diana back to the days when Adrian used to complain about having to use a Visa card and not being granted a black card like his cousin did, whose father was the CEO of the company. Diana realized that Adrian did work hard in his life to reach where he was and fulfill his dreams. She cleared her throat and then Adrian turned towards her. “Let’s go and sit upstairs? I would like to have some extra privacy.” He then gestured towards Natalie and Diana hesitated for a moment. “Umm… I don’t mind sitting here.” Diana stated and Adrian simply snorted a small laughter back at her. “I do! Now, let’s move it upstairs? Bring our orders up there…” Adrian told Natalie and didn’t bother to listen to Diana and simply turned around the hopped over on the small wooden staircase, making his way upstairs. He was in the middle of the stairway when he realized that Diana wasn’t following him. He simply smirked and rolled his eyes, as he turned around and looked at Diana, standing still on the stairways and kept his tone and stance firm, exhibiting the fact that he wasn’t going requesting Diana and in fact, ordering her. “Come on! Let’s just sit down and talk. She will bring our coffee upstairs.” With that Adrian hopped up the stairway and Diana stood back, shocked to her core, realizing that Adrian was surely not just there to pass his time. He was there for some bigger purpose. A purpose that Diana needed to find out as soon as possible or else even this time Adrian would win the battle of wits and she would end up losing everything. As she followed him up the stairs, she noticed his moves. He pulled the chair out for her, like a gentlemen, something that Diana was sure and fine about not being included in Adrian’s training and if were so, was only programmed in his mind, to do it when he would have to deal with an important woman, who would influence his business. But how could I influence his business? Diana asked the question to her own self and silently perched down on the small table in the corner and watched as Adrian sat in front of her and smiled politely. Diana could tell that even if he was keeping a calm and placid face, he wasn’t just playing around. She knew him as a meticulous man, who does everything in his life only to enhance his skills and expand his business and it was only about time Diana would find out why and how she was important to Adrian and his business and why he was truly after her. But it was only a matter of question for Diana herslef - whether Adrian would make it easy or hard for her to find out the truth. ------------------------------------- Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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