15. Have Some Shame

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“Remember, don’t let him beat around the bush and make him come straight to the point.” Emily guided Diana over the phone, making sure to stay in touch with her niece and give her good instructions, before her meet up with Adrian. Diana hummed back simply and cut the call short. She was still sitting inside the bus, on her way to the café where she had decided to meet with Adrian, when her phone vibrated again and she picked it up and saw Polly’s name flashing on the screen. “Yes Polly?” “I was calling you like two minutes ago, don’t tell me Mom was boring you with the whole ‘don’t waste your time with him and bring him straight to the point’ p********a?” Polly inquired, making Diana chuckle a little. “I wouldn’t call it a propaganda.” Diana reprimanded her cousin, making Polly groan in agitation. Polly was at her school, where she was standing besides her locker and picking her books out for her next class. “Listen Didi! I wouldn’t ask you to don’t waste your time or whatever because he is not bad for the eyes and if you he doesn’t make it easy and just doesn’t tell you what he is all up for, then don’t make the stupid mistake of what you did yesterday and cut him off. Stall him and waste his time as well. Besides, no offense but his time must be of more essence and value, right?” “Ouch?” Diana retorted and Polly only chuckled lightly. “What I am trying to say is that you haven’t had a good time in a while and though, I would kill that guy for ever even thinking about hurting you but if he plays around, why don’t you play around a little as well and make it worth your while. He is good looking, get down on him or have him go down on you or something, you know…” “Ugh! Polly, I am eight years older than you! have some shame.” Diana reprimanded her younger cousin, who simply shrugged back. “Honestly, you are eight years older than me and still a virgin! It should be you, who should be having some shame because I am not a virgin.” “Eww! Don’t tell me that. I don’t want to know.” Diana felt disgusted at the thought of her younger cousin being sexually active. “Why? Because s*x is gross? Because you are prude? Don’t tell me you are asexual. You know, it would be a waste of good boobs and a beautiful ass.” Diana gasped at her cousin’s remarks, “Did you call me to taunt me today?” Polly couldn’t help but laugh a little louder, “You know my boyfriend would be happier, had I had your boobs and not Mom’s.” “Would you stop that? and if not, then tell me now because I am going to cut the call off.” “Ugh fine! but just remember that not everything in this world is supposed to be taken seriously and especially that Adrian dude. Don’t take him too seriously if he doesn’t come to the point and reveals what he wants from you. If he tries to beat around the bush, you do the same and maybe, who knows you might lose your virginity to him?” Diana fell completely silent to that statement and at the same time, the bus arrived at the stop, closer to the salon also, to the café. “I am almost there. I’ll get going now.” With that Diana cut the call off and got off the bus. Putting her phone inside her small smartphone crossbody bag and went straight towards the café. The place was always crowded with all those who worked and shopped at the street but just as Diana entered inside the café, she was met with nothing but silence and emptiness. She looked all around the café and found it be entirely vacant with no customer in sight. Huh! This is weird! How come it is empty? These are the peak rush hours of the café, how could it be empty today? She walked up towards the counter and found only one barista, who was also her biggest nemesis – Natalie. For some unearthly reason, Natalie found Diana to be detestable. She always got her name and order wrong and it was also the reason why Diana had stopped going to the shop as well. But she planned on meeting Adrian there because the entire street knew Diana and for her, it was the safest place. Besides, Diana knew that Adrian couldn’t hurt her, like kidnap her or something from a crowded place like a café but somehow her plan had started to look futile. She gulped hard, as she walked up towards the bored, full of pierces Natalie, who stood across the counter, behind the cashier and typed boringly on her phone. She may or may not have observed Diana entering in to the café – chances of the fact that she may have but she deliberately ignore Diana and continued typing on her phone. Diana held on to the strap of her bag, that she wore in a crossbody manner and gently tip toed towards the counter. “Umm, hi!” she spoke softly and Natalie, looked up from the screen of her phone and without a single word said, immediately rolled her eyes hard at Diana. “What is it?” she shrugged and Diana c****d back at her. “Umm… it seems quitter than usual…?” she suggested, in more of a questioning manner and Natalie shrugged nonchalantly. “I can see that.” she stated in a monotonously vehement tone and Diana felt slightly pissed off at her. “Why is it so? is there something that happened?” she asked, wanting to know the reason behind the café being unusually empty, that also during rush hours. “Because we’re booked.” Natalie shrugged again and Diana felt even more confused. “Booked? For like an event or a party?” “I don’t know! Whoever booked it, told us to keep the café empty for the rest of the day and have like only one barista and everyone else wanted off, so I said I’ll get paid extra. And on that note, we are not serving anybody else today.” Just as Natalie stated those words, a loud male voice boomed, from across the other side of the café, making Diana turn and Natalie look straight up. “But you will serve her because I booked the café for her.” Diana stood stunned, finding Adrian standing across the shop from her, in the door, revealing the fact that it was him, who had the entire café booked, just to talk to her in private. Well… there went Diana’s first plan of keeping herself safe from Adrian. ---------------------------------------- Hope you guys are enjoying the book so far! Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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