20. A Miracle Baby?

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Diana tried her very best to hold on to Adrian but the man only slipped out of her hands, being twice her size and weight. Diana only scrunched her nose in agony and pain, she could already feel Adrian was about to suffer. Adrian’s heart froze as he could feel his body float mid air. His feet did not touch any ground and his body flew backwards perpendicularly. That was the moment Adrian knew that he was screwed. His entire life flashed through his eyes. Is this how I die? At the hands of the woman, I found to be extremely irritable? And that also chasing her. slipping down some tangible staircase, at a cheap local coffee shop, where they sell cheap instant coffee, that is not desirable to my taste. Is this how pathetic my death was written to be? Adrian wondered, as he continued flying down the stairs and all of his four limbs flew everywhere around him. Until his feet came in contact with the edge of the staircase but they also slipped down and away, not holding enough friction. This only continued and Adrian also continued flying down the stairs, shooting directly for the ground, making Adrian shut his eyes close, tightly as he knew that his end was written and he could see it … well of course only metaphorical he could see it, since he closed his own eyes out of fear of what was about to come for him. Diana also squinted her eyes shut, expecting a loud male voice to boom any given moment, as she could tell that Adrian was about to hit the ground and probably meet his God for good but instead, she heard nothing but a loud sigh, coming after a short while. She opened one eyes at a time, peaking to see what occurred and instead, she was rendered quite shocked to find Adrian stand tall by the feet of the staircase. “Huh?” Diana wondered, what happened as she saw Adrian, stretching and straightening up. Even the man himself looked stunned, as he thought that he had witnessed a splendor and a miracle. Did God just save me? I should pay a visit to the church soon. How did this even happen? Nonetheless, I didn’t die like a peasant! He sighed and breathed in relief, as only moments ago he was about to meet his final destination and be rejoined with his ancestors in hell – well given the track record of his ancestors, he knew for sure that they didn’t eat grapes in the heavens and instead, burned down in the hell. But then, a miracle happened. He didn’t land directly on the hard ground. Instead, he landed on something else. God’s miracle! He assumed, without giving it much of a thought. Well! God didn’t save me by making me land on a soft mattress. What I landed on was surely hard but at least not the ground. I guess God saves his good ones by giving them a soft mattress and sinners like me, get a chance at retribution and we could contrite our sins as God only shows us the mercy of saving us and not giving us a easy time in such situations. He shrugged and brushed off his shirt and pants and looked up at the top of the stairways, where even Diana looked at her in sheer astonishment. He smiled and waved at her. God! I beg for your forgiveness. I know I was supposed to not sin or lie anymore but I need to make use of this life that you have given me. Adrian had a silent conversation with God in his mind. I need this girl! I need to entrap her. or else, all the purpose of my life would go to waste. He talked to his own self and continued waving at Diana, who also waved back at him with confused expressions covering all of her face, for a second but then immediately paused as a thought hit her and her eyes bulged out of her sockets. Fuck! Adrian didn’t get saved by a miracle. Diana realized, as she who also thought that some sort of midsummer miracle happened that saved Adrian but the reality finally hit her, that it wasn’t some angel that saved Adrian but instead, the devil’s assistant. Diana meant – her aunt Emily. She was the one who saved Adrian. Well not voluntarily but in fact, Diana remembered all well and clearly that when Adrian was falling down the staircase, Emily was the one who was standing by the bottom of the stairs and in fact, she was the one who had startled Diana to begin with, which made Diana lose grip of Adrian and push him down the stairs. This only meant one thing to Diana, that Adrian landed on her aunt. She immediately rushed down the staircase and Adrian, oblivious of how he actually was saved, felt that God was being extra nice to him. He felt joyous and invigorated that indeed, him being saved by a miracle, impressed Diana as well, who came running down towards him. Huh! Even though she doesn’t deserve a peck me… he thought to his own self. But fine, I will forgive her because I need her. and perhaps, later on I could use this as an excuse to leave her and get rid of her. That she pushed me down the staircase and only when I was saved by a miracle only then she came to me. Wow! Being a miracle baby is such a huge flex, I guess. He opened up his arms, puckering up a fake smile as she pretended his best to welcome Diana, who rushed towards him. His smile grew deeper and wider, as he sensed Diana’s scent growing stronger, with every step she took down and towards him but soon, as she reached closer to him, she only pushed him away and aside, making Adrian stumble back and hit his back on the wall next to the staircase. “Ouf!” he grunted in agony but went in to a state of total shock, as he watched Diana’s aunt Emily, lying on the ground crumbled up like a piece of paper, unconscious and molded and crushed. The reality finally hit his brain that he wasn’t just a miracle baby but in fact, he ended up saving himself by landing on an old lady… and perhaps killing her in the process. Adrian’s eyes bulged out of his sockets as he realized that he had ended up crushing a woman down underneath him only to save himself. As if it wasn’t embarrassing enough that he fell down the stairs in front of Diana, his embarrassment couldn’t seem to fit another bound, as the realization dawned upon him that he shamelessly saved himself by crushing a woman, quite older and weaker than him, with his free falling weight. No way! Did I end up killing Diana’s Aunt? -------------------------------- I hope you guys are enjoying this book so far! Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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