67.The Fight Part I

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Silence was the only word that could be best used to describe the atmosphere inside that dressing room where Diana and her friends and Aunt were seated, all with their heads joined together with some with their hands scratching the back of their necks in complete bewilderment. To say they were shocked would be the least exaggeration of the situation. Of course they were flabbergasted with their findings about Diana’s past. She had only opened up with her friends to the extant that she had shared about the a***e that she suffered at the hands of her father. She always kept the story about her crush on Adrian and her poor heart’s destruction at the hands of the devil, in the cahoots. She thought that it was sensible to let things reside within her heart. She feared that if she ever spoke up about that thing with anyone, it would spread out and she wasn’t scared of being judged for being dumb. She had never gone that hard on herself and knew that her innocence was taken advantage of. But she believed that if she ever let her heart out and let another ear hear the tragedy from her past, that ear would then translate that story on to its tongue and that tongue would then spread it out or at least talk about Diana’s past over and over again in front of her. If not again and again, at least once in a while, she would be reminded of that horrific incident. She just wanted to make things disappear somewhere in her memory and pretend that her past did not exist at all. “So… all these years of us assuming that you were a virgin…” Tony inquired the same thing as Emily did and Diana couldn’t help but roll her eyes at the fact that the every time she revealed the part of her past where Adrian had hurt her, everyone would question their assumptions about her virginity. Diana shook her head. “No! I am sorry that my cherry has been popped.” She stated, revealing the fact that she may have disappointed everyone else and Tony only shook his head back. “No! I am not disappointed but in fact, I am amazed. Cause, girl I have seen your pictures from when you used to be in New York and sorry to say but damn you needed a glow up and even then you were able to score Adrian, so I just wonder how many others you may have scored.” Diana couldn’t help but gasp at the audacious accusations that Tony raised at Diana. But she wasn’t the only one offended by Tony’s words, so was Gloria and Emily. “Okay! She just told you that Adrian took advantage of her innocence and she was being vulnerable to you. and instead you ended up being so cruel that you are literally s**t shaming her and judging her.” gloria stepped in Diana’s defense and Tony couldn’t help but retort back in response. “And she also hid that from us so we can not be sure about what else she’s hidden from us.” Gloria couldn’t help scoff back at Tony’s selfish reasoning. “Maybe, she shouldn’t have told you anything to begin with. It is her right to hide whatever she wants to hide from you.” “Yeah, like she isn’t as much of a saint as she claims to be.” Bernard added in, taking Diaan by even more surprise that not just Tony but even Bernard was jumping the wagon of judging her and s**t shaming her. “Bernard?” Diana asked, her tone showing the fact that she was extremely dejected and heartbroken by her friends’ judgements and accusations towards her. “I am sorry Diana but I don’t think I can trust you anymore. You always pretended to be a virgin and carried the banner around as if you are the most saint person in this entire world. It is not like we never asked you or anything…” Bernard continued until Diana interrupted him to defend herself. “Exactly! No one asked and you guys assumed.” “And you played along after you saw how much blindly we trusted you.” Tony jumped in taking Bernard side and somehow making Diana feel disgusted of the way Tony and Bernard judged her in such a ostracism manner. “Wow! I told you guys because I thought that I could trust you.” Diana stated, shaking her head with sheer disappointment. “And after you just told us everything, we have realized that we can not trust you. I have started to have more trust in this Adrian dude. He sounds genuine and legit because he is helping us see through you. you have been hiding so much from us and for what?” Tony rose the question of trust that he had left in Diana, making her eyes go wide in complete heartbreak. She was obvious hurt by the fact that instead of sympathizing with her and comforting her for everything that Adrian did with her, Tony had turned against her and had took out his pitchfork pointed sharp and direct at Diana, her character and moral values. “Are you really trying to imply that the guy who hurt me in the past and you don’t even know anything about is someone you trust more than you would trust me? Someone you claim to be your best friend?” Diana inquired and Tony shrugged back, showcasing it through his gestures and making it evident by a simple move what his reply was. He was making his stance on the entire situation quite clear and it was not only breaking Diana’s heart but also agitated him. She couldn’t wrap her mind around the fact that Tony had become detached in a swift motion from her and had left zero regard for their friendship and bond. “You know what? You not trusting me in all of this and actually judging me really shows your character.” Diana retracted back at Tony, obviously not holding herself back either and trying her very best to inflict the same pain upon him that he had inflicted upon her. Tony straightened up, as he felt a cold splash of insult thrown his way and noticing just how sternly the two friends were glaring at each other, Gloria decided to step. “Guys! stop it, okay? We should all just sit down and talk.” “Honestly, I would kind of agree with Tony here!” Bernard jumped in, taking everyone else by surprise. --------------------------------- Part two coming soon :D Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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