68. The Fight Part II

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“Honestly, I would kind of agree with Tony here!” Bernard jumped in, taking everyone else by surprise. Everyone gasped as they heard that Bernard was willing to side with Tony in the matter. “Even after my niece was the reason behind you getting business tonight?” Emily c****d with audacity at Bernard, stating the fact that Diana was the reason to begin with why Bernard got a show booked that night. Bernard obviously felt belittled and scrutinized by Emily, which made him react back in a more oversensitive manner. “Missy! Your niece attracted that man so much that he booked the theater in her memory. I am not the only one to benefit from that! I only wonder what kind of moves she may have showed him that he is still so mesmerized by her. I bet if she would ask him to get a Rolls Royce, he would do that as well. So, yeah! She didn’t get me any business it was just a coincidence and besides, I wouldn’t want any w***e to generate my business. my theater could stand on its own, even without your little niece.” Bernard snapped his fingers at Emily, making the older woman retract back a little but Gloria immediately jumped forward and in between Emily and Bernard, pushing the latter away from Emily. “Bernard! Behave yourself.” Gloria reprimanded the offensive man, who only pressed his lips tightly together, pouting out a little and crossed his arms across his chest. “Why don’t you ask the grandma over here to behave herself.” He retorted in a small coo, making Tony snicker a little and Diana couldn’t help but observe her friend’s behavior, as she felt extremely hurt by the way both Tony and Bernard, the two men that she trusted the most, act in such an obnoxious manner, disrespecting her Aunt, whom they knew how much Diana regarded and held so high in her life. She felt extremely sorrowful over the way that Bernard and Tony behaved, only offended by the fact that Diana did not tell them about Adrian and hid the truth about her past from them, which was a topic extremely oversensitive for her and her soul. “Grandma?” Emily’s eyes widened over the title that Bernard labeled her with. “Yeah! Grandma. Can’t you see everyone else in this room is below thirty and you are like what… forty five? So that makes you our grandma.” Bernard shrugged at Emily, who decided to not hold back or care enough who Bernard was to her niece. “Well at least I have the common mind to invest my time and money in the right business. unlike you, who is so full of himself and can’t even see the wrecked up acts that he pulls together. No wonder why your father pulled back from paying your bills anymore and who do you think you are to say that you don’t want a w***e to generate business for you? I bet even if you start showing n***d people on stage, your seats would still remain empty as they always do. There is a reason why your business is going down and that is because of your arrogance.” Emily snapped back at Bernard, making him gasp in sheer horror over the words that Emily had stated. “Mind your self” he warned Emily, who this time was the one to strut at Bernard. She crossed her arms across her chest and imitated his expressions in a much horrible manner, showcasing it quite evidently that she was trying to copy him. Bernard gasped again and this time he simply looked at Emily who held plain expressions and turned his face away. “Take your grandma away from here and take her out of my sight and my theater before I forget that he is a woman.” He told Diana, who simply slumped her head lower and looked down at the ground, feeling extremely pained with the way Bernard continued disrespecting her and Emily. Emily scoffed out loud, laughing her lungs out, “Whoa! You don’t have to worry about me being a woman. I can tell that I have more testosterones than you coursing through my veins and I can bet that I can actually beat you up like a man…” With that Emily jumped forward to throw hands at Bernard and Gloria felt horrified. She tried to pull Emily back but she felt helpless and powerless as Emily continued to push through but Diana jumped in and held Emily back. “Forget it Aunty!” Diana finally spoke up and everyone held their selves together, turning towards the poor girl who finally spoke up. “He is not worth it.” With that Diana grabbed her Aunt’s wrist and pulled her out of the dressing room, along with herself, grabbing her tote bag on the way out. Gloria felt muddled for a second but then she looked at Tony and Bernard both of whom held their heads high, seeing none of their own fault. Having nothing left to say, Gloria also left behind Diana and joined with her on her way out. “Diana! Listen to me…” Gloria called her and held her back as she reached the middle of the street right outside the theater. Diana turned around, along with her Aunt and looked at Gloria. “Gloria, don’t ask me to go back in and talk to them. You saw what they did and…” “I am not asking you to go back or talk to them,” Gloria concluded and both Diana and Emily shared a skeptical look as they turned to look at each other at once and then looked back Gloria. “What do you mean?” Diana inquired and Gloria shrugged, walking towards Diana and held her shoulder firmly. “I mean that if you ever went back and talked to Tony or Bernard on your own without them properly apologizing to you, I would kill you!” With that Gloria placed her arms around Emily and Diana’s shoulder and turned them around, walking along with them and choosing her side of the feud wisely. -----------------------------------

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