55. Know Your Place

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Diana felt regretful that she had missed an entire weekend to see Adrian, while the last time she had seen her, she had spent a wonderful time with him, in which she believed that she was able to create an ever lasting bond with him, giving a part of her soul to him. She tried meeting up with Adrian during the weekend but her father came in between and ruined her plans. But she wasn’t going to be fazed because she had other plans. Just as the Monday morning hit in and it was time for Diana to go to school, she decided to dress up a bit differently then she usually did. She decided to skip wearing a loose and a free size t shirt and instead, went with the one that was her own size. Of course even a small size was a bit loose on her extra small structured body but she still felt happy that she was regaining the confidence to be happy and comfortable in her own body and she believed that the confidence stemmed from the love and care that Adrian had provided her. It was almost a shame that she didn’t get to meet him during the weekend and wondered if he would be excited to see her? Of course he will be! He loved me so much. She thought as she wore a faded blue jeans to match with her white polo shirt and packed her bag and carefully tiptoed her way out of the small storage closet that was designated to be her bedroom. Once she was out of the house, she then grabbed the very first bus that led towards the stop of her school and as she sat inside the bus, she felt anxious as finally she would get to meet Adrian after the whole weekend. Would he be mad at me for not contacting him for the entire weekend? He knows that I come to the mansion every weekend to hand over Carly and Zion’s homework and he must had expected me to meet him but I couldn’t go. I hope he would listen to me and be able to understand that because of Dad I was unable to see him. of course he would understand. As Diana had a mixture of feelings course through her, she hopped out of the bus and made her way inside the school, where pupils were busy with their own worries and task. She made her way towards her locker and stood at the spot, hoping and waiting for the moment when Adrian would arrive. Adrian on the other hand, stood right outside the doors of the school, anxious and full of guilt as he didn’t hold the courage to meet Diana at all. He knew that just like the usual, she would be standing by her locker that was in the same row as his and would be waiting for Adrian. But that time things wouldn’t be just about Diana wanting to gawk at Adrian, something that Adrian himself felt happy about, that there was some sort of fan of his out there, staring at hi, wanting to catch a glimpse of him. But one single mishap from Adrian had ended up completely turning the tables and changed the entire chemistry of the situation. He had done it willingly, in his full conscious. He had ended up giving Diana hope and not just he gave her hope but took away her virginity and did something that was completely irreversible. He wished that what he had done was something that could be reverted back to its original state and Adrian craved and prayed that a miracle would occur with which the night would be removed from Diana and even his own memory or perhaps he could gain means and power with which he could turn back in time and stop himself or at least give Diana back what he knew was very precious to her. Throughout the whole weekend he bargained and tried to come to terms with his actions, deciding to not go too hard on himself. He tried to bargain through the fact that Diana threw herself at him but at the same time, he knew better that he could have acted like a gentleman and let her go but instead, he let his l**t take over and he ended up going too far ahead with her. The poor girl didn’t have any friends and as far as he could tell that her step mother was also not very much loving and the only thing that she had was her father, whom Adrian always kept occupied with his own trainings during the late night hours. As Adrian stood by the entrance door of the school, contemplating him options whether to skip school or go inside and face the consequences of his own actions, a soft hand tied around his arm and pulled him inside. Startled, Adrian turned around and found Chloe dragging him along with her inside the school. They had only barely stepped inside the premises of the school when Adrian pulled his arm away from Chloe, who batted her eyelashes in complete awe and confusion. “What happened? Don’t you want to come inside? You have been standing there like a ghost for the past ten minutes.” She commented and Adrian realized that he wasn’t the only one entering the school and others might have observed his irrational and unusual behavior. He took a deep breath and shrugged at Chloe. “Umm… I was just feeling a little under the weather today. So, was wondering whether I should just simply skip school or not.” Chloe bit her bottom lip, as she gawked at her boyfriend and assessed his appearance, scanning him head to toe. She bit the inside of her cheeks and shook her head, staring at Adrian. “No way! You look all fine and besides, we just have two weeks left for our term, which also means that just two weeks left for our school. Can you believe that just in a span of a month we will graduate high school and we would officially be college goers. I am so excited for the new chapters of our lives.” Chloe continued to chime, as she dragged Adrian along with her and took him inside the hallways of the school, where she brought him towards his locker. Noticing Adrian come to his locker, Diana’s entire face lit up and as she took a step closer to him, he she immediately held herself back and gasped lightly, watching as Adrian’s arm was intertwined with Chloe. She could hear her heart break out and loud inside her own mind. A vicious feeling of drowning sadness began enveloping around her mind and her body, as she immediately began feeling low and broken. Adrian also darted his eyes right towards Diana’s locker and just like always he knew that she would be standing and looking at him but this time, her face was lightened up like it always did whenever she would look at him and find him staring back at her. Instead, this time, tears were formed in the corner of her eyes and her lips remained parted and open instead of being stretched in to a smile. Her body was shaking with the treacherous deceit that she had received at the hands of Adrian. She believed that he loved her and he also made her feel that way. She couldn’t comprehend or understand the point where everything went wrong or where she may have misunderstood Adrian’s actions. But she believed that perhaps maybe she could be wrong… no! she couldn’t be. He was clear that he wanted her… but that led her to think whether he just wanted her body for a night and nothing else. The mere thought of that fact acted as a staggering dagger to Diana’s soul and with every passing second she could feel her heart breaking out and loud. With shaky steps she began walking towards Adrian, wanting some answers from him and for once, Chloe stopped speaking and chatting and finally looked up at Adrian but it angered her that he wasn’t looking at her. She followed his gaze and what agitated her beyond any means was the fact that Adrian was looking at Diana, with obvious concern plastered over his face. Diana continued to take slow steps towards Adrian, who stood back, frozen and glued to his spot trying to muster up the courage to face her. He was ready to take any punishment from her. even if she walked up to him and slapped him across the face in front of the entire school, he had made up his mind. He wouldn’t utter a single word and take her punishment as a compensation for what he had done. Deep down he knew that there wasn’t a single thing in the world that could compensate for what he had done but if Diana would find peace with beating him, thrashing him, slapping him and slurring his name, he wouldn’t mind that. if anything, he believed that those acts by Diana would be liberating for him and would help him feel less burdened by the guilt that he believed was consuming him on the inside. Adrian watched as Diaan daunted towards him and he could see a sense of stealth and a sense of hate radiating off her body. She was always open and radiant as she approached him without considering his actions towards him but in that moment, she was very meticulous as she walked towards him, carrying loath in her eyes for seeing Adrian wrapped in the arms of another girl. Diana took careful steps towards him and was only a few steps away when Chloe turned her back towards Adrian and came in to stand in between her boyfriend and Diana. Diana felt startled, as she took a step back and Chloe crossed her arms together, pushing them firmly up against her chest. Adrian tapped on her shoulder, wanting her to get out of the situation and let him and Diana handle thing on their own but Chloe only ignored Adrian and began strutting towards Diana, prancing towards her like a predator would do, before jumping on top of its prey. Diana began trekking her steps backwards, noticing the thundering glare in Chloe’s eyes and before she knew everyone around the hallway turned their attention towards the two girls that they believed were about to get in to a cat fight. The whole school knew that Chloe and Adrian were dating and somehow had some sort of misunderstanding and broke up during the game. But over the weekend, during the party at the Sarmiento Mansion, Adrian was spotted kissing and making out with Diana, who had always fluttered around Adrian. And not just that, him taking her towards his bedroom, a restricted area where even Chloe wasn’t allowed or taken to, had all become whispering rumors that spread across the peers of the school like a wild fire would do across a dry, arid forest. And seeing the two girls standing face to face with each other, right on a Monday morning, exactly after the whole party debacle took place, some sort of fight was to ensue between the two lasses. “How dare you!” Chloe commented as she continued to hawk towards Diana, who felt the sharp ledge of her own locker that she had kept open, touch her back. This made her halt her feet, as she stood and watched Chloe continue to walk towards her. “How dare you even think that you could try and approach Adrian while I am standing with him?” Without another warning Chloe threw a slap right across Diana’s face, making her go crashing down on the floor. Students gasped, as they began rounding up and circled the two women. Diana landed down on her knees, that hit the hard ground, while she used her hands to keep her body afloat. She could feel her cheeks and her face burning with not just the hurt that Chloe that injured upon her but also due to the embarrassment that she was facing, for being hit and slapped by Chloe in front of the entire school. “You really have grown some guts, huh?” Chloe screamed at Diana, who remained curled on the ground, keeping her face down towards the floor, knowing all too well that if she lifted her face up or looked up at Chloe, it would only triggered the maddened bull even more. Diana was scared to even make the slightest move and knew exactly how assaulters acted in situations like those because she suffered at the hands of her own father every single day. Maybe it was her fear or quick witted actions but her decision to remain immobile on the ground was what had stopped Chloe’s assault on to her. But that was just the physical part of the a***e that had stopped, the verbal humiliation continued. “You think that while I am standing next to Adrian, it would be okay for you to approach him. you f*****g loser, he only f****d you the other night because we weren’t together. But you need to know your f*****g place. If I am next to Adrian, not just you… but no other girl is supposed to ever approach him. or else, the same would happen to any s**t that is happening to this w***e right here.” Chloe then turned her stare towards the bystanders, who all gasped in sheer surprise and shock over the events that they were witnessing. Carly and Zion pushed past the crows and came to stand in the very front, both holding amused looks on their faces, watching as his cousin felt embarrassed for his actions and their little slave was being punished for trying to spread her wings and fly a bit too high, towards an approach that wasn’t meant for her. The two villainous siblings felt delightful that they didn’t had to reprimand or fix Diana and instead Chloe did the task wonderfully for the two. Chloe on the other hand continued yelling and barking out loud and Carly noticed that her loud yells that had attracted the students would attract a teacher or the principal as well. She immediately ran towards Chloe and held her back, gently soothing her shoulder. “Chloe, it’s fine! just stop yelling or else a teacher could come.” She warned her friend, who only groaned in agitation. She didn’t feel satisfied with just a slap or the slurs that she had thrown at Diana. She paced forward to attack Diana once again and the poor girl laying on the floor flinched hard, as she retracted back towards her locker, curling herself down. Her little act of cowardice made a loud laughter ensue across the entire crowd and Zion couldn’t help but feel even more delighted to watch Diana suffer. To him, he felt like having a field day and he could help but feel even more excited to rub those insults in to Diana’s face when he would get his hands on her later on. “It’s enough.” Carly told Chloe, pulling her back. “And you…” she then turned towards Diana. “You should stay in your lane and look at yourself. Do you really think that someone like Adrian would want you? you shouldn’t have approached him to begin with. Boys like him and Zion use girls and throw them away easily. You should know better before raising your hopes up.” “Exactly!” Chloe added and then freed herself from Carly’s grip and walked towards Adrian. She grabbed his arm and pulled him along with her, bringing him to stand right in front of Diana, towering tall above. “Just tell this w***e that you don’t want to do anything with her.” She pressed Adrian, who was beyond embarrassed but that wasn’t just how he felt. He felt maliciously sick on the inside and somehow the curled up stature in which Diana was bent on the floor, with her knees retracted up till her chest, somehow made him feel sick on the inside. He just wanted things to be over and without bating a single thought or behaving more wisely in that situation, he decided to put a pause on Chloe’s tantrum and thence, gave in to her pressure. “Yes! Chloe is right! I don’t want to do anything with you Diana.!” ------------------------------------ Well! That's the end of the flashback for you guys :D Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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