56. How Far Are You Willing To Go?

1235 Words
Diana sniffed her tears away, as she went through a rollercoaster of emotions, narrating the incident from her past to her Aunt, who also held grim expressions and insolent feelings towards Adrian, once her niece was done describing to her the acts of Adrian, that made her turn so bitter towards the boy. Emily rolled her eyes, gently touching the corner of her eyelids to remove any stains of tears that may have threatened to spill out of her eyes. She sniffed loudly and held her sobs back, while Diana also tried to do the same, as she shook her head and looked up towards the ceiling to make gravity do its work and hold her tears back somewhere in her skull. As silence remained as the only remaining persisting expression of emotion in that room of two women, the scenes were entirely different between Adrian and Jared. Jared remained stunned for a minute, after listening to how irresponsibly and cowardly his boss acted in his past and the only thing that came out of his mouth, once Adrian was done narrating him his vicious acts, was a gasp of shock. “Wow! You were surely a douchebag.” Jared stated and Adrian only groaned, rubbing his hands over his face, as he rested his elbows over his knees. “I know! You don’t have to remind me.” Adrian reinstated, clarifying the fact that he was well aware and well conscious with the guilt of hurting and rupturing Diana’s heart. “Like Man, not only did you just sleep with her, knowing full well that you were taking advantage of her feelings and you have no intentions to reciprocate her love in that manner. And yet you slept with her and then later on you told her right off, on her face that you don’t want to do anything with her. And she went through all of this while she was already being abused by her father… wow! Dude, how will you even live with yourself now?” Jared made it stern clear to Adrian, that he was being judged for his poor behavior and actions towards Diana in the past. “Again! You don’t have to remind me and I didn’t know what was happening with her at her home.” Adrian spoke up in his defense and Jared only threw daggers with his gaze at his boss. “Are you still going to find a way to make things about yourself? Do you even have any idea what your stupid hormonal behavior from the past is going to cost you now?” Adrian gulped hard, noticing just how staggering and deleterious was Jared’s gaze. “I mean, I already told you that I didn’t know any better and that I was a silly stupid boy. Had I known any better, I would have obviously treated Diana nicely.” Jared shook his head, contradicting right off the bat with his boss. “No! you still wouldn’t. unless you would have known how important she would be for your business and what pivotal role she is going to play for you to become the CEO.” Adrian rolled his eyes at Jared’s words, “And also for you to become the head secretary.” Jared couldn’t help but feel slightly ashamed as his own personal motives were brough to light by Adrian but he wasn’t going to let that stumble his back, since he was finally familiar with the fact why Diana was so obnoxiously repulsive towards Adrian to begin with. “It is surely not just about you and me anymore.” Jared cleared his throat and got from his seat, walking towards the floor to ceiling window and stood looking right outside, overlooking the day time city. “You need to realize that what you did hurt Diana and now it’s time for you to fix your past mistakes…” Adrian c****d back at Jared, “Really? You don’t say! I thought it was time for me to punch her in the guts and c***k a bad April joke prank on her. of course, I have to mend fences with her, can’t you see that I am trying to but it’s just so hard to please her and I don’t know how to make things work.” Jared couldn’t help but erupt in a loud laughter as he heard Adrian’s words. “Please her? make things work?” He repeated Adrian’s words and laughed even more loudly, making Adrian understand the dismissing and derogatory mock that was filled in Jared’s tone. “Fine! I get it, I am still dense when it comes to this situation but it is not my fault.” Adrian once again defied himself but Jared only continued to laugh harder with every word that Adrian spoke, irritating Adrian beyond his capacity. “It is not my fault, okay? I have never been put in such a place where I had to work hard to get a girl. You know me and you know that girls always came to me easily.” Listening to Adrian’s defense, Jared rolled down on the laughter and began slapping the ground with a jeering laugh, showcasing just how much amusing for him Adrian’s thoughts on the whole situation were. “Oh God! You really think that it’s not your fault that you don’t know how to interact with a woman on a serious and gentle tone? Because girls came to you and accepted you for who you were. But have you never even tried to realize or notice why didn’t those very girls, who came to you so easily, stayed with you?” Adrian went in to a state of total shock as Jared’s words took him down in to a deep spiral of self realization and once again Jared got up on his feet and stood erect, removing any creases off his shirts that may have fallen due to his inadvertent laughing manner. “You see, that is because you never bothered or cared if any girl stayed and that’s why you never put any effort to make those girls stay and they came and went, pleasing you and you also didn’t care because for you, what mattered was a good time and you got that. and for the first time, a girl has mattered to you more than just a good time. A girl has challenged your position and you might pay a price for it because of the way you disregarded her and behaved with her in the past.” Adrian looked away from Jared, not having the tolerance in him to see the smug expressions on his assistance’s face, that came once Jared realized that he had finally left Adrian awestruck and speechless, so much so that Adrian didn’t have anything to say in his defense. “But now the question is…” Jared cleared his throat, grabbing Adrian’s attention, who turned his neck around and stared at Jared with a very clean and plain face, wanting to know what Jared further had to say. And once Jared’s gaze met with Adrian’s he continued with his statement and declaration “… the question is, how far are you willing to go to make amends?” ------------------------------------ How far do you think Adrian would go to get Diana back? Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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