69. Isolate Her

625 Words
“Are you sure?” Adrian inquired from Jared, who nodded his head and hummed back in an affirmative tone. “My sources that I asked to investigate Diana and left to tail her confirmed that she had a huge fight with her friends Bernard, the one who ran the theater and Tony, the hairdresser from the salon. They clearly heard them being mad at Diana for hiding the truth about her past from you. seems like your deliberate timing to show up in front of Diana’s dressing room worked.” Jared appreciated Adrian’s little deliberate trick that paid him off. Adrian couldn’t help but snicker a little at Jared’s words and feel pride in his work of art. He stood inside his Los Angeles Head Office, a place where he had shifted his work to, under a pretense and claiming to shape up the head office before he would become the CEO of the Sarmiento Corporations. Everyone in the company bought his lame excuse as they Los Angeles Office was the second biggest after New York and once Adrian would become the CEO, he would not have a single second to even think about leaving New York and working from any other branch, as he would be piled up with work and responsibility. “So, I guess that it worked for you.” Jared told Adrian, who looked at his laptop, sitting on the large leather swivel chair of his office. Only a few lights of the office were left turned on, while Adrian’s office overlooked the city, where right outside from the floor to ceiling windows, reflected the white and blue lights of the city, with the whole sky and even some other parts of the hilly areas of the city left dark, showcasing the fact that the night sky had fallen upon the city but Adrian still chose to work till late. Adrian looked over from his laptop and then looked at Jared and smirked viciously back at his assistant. “I didn’t know that her friends would be in the dressing room with her. And when I saw them at first I thought that I should ask to talk to Diana alone but when she started talking in front of her friends, I decided to play along with her and I had an idea that she had not told her friends anything about me. They acted as if I was an alien, any time they would see me. I highly doubt she had even told her Aunt about me. But after the other night, after the date, I believe that she may have told her somethings but I knew for sure that she had not told anything to her friends. And what irritates progressive people more than anything? It is when their pretentiousness is supposedly judged and people who claim to be close to them, reveal a part of their life that they had kept hidden. So, I knew through a good assessment that Diana’s friends are the biggest pretentious pricks one could think of and that’s why I ratted her out in front of them but in a very subtle manner.” Adrian revealed his true master plan to Jared, making him grin in pride. “Well… what now? What do you plan to do next, now that her friend circle is broken?” Adrian shrugged in a very casual manner. “Well now that she is isolated… it would be a much better time for us to make our next move.” Jared felt confused by Adrian's statement and decided to question his Boss's motives, "Wait! What do you mean by isolated? and How would that benefit us?" ------------------------------------------- Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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