70. Some Real Farsighted Sh*t

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Adrian sighed as he heard Jared’s question. “Well you see I have this idea in fact it is a theory but it is something in the work. I believe that when a girl particularly in seeing a guy, there are going to be many mouths around her and women especially love to share their experiences and their feelings with their friends the most. They love to tell their friends how they feel and what the guy did. At times when they are upset, which could be because of many reasons, one of them being a fight lets say, with the guy that they are dating, they would want to tell their friends about what happened. Or their friends would push them to speak up and talk about their feelings. It is a way of bonding among women and in the awe of bonding they tend to share things. About what they did or the guy did that may have caused an upset in the relationship, and when they do end up sharing all these things then their friends share their perspective about what the guy had done or the girl had done. And usually they never pick their friend’s fault. They always pick the guys fault and tell the girl that she deserves the best and even push the girl to break up with the boy. And given to the sensitive past that Diana and I share, I would very much not like to take the risk and thence, the lesser people Diana has in her life, the lesser mouths their would be giving her advice and the more lonely she is, the better it is for us. So, her friends fighting with her, is a good thing for us, it means that we have a much greater chance of manipulating her feelings because she doesn’t have anyone else advising her otherwise.” Adrian shared his true intentions with Jared who was flabbergasted by the way his boss’s mind worked and with the way Adrian was incredibly farsighted and had things already mapped out in his mind. “Wow! That is actually some real farsighted shit.” Jared commented making Adrian snicker. Adrian then got up from his chair and walked up towards the minibar, where he took out a bottle of an old aged scotch and poured two glasses down. He passed one to Jared, placing it on top of his glass top desk and held the other one in his hand. He then walked up towards the mirror wall of his office and looked ahead at the dark view of the city. “Honestly, I don’t know what made Diana come to this city to begin with.” He commented, “I always found this city to be rough, dry and extremely boring. There is nothing big about this city. Everybody here is a pretentious f**k who would carry fake luxury bags only to fall in to the race of those who could actually afford it.” Jared hummed back at Adrian’s flaky comments. “Right! But I still think she came here because of her Aunt.” “Of course.” Adrian scoffed dryly. “Do you think her Aunt knows about you and Diana?” Jared inquired and Adrian sipped on his alcohol, turning around to face Jared. He then placed his glass back on his desk and took a seat on his chair. “I don’t know honestly but I think we should approach her gently and delicately with the mindset that she could possibly know something or maybe everything. That’s why when we approach her, we have to make her believe that I am a better person now.” Adrian guided Jared, who nodded at his boss. “Well, then I have a perfect plan in my mind and I think we would succeed if we follow what I have planned in the cahoots.” ------------------------------- Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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