71. The Act Scene I

1209 Words
Emily pulled the grocery cart and continued strolling across the large mart. She went about the grocery store in a chronological order, as she first picked up on the items that did not require any specific temperature for storage and then went in to the condiments sections, from which she made her way towards the coffee and bakery section. Everything that Emily did, she made sure to do it in a meticulous and methodical manner, making sure to follow a pattern and sequence. She liked to maintain order and peace in her life and thence as she continued to stroll around the grocery store and entered the fresh produce section, she was busy mindlessly looking to grab a fresh vegetable to cook for dinner when her cart ended up bumping in to another one. “Oh s**t!” Emily mumbled, as she looked ahead to see who she had bumped in to and much to her surprise, she found herself staring right at Jared, whom she had actually never met and never knew who he was. But seeing how handsome and young the man was, Emily definitely felt intimidated and mesmerized by him for a second. “Oh, I am sorry for bumping in to you in such an abrupt manner, I was looking at the produce and didn’t see you there.” Emily tried to politely work the situation out and Jared only threw a shy smile at her. “No, actually I should be the one who should be apologizing. I am actually new here… I mean it is my first time in this mart and I am actually new in this town. I was actually busy looking in to my phone. Umm I am guessing that you know more about this market than I would ever?” Jared proposed and Emily nodded at him. “Yes? Is there something, I could help you with?” she offered and Jared immediately nodded, stepping near Emily and shoved his phone in her hands. “Here! my boss is going crazy on my back and is asking me to buy some things in bulk. He would like to donate them to the other workers and employees and though we usually give gift cards and cards with mart credits but he wanted this time to distribute on his own.” Jared informed Emily with details of what was keeping him perplex and Emily grabbed the phone. Her eyes bulged out of her sockets, as she noticed the huge list of food materials and the quantity written next to it that was required by the poor guy’s boss. “Oh! I don’t think you could buy all of this out in such a huge bulk.” Emily informed Jared, who groaned, throwing his head back and rubbed the back of his neck. “Damn it! this is my third mart and I don’t know what else to do. If I were in New York, everything would have been so easier.” He almost cried lowly and Emily pressed her lips tightly, trying to ponder hard on the situation, until she finally came up with a solution. “Actually, there is one thing that I could help you with…” With that Emily guided Jared towards the manager’s desk and there she introduced Jared to the manager, whose wife was an old friend of Emily’s and they were also quite good family friends. “Martin, can you help this poor chap? He needs some help with some bulk order and I think maybe you can fix his order as an outsource?” Emily asked the bald manager, who was more than glad to step in. After a short while, once Jared’s order was quoted and fixated, Jared signed and paid for the order through his black card that was provided by his boss and once the payment was made, Jared’s phone buzzed inside his khaki pant’s. he immediately took his phone out and answered it. “Yes Boss! The notification for the payment that you received is for the order of all the things that you asked me to buy. The order will be delivered to the addresses that you gave me by tomorrow or the day after tomorrow maximum.” Jared gave a thumbs up to Martin, who wrote down on the order the delivery timeline that the order had to necessarily follow. “Yes! Don’t worry, I would get the frozen lasagna as well.” Jared sighed sorrowfully and cut the call short. He then turned towards Emily, who was silently noticing each and everything taking place and also keeping a close eye on Jared’s each move. But the moment Jared turned towards her, she immediately turned her face away. “Well thank you so much for your help.” “Oh, it was no biggie!” Emily shrugged at him. “I am guessing that you work for some big shot?” she inquired in a casual manner, all the while her ulterior hopes were that Jared would give in the name of his boss. It was more of a curiosity by that point but soon it turned in to a nerve of greed and a nerve of desire in Emily’s mind, once Jared gave in more information about his boss. “Yeah! He is a big shot but a lonely one.” Jared scoffed, as he explained his boss’s situiauton. “All he does is work and he doesn’t have anyone in his life to spend his money on and he also doesn’t spend much of his money like other rich people do. At the end of the day all he does is have a stupid frozen lasagna, while he could go to any expensive restaurant in the world but he doesn’t do that. in fact, he likes to donate his money. He really cares for family values and knows how much a family meal matters. As it brings people together to prepare it, it imparts love and a sense of bond among those with family. That’s why he loved to donate raw material to other people, who are in need. And he watched from afar as they all make those meals and at the end sit down together and enjoy them. At times, these people invite him over and he loves to go to these random families and have a meal with them.” Emily was completely lose listening to the heartfelt and sad story of the man when Jared tapped her shoulder, breaking her out of her trance. “I am sorry to bother you again but can I ask for one last favor from you?” Emily nodded, while her mind was still lost and her heart was full of sorrow for the poor man. well – not poor in money but definitely poor in terms of lacking love. “Can you tell me where the frozen foods section is?” Emily was about to guide him when a spark hit her mind and an idea lightened up above her head. “You know what? Your boss doesn’t have to eat any sad meal for tonight!" ----------------------------------- What do you think came to Emily's mind? Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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