4. Wooing Emily

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Diana wide eyes remained the same, as she looked at the back of Emily’s head that reached up till her neck. She gulped hard, only wondering hat her aunt was up to but what truly horrified her was the fact that once she was done dealing with Adrian in her own way and perhaps even be successful in chasing the guy away, which Diana doubted but also knew that Emily didn’t entertain the idea of anyone hurting Diana to begin with. Oh! Don’t get the idea of the illusion that Emily did all of this for Diana out of protection, love or care! No. Emily definitely loathed the girl and hated her guts for continuing to stay with the woman and her daughter in the same house, after she became the reason of her breakup with Ralph but Emily herself never even for once asked Diana to leave her house. In fact, once Diana revealed to Poly that she planned on moving out and had been even interviewing and giving demos at different salons but Emily told Diana that she was under a permanent contract with her which bound Diana to work for her aunt and when Diana suggested still wanting to move out, Emily forced her to stay by stating that she needed a house help and she didn’t have enough money to pay for a maid, since because of Diana, the only rich hand that she was trying to hold on to had slipped away. So, Diana ought to stay and serve Emily. Diana could still remember that conversation that she had with her aunt two years ago, when she planned on moving away, Emily had summoned her in the main foyer of her small suburban home and became chastising the poor girl in an obnoxious tone. “Do you really think that you are very clever and I am that stupid that I would let you get away from under my grip?” Diana stood confused and baffled at Emily’s yet another tantrum that she had been continuously throwing ever since the day her broke off her engagement with Ralph. “After Ralph, you think that you are pretty and smart enough to get any guy, don’t?” Emilya scoffed at Diana, taking her entirely by surprise. Diana shook her head to deny those allegations but Emily only pulled out a bunch of papers out of her hand bag and threw it right on to Diana’s face. “These are the food bills and the electricity bills that I have paid in the last eight years and above all, the beauty school tuition fee is also included in somewhere there. Pay all of that to me and if you can’t then you stay here with me and serve me as a maid. Because of your sleuth little slutty hands, I lost Ralph and no I don’t have money to afford any house help that I would’ve gotten had Ralph still been with me. Because of you, I lost a rich guy and now you will compensate for it and serve me.” Diana knew quite too well that her aunt could be a fractiously intimidating person and that’s why when she stepped in between her and Adrian, pushing her back and acting like her shield, even though she purported that she was protective of her niece but still everyone in that salon including Diana knew that Emilya only did so because she was insecure of somebody else taking and rescuing her niece away from her taunting and torturing tentacles. “I asked you something… Who the hell are and what are you trying to do by getting inside my salon like this? What are you trying to show that you are powerful? It doesn’t mean that you could enter in to anybody’s salon like this…” Emily yelled out and loud, shaking up everybody present in that salon, including Diana but Adrian and his men remained static, unhinged and unbothered by the screaming lady. This only pissed Emily even more. “Hey! I am asking you something. Why the hell are you guys not listening to me?” This time her voice was heavy and full of anger and Adrian only shifted his gaze up from Emily, all the while keeping an amused look on his face and turned it towards Diana, who stood shaking like a weasel dipped in water, right behind her aunt and focusing on her back but for a moment, she looked up from Emily and then turned her eyes towards Adrian, surprised to find him already looking at her with a devious grin plastered on his face. He enjoyed the sight of Diana squirming in so much shock not just from seeing him but also her aunt lashing out at him but his remaining stoically static and unbothered. He liked, how his presence and every single move that he made, even his eye shifting was noticeable by Diana, which gave him the confidence that the mission on which he had come to LA would not go to waste. He then immediately looked down at Emily and presented himself as a harmless tool. He smiled softly at her and the harsh look and the stiff expressions on Emily’s face immediately vanished away. “You must be Emilya Sanchez?” Adrian c****d and Emily nodded, still keeping her neck stiff and high, not losing the attitude, although her heart had slowly begin to melt for Adrian and his charming poise. “Oh Gosh! I as confused for a minute, because I was told that you are supposed to be her Aunt but I really thought that you were like her cousin or perhaps like a sister or something and trust me had I not knowing Diana well, I would’ve believed that you are her cousin.” Adrian tone was soft and flirtatious and many people around the salon, especially the workers ho heard him, gasped in shock, listening to the blatant lie that Adrian had told but blush crept in to Emily’s cheek at the mere praise that she had just received from such a handsome man. Emily was definitely a flirtatious woman and any man who was handsome and as tall and good looking at Adrian, was her weakness. Adrian was also a man who loved to study his subjects and before he made an impact, he made sure to have done his case study and hit the very right notes, that would serve him just right and help him deliver the impact that he was achieving for. Emily gasped in sheer flush and fanned her burning face with her hand. “Gosh! Stop it now! I don’t look that young.” “Of course you do! Who says you don’t?” Adrian asked, looking around the salon and everyone held a notorious look on their face, with their lips pressed tightly and holding back at the urge to loudly hum, ‘Mhmm’, together only for the sake of sarcasm. “No, I just am an aunt and a mother of a highschooler.” Adrian gasped louder than he should’ve but his acting was obviously quite at par, as he held a hand over his mouth and shook his head. “You seriously have a child in high school? You totally don’t look like you have a child. Gosh! You have maintained yourself so well.” He appreciated the beauty in front of him and Emily was immediately flattered by his sweet symphonies and standing behind them, watching the two melt and share flirtatious exchanges with each other, Diana felt scared for her life, knowing by her aunt’s tone and change in body language, that became soft and mendable that Adrian had wooed Emily and won her over, which only meant that she was now susceptible and vulnerable to Adrian and with Emily stepping aside, she felt her whole world shrinking and collapsing around her. because then, she was a direct target of Adrian. And her worst fears became a reality when Adrian said something to Emily, which made the woman immediately step aside and Diana was left all like a piece of meat for a hungry lion to be taken and devoured and she only feared how this time the man who ruined her entirely was emasculate and masticate her. -------------------------------------------- What do you think Adrian is up to? Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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