4. Inviting Death and Doom

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“I would love to sit down and have a talk with you.” Adrian told Emily, who felt even more flatted by the man’s sweet charms and talks. “Oh, why don’t you come inside my room and I would order some coffee or tea? You are at a salon after all. We have more options in our menu than a restaurant does.” Emily strutted with confidence, turning around to leave and Diana felt quite bedazzled by watching her aunt invite her biggest enemy in to the salon. Diana wondered if this time Emily had sensed that Adrian would torment her in a method greater than she could use to torment the poor girl and that’s why she was joining hands with the head of the devils or as described in the scriptures as the purest form of Satan. Because if one thing that Diana had learned about in her life, it was the fact that Adrian was indeed a devil and the biggest demon one could even think of. The shift in his mind and his mood, was something not even angels could weigh in on. He was unpredictable and that’s why Diana knew that he was insatiably dangerous and delirious. Perhaps Emily had realized that and that’s why she was welcoming him in, so that the two could torment Diana to the brim but Adrian only held his feet back and called Emily out, refraining her from going anywhere in that moment. “Actually, I would definitely catch up with you soon…” he cleared his throat, making Emily look at him with quite the confusion. “Oh, are you in a rush?” she inquired. “You came in her so abruptly and I don’t even know how you and Diana know each other?” “We go back a long way.” He told and then looked up at Diana, who also shifted her eyes from her aunt and the moment she met with Adrian’s blue tantalizing gaze, she immediately look away, feeling a sense of dithering shame fill her body, remembering all that her heart ever held for that guy and the way, she enfolded herself right in to the devil’s arms only to be betrayed him in the worst manner. She closed her eyes for a second, with all the mocks, shuns and taunts that wavered through her soul and shattered her entire existence just by the remembrance of them. “That’s why I just want to talk to her right now and I am sorry for coming in, in such an abrash manner but you see, I have a protocol to follow that’s why I had to come in this way. My security, doesn’t allow me to go anywhere like that without checking the circumstances and doing a complete analysis of that place and even though I told them that it is just a salon, like what is someone going to do to me? Cut my hair?” Adrian scoffed as he explained his situation to Emily and everyone around the salon heard him, including all the hair dressers and nail artists. Diana immediately looked up towards the hair dressers, one of them being Tony, the lean and tall, black and bald sassy hair dresser, who gave his clients hell for split ends. He held on to the pair of scissors a bit too tightly and Diana held back her amusement, knowing that Adrian had just spent five minutes in the salon and people were already hating on him. Now – that is the real Adrian I know! He still haven’t change a bit. Too full of his own self and having zero regard of how others felt, especially those who ranked below him. Diana scoffed mentally and rolled her eyes away, finding Adrian to be just as spiteful as he was from ten years back. In spite of everyone being offended by Adrian’s belittling joke, Emily still laughed at him. “Of course, a salon is mentally and physically the safest place on earth.” Emily concluded. “But I still apologize for causing you such an inconvenience. I know these might be your peak hours and you would be making business right now, had I now interrupted you in such an obstructing manner. That’s why I would love to compensate for any losses you may have incurred while I had tried to barge in to strike a small meeting with Diana.” Adrian’s offer made Diana gaps in sheer offense. Wow! Just a b****y money talker! She grunted mentally. Offering money to who? Aunt Emily? The biggest money monger on earth. Did he do his research on her or something? He just knows exactly who to make happy and how. Just as Diana expected Emily felt beyond excited to see how agile Adrian was towards talking business and caring about other people’s cottage industry. “Ah! You don’t have to. You should’ve just come to me, if you wanted to talk to Diana.” Come to you? what am I to you guys? and why are they just talking to one another? Am I totally invisible to them? Diana screamed mentally, boiling with rage. “Really? So, if you permit, can I take Miss Finley with me for a moment?” “Huh? Finley? I thought you were here to talk to Diana?” Tony, threw out with sass and Diana on the other hand could care less about his sass and more about the fact that Adrian had confided out the name that Diana had been masking and hiding for so many years. “Oh, but Diana is…” Adrian didn’t bother much about Tony and Emily simply gave him a stern look. Of course Emily knew who Finley really was. After all, she was the one who helped Diana get rid of the old surname and gave Diana, her own surname. “She goes by Sanchez now.” Emily informed Adrian, who nodded back at her. “Really? That is weird. Did she get married or something?” Adrian asked, bringing quite the shocked look on his face. Married by foot! Why do you care whatever I do in my life. What do you even want? What are you even doing here after all these years? If you could find out where I work, you couldn’t find out about my surname? Such a lousy person you are. Your acting might be fooling others but it could never fool me. Diana kept her squirming thoughts to herself and had multiple questions coursing through her brain, that had starting to irritate her and she wanted immediately answers to them. “No! she didn’t get married.” Emily shrugged. “Just for some reasons, I had to take her under my guardianship and that’s she had to have her surname changed. Nothing else.” Everyone in the salon began talking in little murmurs and slurs “Well, then can I have five minutes with her? only if your business is not interrupted?” Adrian asked with the same sultry and sweet tone. “Oh! Don’t be such a stranger now. You are Diana’s old friend, which means you are a friend of mine now.” Emily shrugged and simply stepped aside, making Diana’s heart drop low in her stomach and Adrian also didn’t waste any time any further and simply took a step forward, offering his hand to Diana, who gulped hard and knew that if she took that hand of his it would mean, she would be inviting her own death and doom. ------------------------------------- Do you think Diana would take Adrian's hand? Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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