63. Blunt Lies

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Diana stood flabbergasted at the way Adrian left her baffled and speechless, walking away and out of the theater, leaving through the back doors. Piercing, cumbersome silence remained as the only parallel between the three friends, who stood completely amazed and stunned with the turn of the events that they witnessed. “Umm…. What just happened?” Tony, was the first one to break his silence and give voice to his queries. Diana on the other hand, remained completely silent, only wondering what and why Adrian did what he had done. She couldn’t comprehend the turn of events and wrap her mind around the entire scene that had unfolded itself, in front of her eyes. Adrian… wanted her comfort! He showed that he cared about her! She tried to digest those very words that echo in her minds, as everything else, including her friend’s chatters as they tried to attain her attention, somehow faded in the background and ended up becoming low murmurs and sounds that she didn’t care about. She was lost in the thought when Adrian on the other hand, walked out of the theater and got out at once, jumping right in to his Range Rover that was driven by his friend and his assistant Jared. “Well…?” Jared asked, as soon as his boss hopped inside the car and Adrian smirked, turning towards Jared and nodded his head with pride. And Jared also clapped his hands in excitement. “f**k Yes! What did she say? Wait let me guess… she was left speechless?” Jared inquired and Adrian nodded once again, feeling a ball of zestful energy erupt in to his veins. “Gosh! I knew that this whole set up would work.” Jared chimed with excitement, revealing the fact that everything was just a simple pretense and a set up. “When I learned about this theater that she worked at just for the sake of a side hobby, I decided to dig in to the theater with the confidence that we would surely find something and yes we did. The theater was bankrupted and the shows were terrible and the man who ran the theater was a mindless artist, full of himself. Every other LA story! I knew that it would come in handy one day. So, after last night when I heard you lying to Diana about having seen her at the theater, I was glad that you remembered about it. because it gave me this incredible idea.” Jared laughed his heart out, invigorated with the fact that their little trick to once again entrap Diana, had started to work and this time, the plan that they had mapped out was going to be peculiar and careful and would pay them the whole price of their hard work. “Dude! How did you even come up with this whole lie of watching her at the theater?” Jared asked, once their laughter of rejoice subsided and Jared began driving, turning the conversation back to the real question that had been bothering him ever since the night before. Jared completely remembered that Adrian fumbled, when Diana pushed him away and was about to leave and he only wondered if Adrian acted out of pettiness or simple desperation, when he lied through his teeth that he had seen Diana two years ago at the theater and ever since then he had been thinking about her. “Lie?’ Adrian asked, his expressions turning serious, as he heard Jared’s statement. “Yeah! You lied to her, right?” Jared shrugged, believing that not even the slightest ounce of what Adrian had said to Diana was the truth. Jared knew his boss and he knew his taste quite well. Diana was correct when she stated that he was a classic lover, someone who could be seen watching Phantom of the Opera on a regular night and would never visit a place like the broken theatrical stage of Bernard’s theater. “I mean you actually didn’t just find out that Diana was in Los Angeles two years ago when you saw her at that theater… like you would never go to that wrecked up place, right? You just knew from quite a while ago and came up with that lie.” Jared asked Adrian, more like purported his statement, wanting it to be the truth. He did desire for his statements and assumptions about Adrian, his friend and his boss to be false. He believed that no one knew Adrian better than him and he feared that if his assumptions turned out to be false than he would end up feeling not only betrayed by his boss and friend but also by his own mind that would lead him to spiral in to the thoughts of the fact that he had failed at his job, something that he took great pride in. Adrian also chimed back at Jared and nodded his head in agreement. “Yeah of course!” he shrugged and Jared felt relaxed and certainly glad that his pride wasn’t bruised. Adrian on the other hand lied through his teeth but he couldn’t lie to his own self and his own heart about what had actually happened two years ago. ----------------------------------- This chapter was a bit long, so I decided to cut it in to two parts and would update the second one soon :) Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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