62. Unlikely of Adrian

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A loud tap on the door made, made Diana grunt out and loud, as she threw her head up in the air and snapped back in agitation, yelling on top of her lungs. “What do you want now?” But Diana’s anger immediately subsided and she calmed down right away, as she saw that this time it wasn’t Max but instead her own two friends, who began clicking her pictures, as soon as Diana turned around. And somehow, it made her feel even more mentally and physically exhausted. “Guys! please! I am not in the mood.” She complained, crying in agony, as she once again slammed her head down on the vanity table in front of her, making both Gloria and Tony chuckle, as the two walked inside the room. “Oh please! Don’t be such a drama Mama! You have done this thing before…” Tony reminded Diana about the role that she took on the last time. “Yes! But I thought that maybe it would work but the execution was incredibly way worse than I look or the whole plot is.” She reminded her friends. “Well… we missed the last time and wouldn’t miss it again even for the whole world.” Tony leaned down and plated a soft kiss on Diana’s head, making him feel slightly better but the moment, her friend patted her shoulder and made her look in the mirror in front of her, she once again began whining in gruel scrutiny, reminding the mess that she was stuck in. “I hate the way I look.” She complained and Tony and Gloria both began laughing once again. “Relax!” Gloria told her and Diana got up from her chair, once she noticed the time. “Well, even if I am not, I will have to because it is about time.” She told her friends, getting ready to go backstage and join the rest of the cast and crew. “By the way, we saw that homeless fuckboy walking out of your dressing room.” Tony told Diana, informing her that they did indeed witness Max’s exit from her dressing room, before they showed up in the vanity space, themselves. “Yeah! I guess his girlfriend kicked him out again.” She shrugged and as the trio prepared to leave, the closed door of the green room, was once again tapped and the three paused, waiting for the door to open up and once it did the three gasped, holding each other’s hands and looked at the man standing in front of them in sheer horror and surprise. Diana gulped hard, taking a step forward, as she squinted her eyes low and walked towards Adrian, who held quite the mysteriously warm and welcoming look on his face, as his eyes remained calm and his lip slightly stretched out in a thin smile. “Hye!” He was the first one to break the ice and Diana and looked at him in complete bewilderment. “What are you…? what are you doing… here?” she stuttered as she mustered up the courage to ask that question and Adrian only breathed a small laughter, finding her stutter and hesitation to talk, to be amusing and adorable. “Actually, I am the one who booked this theater.” Adrian revealed, making Diana’s eyes go wide, with a big blow hitting her heart that the person who was responsible for putting her up in that place was no one but Adrian and she couldn’t help but scoff at the irony. “Of course.” She scoffed, as she rolled her eyes and lifted her hands up in the air in defeat. “It had to be you! I mean… any inconvenience happens in my life and I don’t know why but I still don’t bring myself around and think that it has to be you at the first place to be behind that inconvenience in my life.” Diana retorted at Adrian, making his confidence take a slightly stumble but he kept his facial expressions calm and placid, showcasing Diana that her harsh words, directed as an offense at him, held no difference on his attitude. “I mean every time, I had been in a tough spot in my life, it was you. wasn’t it? so, today as well, it had to be you and I wonder what was a phantom of the opera person like you doing, booking such low case shows anyways?” she crossed her hands across her chest and even her friends, who stood behind her felt skeptical of the whole situation. They were still oblivious about the truth behind Diana’s shared past with Adrian, which obviously was horrible but also they were unaware of the developments that occurred at the date that took place the night before. They were yet to be filled in on the details over how things went between Adrian and Diana and the things that happened ever since the night before, following Diana ghosting her friends entirely and then taking the day off to having to play at the theater on Bernard’s request. Her friends, could tell that Adrian’s appearance at the spot and him booking the show and demanding the play, must hold some sort of encrypted event that they were yet to decode and learn about. “Also! Didn’t you tell me last night that you saw me for the first time in this very theater? You must have seen me doing something pathetic and humiliating just like I would be doing today and that’s why you booked the whole place, just to show me my place after what happened last night, right? Gosh! You really are the same Adrian Sarmiento. I was so right about you. you could never change.” “First of all, you are right! This place doesn’t suit me.” Adrian admitted, making Diana c**k an eyebrow at him, as instead of arguing with him or coming in with yet another lie, the guy bulldozed right at her with truth, taking part in Diana’s allegations. “And I guess, you are also right that every time any inconvenience that happened to you, I may or may not have been responsible for that and for that, you also deserve an apology but I am not going to give you a lousy excuse. I am going to earn it. I am going to earn your forgiveness.” Having heard those words, Diana’s face went blank, as her hands untied their own selves and rested on each of her side and she also straightened up. Somehow, her body’s reflexes prepared her to stand in that manner, because she was shocked and the chemical reactions in her body, prepared her physically all the while her mind was still taking its time, trying to comprehend everything that Adrian was saying. A guy like Adrian, who was full of himself, saw no one above his own self was acting humble and apologetic, that was something completely out of pocket and surprising for Diana. “Also, I didn’t mean to humiliate you. As you still remember, gladly, that I did see you in this theater and yes, it was the same show but I just thought that maybe you wouldn’t work in it anymore and I just wanted to watch this stupid whole thing only to reminisce about the night when I first saw you two years ago. Because only I know and my heart speaks for its own self, who refreshing, invigorating it was and how incredibly rejuvenated I felt after I saw you eight years later. We really searched a lot for you after you were gone. So, seeing that you are alive and well, really filled my heart with happiness and I just felt low and thought that maybe, seeing that play would remind me how happy I was and would help me live through those moments. But when I came here, I was told that you weren’t quite excited about doing your part and that’s why, the play was slightly delayed. But I don’t want to force you to do anything that you are not happy with.” Diana stood taken aback, muddled with each and every single word that came out of Adrian’s mouth. “So, as much as right you are about me acting different than my usual self, you are also wrong that I wanted to humiliate you. I would never do any such thing and you also don’t have to go on stage tonight. My happiness should not come at the cost of your inconvenience. I hope you have a great time, hanging back with your friends. I don’t know if you would ever allow me to see you again but if you do, I promise you I will make it worth your while and I would surely love to apologize to you for everything I ever did that hurt you.” With that, Adrian turned out and left leaving Diana completely flabbergasted and muddled. ----------------------------------------- Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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