64. Two Years Ago... Part I

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Two years ago… Adrian stood in front of the worn out old bricked building, in the heart of the Alpine Street Los Angeles. The cuts and lanes that he had to go through on his Range Rover, just to reach that old building made him feel even more suffocated and extremely depressed. As he stood gawking at the structure of the building, judging its big and rusty windows against the backdrop of the night sky, he didn’t know whether the building carried just an overall depressing out look or if it was the greyed night sky, adding more depression to the faded paint of the building that left large grey patches all over it. Only the very farther lamp post of the street, away from the building was working, making the entire lane dark and giving it an extremely grotesque and somber enviornment. He took out his phone, that vibrated inside the pocket of his suede brown jacket. The weather was not as cold as New York but still chilly enough in that winter night, that Adrian could still remember to be dry and windy, making it cold enough for him to wear a jacket. He saw the caller ID on the phone and held it against it against his ear, once he answered the call. “Are you sure, this is the building?” He inquired and his female manager, who handled the Los Angeles head office answered in an affirmative tone. “Yes! The one you just sent me an image of! That is the building. It is old and nobody cares about it. the building constitutes of a wrecked up theater, ran by some shabby director, who’s shows can not even afford any rent at the moment. It is his father who is paying out the rent and the last I checked, he had not paid the rent for the past three months. I don’t think that the owner of the building would like to keep the theater and the owner actually does not care about the building at all.” Adrian couldn’t help but gloat at the obviosity of the situation, by just looking at the condition of the building. “You don’t say!” he commented. “I think it would make as the perfect front for you to buy that building in the name of an investment and then transfer your funds from the European accounts and other paper companies back to the States, in the name of the repairs of that building.” “Hmm… sounds okay to me.” Adrian notified, finding the plan to be quite well for the execution of the main plot that mattered to him. He had been hiding most of his funds in offshore accounts and paper companies, that he had actually smuggled out of the States. He had extracted most of the money from his family’s company, in the name of the losses that the company had suffered but since his Uncle’s retirement was coming closer and he needed to add more money back to his name, he decided that it was the perfect time for him to transfer all that money back but he needed a front. A company or some other sort of investment that he could show and legalize his money. So far, he had bought some fast food chain restaurant and thence, his second advance was real estate. There, he decided to invest in a big city but far from his family especially his Uncle and His Cousin’s reach and vision. He needed to buy a building that would be old, for which he would need to transfer some money for its payments and repairs. “Okay! Then get me a date with the owner of the building. Actually, you can do that on your own. I would have to travel to Europe to get the money transferred safely to America.” He informed his assistant who hummed back in response and simply agreed to the plan that her boss had decided to execute. Adrian also tossed the phone back inside his pocket and gave the building one final look before he turned to leave but paused when he saw a petite beautiful brunette, walking her way towards the theater. Her head was perched low, she wore a baggy hoodie and held a tote bag in one arm, while her hands were busy typing something in her phone and her eyes focused laser sharp on the screen in front of her. She looked quite familiar to Adrian, he could tell that she was someone, buried deep in to his memory, someone that he once knew of but couldn’t quite place inside his head. As the girl continued to walk closer to him and the light from the phone’s screen made her features and her face clearer, Adrian’s heart skipped a beat in a flash of a second and his eyes widened, as the deep shocking realization dawned on him, who that girl was. She was Diana! Ross Finley’s daughter. Ross – his trainer and his mentor, because of whom he was about to become the CEO of the Sarmiento Corporation, that Ross’s daughter. The same Diana, whom he found to be pesky and annoying. The same Diana, whose heart he broke brutally and she had gone missing when her parents passed away in a car accident. His mother tried to search for her, just to see whether she was well and alive and they presumed her to be a homeless d**g hippie or probably dead. But she was quite well and alive and Adrian had found her. ------------------------------ Thank you for always reading and supporting my work <3
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