I'm your Alpha and I can do what I desire

1143 Words

It was later in the evening Sandro got back from his search. He booted the door to his room open and walked straight to the bar. Uncapping the cover of the white rum, he poured it to the brim inside the highball glass in front of him. "Bítch," Sandro winced as the liquor scorched his throat, "Where could she have been to?" He had gone back to the house he took her from and noticed it was empty. He had even gone as far as to go to the place she was working and no one had seen her ever since the day he took her. Sandro shook his head. The more he thought of her disappearance without footage to show how she was escaping, the stranger it was coming to terms that she had escaped without any help. It was weird but his instinct kept pointing at Blaze being the perpetrator. He knew everythin

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