Oh no, I find it sexy

1154 Words

"Tell me the truth, Blaze. Did you know about Arabella's whereabouts?" Janice asked as she placed an ice pack on his broken ribs. She flicked his head and giggled as he winced. "What is that for?!" Blaze glared, rubbing his temple. "I wanted to see if it needs a bandage. And I have gotten my answer." "I'll manage." He said, removing her hand from his head. "I can heal myself, remember?" "Oh, that is right. I keep forgetting that. I forgot you were a pure-blood werewolf." Janice bit her lower lip as heat fused into her cheeks at the contact his hand made with her. She grimaced and averted her face. "I don't know where Arabella is," Blaze spoke up. Janice's head shot up and she creased her brows, "Then why was he hitting you if you don't know where she went? Sandro is too impatient."

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