I'm coming back with her córpse

1083 Words

Rolling on the vast bed, Sandro covered his ears with the pillow as he heard a knock. He sighed and attempted to drift off again but was disrupted as the pounding on the door continued. He opened his eyes slowly and winced as sunlight streaming from the window drifted into it. His half-opened eyes wandered to the large clock on the wall and he shot out of bed. It was mid-afternoon and he was just coming awake. He had never slept this late until today. His bushy straight brows creased as he attempted to recall if he partied last night, but nothing came up. He believed he hadn't done anything to warrant him sleeping late and he was with Arabella throughout as well. "Arabella," He mumbled. Sandro leapt out of bed as the image of her lifeless body flashed in his mind. "Shít!" He excla

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