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Ethan's POV "You are coming to Mels' birthday party aren't you?" Linc asked during our weekly sparing match this time outdoors. "Of course brother, I wouldn't miss it for the world," I  said trying to tackle him as he predicted my moves. Walter and Sam stood by watching nodding with approval as I countered my brothers moves. "Hmm you are getting better," Linc said as I helped him up. "Well what can I say I'm a fast learner," I said with a smile. "Or you could thank your teacher," he scoffed clearly amused. "The only teacher I will thank will be the future Mrs Ethan Shields," I said with a wide grin before I realized what I had just blurted out. "Umm forget you heard that," I said grabbing a towel as he tried to hold in his laughter.  "Uncle Ethan!" Marisa yelled sprinting towards him in her adorable onsie, jumping into his arms. "Good morning pumpkin," I said kissing her little cheek. This little one would surely break hearts I tell you. "Good morning. May I please go play with Zach today?" She asked as I turned to my brother who had a smile plastered on his face.  "You will have to ask uncle Lincoln that pumpkin," I said placing her on her feet as she pranced to were Linc stood.  Crouching down to her level she wrapped her arms around his neck, when those two had gotten close was beyond me, as she whispered something into his ear. He whispered something into her ear before they did I secret handshake. "Hold on, how come we don't have a secret handshake?" I asked her. She looked at me and had to the audacity to shrug and turn back to Lincoln. Lincoln had just stolen one of my girls, well I would make sure Rose and Lia were stuck with me for good. "Come on little one, go get your clothes I will be waiting for you, then we can go," Linc said sending her on her way. "Slow down pumpkin," I chuckled as she nearly ran into one of the guards patrolling. "Joint me for breakfast." "That's a good idea," I will need all the strength to chase those little rug-rats," he said with a find smile. ------------ Birthday Party Scanning the crowd for my brother and wife I still couldn't find them. "Where are you?" I barked into my phone as he chuckled saying they were on their way.  After the incident in the afternoon I dropped the subject all together not daring to ask what had kept them so long. I searched for Lia spotting her laughing with my parents. She was clearly enjoying herself this evening. She was just...glowing I thought to myself as I saw a number of men admiring her. Snaking my arm around her clearly showing she was mine my heart soared as she looked at me with that smile I so loved.  "You certainly are the belle of the ball," I murmured kissing her cheek. "I don't think so," she said looking at the entrance as Mel and Linc appeared. "But thank you," she smiled.  "What took you so long?" I sniggered as Linc frowned upon my question whilst Mel greeted my parents before pulling Lia away.  "One of these days brother, you are going to regret this behavior of yours." "What. I just asked a simple question," I said innocently before I was startled by my little sister. "And what did he do this time?" She asked from behind me as I turned to greet her and Dominic. "Well if you must know sis, this afternoon I was just...." I didn't finish my sentence as I felt a hand clamp my shoulder rather too tightly as I turned to see my brother with a devilish grin on his face. "Yes continue brother." "I was just shopping around with Lia for her dress when I realized I had left my cards at home. So we had to go back all the way to the house then drive all the way back," I said with a fake smile, forcing a chuckle out as she frowned at my response knowing it wasn't even true but decided to leave it. "Mother where are the girls?" She asked before my mother took her arm leading her away from the group. ----- "Happy birthday Mel," Meg said pulling her into a hug. "Thank you Meg, even though you called me early in the morning wishing happy birthday." "Don't act like you didn't want the call. After all I did save you from my brother as you said," she said before greeting Lia who was confused by their conversation. "May I have this dance," two deep voices said making Mel and Lia turn to find two identical men looking at them with charming smiles that showed off a nice set of teeth. Sparkling brown eyes looked at the group of ladies. Their tuxes tailored to fit their muscular build each reached out for their hands. "We will be back for you ladies," one of them said as they left Rebecca and Meg stunned and blushing. "Allow me to introduce myself," the man dancing with Mel said as he pulled her into his arms leaving a safe distance. "My name is Dante Prince," he said with a twinkle in his eye. "Pleasure to meet you Mr Prince but I believe we have not met before." "Oh no need to worry I am a close friend of your husband's. My brother Draco, and I wanted to wish you happy birthday," he said spinning her around. "And please call me Dante." "Thank you Dante," she said only for them to be interrupted by none other than Linc as he cut in. "I can smell the jealousy oozing from your pores," she said smiling at him seeing him frown before his feature softened. "I think I am better than Ethan," he said turning her to see his brother looking like he wanted to rip out the other twins eyes as he watched Talia laugh at something he had said. A few minutes later Dante returned with Rebecca as she giggled like a little girl.  "Better tell you friend to turn his charm down or else Charles will kill him," Mel chuckled.  It seemed Dominic was not taking any chances with these twins as he already had Meg on the dance floor. Their dance came to an end as they left the floor heading off to their table. Making small talk Linc grabbed Mel's hand as the evening drew near to an end. After making his speech he helped Mel down the stage coming to halt sensing something was wrong. Everything seemed to play in slow motion as different emotions registered on her face as she stood in shock before passing out in her husband's arms as gasps went around the room. "Linc what is wrong?" Ethan asked as he carried her out of the hall to a private room. "I don't know, make sure no one leaves," he growled the last part to Walter. Placing her on the large sofa he shrugged of his jacket she covered her with it propping her head against the cushions. "Sweetheart open your eyes," he said stroking her cheek as her eyes fluttered open a few minutes later as Linc handed her a glass of water. "Goodness Mel don't scare us like that," Meg said looking worried. "What happened my dear?" Rebecca asked as she revealed the crumbled note in her hand. As Linc looked over the note he turned to her asking one question.  "Who gave you this?" "A waiter," she whispered as he stood to leave only stopping when her hand clutched his. "Walter!" His voice boomed as the man in question barged into the room.  The music had stopped playing as everyone was wondering what had happened to Mel. "Get me every member of the staff. And if I discover one member is missing, you of all people don't want to find out what will happen," he growled as the others stood still looking confused before Linc gave them the note. "And find out who told the band to stop playing," he growled. "I will go over the footage and look for the waiter," Dominic said as Ethan followed him. "I thought we were done with that man," Rebecca mumbled. "We are but it seems we have to look for Mel's real father, that is if she wants to meet the man," Meg said. "Let's take this one step at a time and find out what the young man who gave her the note knows," Charles said as Ethan came back a few minutes later. "Got him," he said with a smile. "We need to take care of our guests," Mel said as Linc muttered something under his breath which she alone heard as she gave him a look that had him helping her up as they walked out to make up some excuse to their guests before the music started once more. Returning to the private room were the young man stood looking frightened he undid his cufflinks rolling up his sleeves as soon as the door was closed by the twins. Ethan had already shrugged off his jacket and was standing in front of the boy in case he tried to run away. "I'm going to ask you this only once. Who gave you the note?" He said placing the cufflinks on the table as he removed his bow tie. The rest of the family stood to one side giving them space for whatever they had planned as Ethan slowly moved to stand behind the boy allowing him to face Linc. The look on his brothers face made the prospect of death seem like a trip to heaven. He was definitely not playing any games. "No...no...nobody," he stuttered stepping back as Linc sent him a chilling glare that had the boy rigid with fear. He got nowhere as he collided into Ethan's chest. Both men towered over the kid as beads of sweat formed on his forehead and nose in the air conditioned room. "Wrong answer," he said grabbing the boys shirt as the boys feet dangled in the air. "I suggest you give the man and answer if you want live to see tomorrow," Ethan said in a low whisper. "My...my brother gave me," he said all too fast. "He...he..is in prison. I went to visit him after a year of not speaking and he asked me for this favor." "Which prison?" Linc growled as the boy rambled on all the information they needed. ------ "Wow, what a party," Lia sighed as they stepped into the house. "You can say that again," Ethan said loosening his bow tie. "I had fun though," she said. "Even with all my family drama." "Especially the family drama," she sighed. "Did you see how your brother picked up that boy off his feet, just like in the movies," she chuckled. "I thought woah, it's about to go down," she said making him laugh. "When it comes to his wife, my brother will unleash the beast he keeps locked inside." "Hmmm so is there a beast in you Mr Shields?" She asked with a raised eyebrow. "When it comes to you, there definitely is," he said as they stopped in front of her door. "My goodnight hug madam," he said opening his arms as she walked into them comfortably. "Good night Ethan." "Good night darling. I'll see you in my dreams," he murmured. "That's just very corny," she chuckled closing her door. ----- The sound of her ringtone drew her to her phone as she saw an image of Ethan with a sexy smirk on her screen. "Seriously," she chuckled. "When did you put your picture in my phone?" "You don't want to know," he laughed. "So tell me, what's so important you felt the urge to call me when I just saw you a few minutes ago. And let's skip the part were you are just down the hallway. "Hmmmm. Just wanted to hear your voice," he said making her roll her eyes. "Really Ethan," she said slipping under her covers. "So tell me what are you doing? Better yet what are you wearing?" He asked with a smile. "About to hang up on an annoying pest," she said in a serious tone ignoring his second question. "Wait, don't hang up," he said panicking. "I seriously just wanted to hear your voice," he said as she sighed. "Hmmm is that so," she said stifling a yawn. "Yes. It has some sort of calming effect," he said softly as she chuckled. "So there is this girl I have been seeing," he said changing the subject. "Really? She must be strong to put up with you," she said. "She really is something. Has a body for days, a smile that easily draws one in. Gosh when she smiles at me its like I'm looking at the sun. Don't get me started on her personality, caring, gentle, but I have to be careful because she hurts easily. Her skin is to die for, I could just lick it. When I think of our kids I pray they have her skin tone, it's just so yummy," he sighed. "Well good for you. Now I know who wears the pants in that relationship," she murmured half asleep. "Are you insinuating I'm a woman?" He growled. "Well you sound like a woman. Who is she anyway?" "Why do you want to know who she is? Are you jealous?" He sniggered. "No, not really I have someone in my life," she whispered only to be responded by silence. A few seconds later there was a loud knock on her door. Getting up she went to check who it was only to find Ethan there.  "Who is he?" He asked in a serious tone. "Whose who?" She asked confused. "The man you are dating," he growled. "Well he is this guy I met some months back. He's tall and sexy. I mean very very sexy. Muscle in all the right places from what I have seen. Has the bluest eyes I have ever seen and I love how they change their shade when he gets emotional. Don't get me started on his voice. I mean, I literally get goosebumps when he says my name. His laugh is infectious, you have to laugh even if he cracks a lame joke," she said seeing his eyes darken in anger and jealousy. "What's wrong Ethan?" "How...how long have you been seeing this guy?" "Are you jealous of yourself Ethan?" She asked with a small smile as his expression turned to one of confusion as his eyes widened before a smile formed on his lips. "Well played. You really had me going there Lia," he said with a laugh. "Good night Ethan," she said slowly easing the door shut but was stopped by a hand. "So you think I am sexy," he said making her blush as she said, "Good night Ethan," she chuckled forcing the door shut. Hi guys, so I am thinking of writing a story on the Prince twins (Draco and Dante). These two gentlemen have their own REVENGE agenda. Check out the first chapter of REVENGE OF THE PRINCE.  https://www.wattpad.com/204667272-revenge-of-the-prince-1 Tell me what you think if I should even bother continuing it... Thank you Love  Kudzi
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