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"Dante, Draco it's good to have you guys around," Linc said as both man walked in. Before introducing them to Ethan. "The famous Prince twins. Are you still breaking hearts?" Ethan said with a chuckle as he recognized his old varsity friends.  "You know each other?" "These are the idiots that always pulled me out of trouble," Ethan said with a fond smile remembering the old days. Catching up in life they were interrupted by Linc. "Enough of the chit chat ladies, we have a problem to fix. Two as a matter of fact," he growled. "Someone is after Ethan's girl and I need to find the identity of my wife's biological father." "And what will these two idiots do?" Ethan chuckled as the brothers looked at each other with a smirk. "Let's just say we have resources," Draco said. "What resources, all you guys know is business and finance," he said making both men laugh. "Yes Ethan, let's just keep it at that level of knowledge," Dante said before turning to Linc. "I will let my men start the hunt for Mel's father," Dante said pulling out his phone as he spoke to someone in Italian. "Here is the file on what we have on Lia's problem thus far," he said handing over the file to Draco who quickly scanned the contents. "Not bad for a years work. Had you called me though I would have gotten all this in a week. What happen to the Italian?" "Being taken care of by Roni until we find the orchestrator of all this." "Hmmm. They have been quiet all this time?"  Draco asked with a frown. "Ever since we found the man who created the site for the bounty they have been silent." "I don't like this one bit," Draco said whilst in deep thought. Ending his call Dante turned to them saying, "I will need a sample of DNA from Mel." "Okay," Linc nodded his head. "Brother shall we. There are some people waiting for us back home." "Now when you say people, do you mean ladies?" Ethan asked with a smirk. "Mind your own business Ethan," Dante said. "Always the pest," Draco said putting on his shades as they laughed at him. "Wait, what exactly do you guys do?" "We run our company. I'm sure you know it, Zoler," Dante said with a smile. "Wait you mean you guys are the owners of Zoler. How many banks do you guys have worldwide?"  "A few here and there," Draco said with a chuckle as they left Linc's office. "Always humble, sheesh you guys never change," Ethan mumbled making them laugh. ------- Mel and Linc After locating Melinda's father Lincoln set up a business meeting with the man instead of going to his house to bombard him with the news. The man already had a family they didn't want him to have a heart attack from such news. "It's a pleasure to meet you Mr Price," Linc said as he shook hands with the man.  "Likewise young man," he said before he turned to Mel. "How do you do my dear?" He said shaking Mel's hand as she stood in shock looking at the man who was her father. Clearing his throat, Lincoln chuckled saying his wife was excited to meet the man behind the most read magazine in the world. Laughing he smiled at Mel saying it was alright. Pulling out her chair for her, he directed her into her seat as she still had a stunned expression on her face. "My dear have we met before? You look like someone I knew a long time ago." "No, no sir," Mel stuttered.  Linc looked at his wife, she never stuttered. He knew there and then that this was a bad idea but took control of the meeting diverting Mr Price's attention away from Mel as he looked at her closely. The man stilled looked young even though he had grey hair at his temples. His hair was combed back severely to perfection. His dark black suite looked like it had never been worn before. His smile revealed a perfect row of teeth also brightening up his face. His olive skin had a certain glow to it as he sat in his chair. From the way he held himself the man was clearly born with a silver spoon in his mouth. "Sir may I be blunt with you. This is actually not a business meeting. It is a meeting per say," Lincoln stopped looking at Mel as he felt he stiffen beside him. "What, what is the meaning of your statement Mr Shields?" "I am sure you remember my wife's mother, from twenty or so years ago," he said seeing the old man frown before all color drained from his face. He turned to look at Mel eyes wide open.  "I told her to get rid of the baby," Mr Price said now angry as Mel looked up at him at a loss of words as the old man stood up.  "Sir, if you walk you will be making a big mistake," Linc growled angered by the man's reaction. "I cannot believe this. Please excuse me," he said running out of the restaurant as Mel had a blank expression. "Sweetheart," Linc said softly kneeling beside her gently turning her face to him. "Come lets go home," he said taking her hands pulling her up. Once in the car a tear slowly rolled down her cheek.  "The men who I thought was my father wanted me dead, the one who is my father doesn't want me. Have I done something truly terrible to be inflicted such pain. Such that men who aren't even my biological fathers are better fathers than my real one," she said as Linc pulled her onto his lap reassuring her that everything would be alright. After she calmed down he asked her one question.  "What do you want me to do to him?" "Just," she sighed. "Just leave him be. "I have had enough fights in my life. At least I got to see him once," she said absentmindedly drawing small patterns on his palm. "Okay," he said kissing her temple. -------- Lia and Ethan "I have been invited to a function this evening and I would like you to be my plus one," Ethan said over the phone. "As long as I am not cooped up in this house, I will happily accompany you," Lia said making him smile. "Fantastic, we will leave at six," he said. "Okay." As they mingled with the guests Ethan felt Lia stiffen as she looked at someone from a distance. Senator John Stitch was conversing with a few businessman most likely looking for sponsors for his campaign. Beside him was his wife dressed to impress. "What is wrong baby?" Ethan asked as Lia slowly made her way to the lady. Reaching them the senators wife stood rigid eyes wide in shock before she excused herself from the group.  The senator pulled Ethan into his discussion leaving Lia to follow her mother. "Well, you seem to have done well for yourself. Snagged yourself a rich man," Claris said to her daughter. "Mother," Lia whispered still shocked at seeing her mother. She only knew the woman from the old photos here father had shown her.  "I am not your mother," she said harshly before smiling at her. "You have caused trouble in my life, living with than Shields boy," she said as Lia looked at her in confusion. "What do you mean mother. I haven't caused you any trouble. How does living with Ethan affect you when this is the first time I am seeing you after many years." "Silly girl. Your existence has caused my husband and I trouble. Leave that Shields boy if you don't want your niece to grow up without her father," Claris said as Lia took a step back.  "Where is Jay? What have you done with him?" "He will be alright as long as you stay away from Ethan. I am giving you until midnight to break things off with him," she said as she walked past her heading back to the party. She looked down the hallway realizing she was now alone just as Ethan walked up to her with a smile on his face.  "Is everything alright," he said stroking her cheek. "Umm, yes, yes everything is fine," she said creating some distance between them.  "Good, because there are some people you need to meet," he said pulling her back to the gathering. Making small talk with the guests Ethan could see she wasn't even in the same room as them as he asked her to dance. Charlie Puth - Suffer, stared to play as he pulled her into his arms. "Tell me what's wrong," Ethan murmured pulling her closer. "Nothing," she said looking away from him as he ran his hand down her back.  She could feel the heat of his hand through the fabric of her dress as he rested his hand on her back in the safe zone thankfully.  "Lia, I don't like being lied to. Now tell me what happened in the hallway. Because you have been acting different,y since then," he said into her ear before spinning her around and pulling her back into his arms closer than before. "Ethan, I can't do this," she whispered with trembling lips.  "What do your mean Lia?" He asked worry etched in his features only to be met with silence as she looked away from him once more. Pulling her off the dance floor he found a private balcony shutting the noise as they stood outside. Shrugging off his jacket her went on to wrap it around her but was disappointed when she refused his jacket rubbing her arms up and down fighting of the cold.  "Lia, what is going on?" He said in frustration running a hand through his hair. "I cannot do this Ethan you deserve someone much better than me." "What do you mean someone better?" He boomed making her jump in fright. "You are the epitome of perfection Lia," he said softly taking a step towards her. "Tell me what is wrong darling," he murmured as she took a step away from him.  "I just can't do this...," she said pointing between them, "anymore." "Have I done something wrong. I know buying you more clothes was pushing it, but I love spoiling you," he said. "Or was it the dinners, I can cut down on the number of dinners I take you out to," he said with a worried expression.  "No Ethan. Can't you just understand I don't want this, I don't want you. Just..just leave me alone. We are over, done. Go and find someone else to shower with your love," she said tears running down her cheeks. "Find someone to who makes you happy." "But you make me happy baby," he said looking lost.  "No I don't," she said quickly rushing into the hall running for the exit. Hailing a cab she went straight to her old apartment. She found the place trashed before a cloth covered her mouth as darkness took her.
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