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Talia's POV "Goodbye Mrs Queen," the little ones called out one by one as I waved goodbye.  Stepping onto the sidewalk I walked towards my bus stop and waited for my bus as usual. But instead a sleek black car pulled up and two bulky men stepped out clad in expensive looking suites judging from the look of the quality. Before I knew it a cloth covered my mouth stifling any attempt of a scream. I woke up a few minutes later alone in a large room, heck this room was like an apartment on its own. I waited for whoever would walk through the door, but least expected who I saw. "Ethan what is the meaning of this? Your men dragged me off the streets and kept me in here against my will," I said completely outraged. His expression was rigid as he looked at me. I couldn't even read him, gone was the jovial man in place was someone else. The man before me was somewhat intense as he took a step closer to me making me step back nervously. He still hasn't answered my question as he took another step closer to me. Leaning down towards me my heart beat frantically against my rib cage as I found it hard to breath. It was like he was taking all the air around me as my back hit the wall. He lifted his hand making me shrink back as he placed it beside the wall leaning towards me. His lips were just inches away from mine. Mine suddenly felt dry as I moistened them seeing his eyes darken from the light blue I had grown used to.  "Wha..wha..what are you d..d..doing?" I stuttered fascinated by the stubble adorning his face. His body wasn't even touching mine but the heat radiating from him was scorching as he stood his ground. His shirt was straining against his bulging muscles as he shifted ever so slightly moving away from my lips towards my ear painstakingly slowly as his nose brushed against my jaw as he took a deep breath.  "There is someone who wants to see you," he whispered, his warm breath tantalizing my skin as he straightened up with a smirk turning around. I found my lower limbs moving at their own accord as I followed him out of the room. He opened a door to reveal my girl as I ran towards her tears already flowing. "Thank you," I said looking at him giving him a smile. However he was already turning around leaving the room as my smile fell. Turning to look at my little girl once more a certain peace fell upon me as I watched her. How would I ever repay him for doing this. It was already hard enough trying to create distance between us. I mean the man was to die for. And as much as I tried to keep him at bay, he remained relentless. I was attracted to him as much as he was to me but I couldn't risk his life knowing what Jay was capable of. His behavior earlier had left me in turmoil, I had so badly wanted to taste his lips but I just couldn't. One taste and I would definitely be hooked. He was the forbidden fruit and I did not want any knowledge of what our chemistry was like. I had enough information already. Some minutes later he came back into the room and seeing Marisa awake a smile adorned his face. He had me confused as to how he could so easily flip his switch from being happy, to being serious and sexy at the same time. "How are you feeling little one?" He said avoiding my gaze.  "Fine than you sir," she whispered. "Please call me Ethan. I am a friend of your mothers," he said.  I didn't miss the way he said friend as he spoke. Was he angry that we were friends? If so why was he helping me then. "You need to rest," he said pulling me out of my thoughts before I realized that he was speaking to me as he turned to leave the room. "Ethan," I called out stopping him as I went after him closing the door behind me. He didn't budge from where he stood as he looked at me with a different look. "Tha..thank you," I stuttered scolding myself over the nervous wreck I became whenever he was close. He stepped closer pinning me against the door looking straight into my eyes before his gaze strayed to my lips. Time stood still as I held my breath anticipating his next move. This man was very unpredictable but one thing I realized was that around me he was fighting for control. It thrilled me to know I affected him as much as he did me. His hand snaked around my waist pulling me towards his hard body, as my breathing left my poor lungs. I cursed my treacherous body for giving away my desire. He was definitely in shape I thought to myself as I held onto his biceps surprised by his sudden actions. Calm down Lia you are just friends remember. I thought as I moistened my lips as his drew neared to mine. "I...I...I..." I stuttered as he drew me towards him nuzzling my neck as he whispered, "Anything for my friend." He released me leaving my heart racing as I watching him disappear down the hallway. My knees were shaking, skin flushed and heart racing as I stood leaning against the door for support. Ethan's POV She wanted us to be friends, that's exactly how I would treat her. . IWith distance even though it was hard. Yes I was being a jerk but hey what was I supposed to do. If I showed her the real me she would know the power she had over me, to bend me to her will. I so badly wanted to take those full lips of hers and make them mine, make her moan and say mine name with those lips of hers. But I was stuck in the friend zone. After seeing to her daughters needs l left them both to rest, I went to bed too exhausted to drown my sorrows in the likes of alcohol even though I could have used a drink right about now. --- Whilst reading the morning paper enjoying my breakfast both ladies walked into my kitchen. "Good morning uncle Ethan," Marisa piped out running towards me.  "Good morning pumpkin," I said laughing at her expression.  "I am not a pumpkin," she said with a toothy smile showing off some missing teeth. "Pumpkin it shall be, because I need to fatten you up for Cinderella," I said kissing her cheek as she giggled.  "I don't want to be turned into a carriage." I gasped in surprise as we began the debate over how Cinderella would get to the ball. Talia remained quiet a small smile tugging at her lips.  After making sure Marisa had something decent to eat I left for work.  "If you both need anything call me," I said to Lia as she played with her eggs looking up at me startled. "Take care of yourselves." "Wait!" She called out to me stopping me in my tracks.  Turning to look at her she walked up to me. "Did I do something wrong?" "No. Why do you ask such?" I said with a frown knowing I might have gone a bit far with distancing myself from her. "It's..its just that you..you aren't talking to me," she said stepping closer to me not wanting anyone to hear our conversation. Lavender filled my senses as I closed my eyes willing my testosterone levels to come down. This was not good at all for either one of us as I took a step away from her. Hurt flashed across her face as I stepped away from her before my body betrayed me moving towards her. Leaning closer to those oh so perfect lips of hers I smiled seeing her eyes widen revealing surprise, desire or was it lust. She closed her eyes as I let warm breath escape my parted lips caressing her cheek before lightly placing my lips upon that very cheek. I heard her gasp out loud as soon as my lips touched her skin.  "Now why would I not talk to you beautiful," I said in a low voice stepping away from her with a smirk as her eyes flattered in bewilderment.   She stepped away from me as though a hot rod had been placed before her quickly turning to sit down by her daughter. "Take care ladies," I said sending them a wink as Marisa giggled merrily. These two are just.... You finish up however you want. Can they just kiss already Lol So here are just a few of the tracks I was listening to whilst writing this chapter. Don't judge me I have a diverse taste in music, my friends tease me about being a coconut, black on the outside but white on the inside just because of my music. You'll see as we go along with book. Breathless - Shane Ward Lessons for the lover - Usher Up 2 You - Chris Brown Frankie J - Driving Myself Insane
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