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"Lia, listen to me. I will find your daughter by the end of this day. This I promise you. Now a friend of mine is going to come and check on you to make sure you are okay, is that fine by you?" She just nodded her head yes as Ethan cupped her cheeks looking into her eyes. Troubled by the pain he saw within. A few minutes later their family doctor arrived quickly assessing her bruises saying she would be alright after handing her some pain medication. After straightening up he escorted her back to her class.  "Uncle Ethan," Zach called out seeing him as he pounced on him.  Ethan fell to the ground groaning as though Zach had tackled him.  "Gotcha," Zach beamed at him. "Oh please somebody save me," Ethan cried out as the other children ran towards them piling up in top of him. As he unleashed the tickle monster upon the youngsters. Their adorable screams of laughter summoned the headmistress to the classroom as they all stopped laughing looking up at the old stern lady. Standing up with a sheepish grin he scratched his head apologizing for the chaos as the headmistress gave him a warning to not let it happen ever again. He didn't mind having had the chance to make Lia smile as she had watched the children have fun.  Walking up to her to say goodbye she whispered, "Thank you for your friendship," before turning to her class. It was clear she wanted to put some distance between them. Straightening up he left the school heading to his brothers office. Walking into his office he spotted Mel fast asleep on the bed Linc had set up for her. Ethan's POV Talk about being overprotective, I smiled at my brother. He truly did love Mel any fool could see this.  "Any news brother?" I said settling into the chair across from him. "Nothing yet," Linc said with a scowl as he picked up his phone. As he listened to whoever was on the other end of the line he looked at me before asking, "Do you want my friend to keep a token for information?" "Yes," I said with a smile, knowing they had found her. The next step would be to get Talia and beef up my security which Walter was already taking care of. "Lincoln," Mel whispered making us turn in her direction. She was looking at the puddle of water on the floor before she cried out in pain as a contraction hit her. Linc was beside her in a flash lifting her into his arms. How he managed to carry her was beyond me as I held the door open for them as Mel hid her face in his shoulder crying in pain. "I'll call mom first, then dad, then Meg. No no no I should just call mom she could be with Meg, wait or maybe dad he will know where they are," I rambled as we got into the car with Walter behind the wheel.  I felt someone grab my arm as Mel said through gritted teeth, "Call mom now," making me nod my head vigorously I did as I was told.  Arriving at the hospital everything was already set up as Linc was handed a gown and shown towards the changing room. Lincs phone began to ring and once her saw the caller i.d. he threw the phone to me before going behind the doors. -------- I left the hospital after hearing that it would be a while before Mel delivered the babies. Stepping into the dimly lit room I smiled seeing the work my boys had done. "I want good news," I said turning to Sam. "Apparently he does work for Jay, they had the girl. They aren't even professional hence it was easy for us to track them down," Sam said with a disgusted look. "The girl." "We have taken her to your house, a nurse is already there taking care of her." "Get her mother for me, make all the necessary arrangements and make sure none of Jays' men follow you." "Very well sir." "And take care of this fast," I said pointing at the unconscious men lying on the floor. ---- "They are just adorable," Rebecca and Meg cooed holding each of the babies in their arms. A boy and a girl they had been blessed with, Ryan the spitting image of his father and Rose just like her mother. Mel looked on too weak to say anything after seven hours in labor. Rose had been born first followed by Ryan fifteen minutes later. Taking my niece and nephew into my arms I was in awe of them of their soft caramel like skin. Both fast asleep. "Who knew you two could make beautiful babies," I teased as Mel smiled at me and Linc sent a scowl my way as the others laughed waking the babies up. "You and your big mouth," Linc growled taking Rose leaving me with Ryan as they began to fuss. "Come on buddy, you and me are going to have so much fun," I cooed to the little guy making him calm down. "You can ask your big brother Zach. He will tell you I am the coolest uncle ever." "Yeah right," I heard Linc mumble as he gave Mel the baby. I placed the little one in her other arm as they both slowly drifted off to sleep. Mel followed suit drifting off to sleep with a content look on her face. Zach was silent all the while, well that's because he was fast asleep unable to stay up through the night.  The look on my brothers face as he looked at his wife and children was priceless and I knew there and then that I also wanted this. I left them a few minutes later to see to my guests.
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