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One month later "Ethan there are some things I need to get from my old home," she said once he had allowed her into his office. A few clothes had been purchased for them but there were some things that could never be replaced.  "No!" He said not even looking up from his paperwork. "But I need..." "No." "Ethan please. We have willingly lived with you here for the past week without a fuss." "I said NO! And that's final," he said banging his hand on the table making the pens jump up. "You cannot keep us here, we are not hostages." "You are going nowhere and that's final," he growled. He already had a terrible day at work with some incompetent workers and now this. "Well watch me leave," she said turning on her heels to leave his office. The next thing she knew she was flung over his shoulder. "Let me go you brute," she said pounding on his back as hard as she could. Passing the room she had been sharing with her sister, Marisa poked her head out asking what was going on. "Oh don't worry pumpkin, mommy and I are just playing a grown up game," he said as she stopped pounding on his back for her daughters sake. Continuing down the passage he opened as door shutting it and locking it behind him placing her on her feet.  "You neanderthal," she spat as he looked at her not even flinching. "Say another word and you will never see your daughter again, I will make sure of this," he said before a slap landed on his face.  "You are worse that those we are running away from. You are supposed to be helping us. I hate you!" She cried out. "Why are you are so determined in getting yourself killed. You know very well that your house is being watched," he said letting the words sink in as her expression turned from anger to realization that he was indeed correct. He gently rubbed his jaw looking at her, his eyes not showing any emotion. Talia's POV I felt like an i***t right now. He was right but I was sick and tired of being cooped up in this house. I missed my students already and it was only a month. Looking up at him I only saw his receding back as he left the room. Looking up I found myself in an all too masculine room of mostly black and white. This is the room they put me in that first day as I realized it was his room. His bed looked rather comfortable covered in the finest of black silk as I stood up. Walking toward our own room I fell asleep once my head touched my pillow. Marisa was already fast asleep. I woke up rather early and looking out the sun had not yet graced us with its presence. Walking down the stairs I heard laughter coming from the basement. Walking towards the noise I found Ethan and three other men. It seems they were practicing fighting techniques and I couldn't help but watch in fascination as Ethan took two men down by himself. I recognized all the men, Sam, Walter and Linc.  Ethan tried to take on his brother but failed as he was easily taken down by the man. I was however impressed by his fighting skills. With his back towards me I gasped seeing the angry bruises on his back. They must have heard me as all heads turned towards the door luckily I quickly disappeared before they could see me.  "Did you enjoy yourself?" He said with a smirk as I stood in his room looking outside as the sun slowly rose. Turning to look at him his expression changed once he saw my tears. "I'm sorry, I hurt you," I said walking towards him wrapping my arms around him. He seemed to be surprised by my actions. Slowly he began to relax before wrapping his arms around me as I let my flood gates open. The next thing I knew he lifted me up as I wrapped arms around his neck, slipping me underneath covers that smelt just like him. "It's okay," he whispered before I fell asleep. "Next time you want a punching bag tell me. We can go shopping," he said a smile tugging at his lips as a soft laugh escaped my lips. ---- Ethan's POV "Uncle Ethan!" Zach yelled running towards me.  "Hey there buddy, how are you?" "I'm great," he piped with a wide grin. "Keep it down I just put the twins to sleep," Mel said walking towards us. "Rose! Ry..!!" I was stopped by a hand over my mouth as I laughed at Mels furious expression.  "If you want to ever have kids of your own think of the next words that come out of your mouth," she seethed. "Hie Mel," I said giving her hug.  "How are you Ethan?" She said with a warm smile after telling Zach to go look for his father. "I'm fine thank you," I sighed. "Just taking everything a day at a time," I said. Mel knew what was going on with Talia and I.  "Look uncle Ethan I'm superman!" Zach yelled squealing with delight when Linc lifted him higher above his head. The baby monitor came to life with the cries of a baby, soon joined by another. "Nice going superman," I said with a smile as Zach ran out of the room once Linc put him down. "And you too supergirl," I said laughing at my brother as Mel joined in. "What are you still doing here, you woke them up," Mel said seeing her husband frown at her brother.  "Chop chop now," I said laughing some more as he left the room coming back a few minutes later with both babies. "I'm going for a drive," he said walking out towards the golf cart parked out front.  "Don't ask me why, but they fall asleep in a matter of minutes once they are in that thing," Mel said.  "Give your old man hell Ryan!" I yelled out at the baby began to fuss.  "Ethan," Linc growled. "That's my man," I laughed going on to assist him in securing the babies in their seats. "Wow, you had this thing modified just for them," I said seeing the additional security. "There was no way Mel was going to let me use this without baby proofing it," Linc mumbled as he got into the pink cart. "And don't you just love the color," she beamed. "I would have gone for green, but I mean we had to consider Rose," she giggled. "White would have just been fine," Linc grumbled getting behind the wheel. "You know you love it," Mel said giving him a sultry look.  "Don't tell me you have the pink ones on," Linc asked in surprise as his eyes trailed down her body excitedly. I took that as my cue to leave them but I was too late as I heard what I didn't want to hear. "Actually I don't have any on," she said biting her lower lip. Covering my ears like a child I left them crying, "Why why why, why do you do this to me," as they both burst into laughter whilst Linc pulled her into his arms. "Bye!" I yelled out shaking my head as I saw them already all over each other. Oh how much I wanted something like that. Someone who would love me unconditionally and I the same. ---- Going over some documents at work I was surprised by an unexpected visitor.  "Mr Shields there is a man here. He said you wanted to see him," his secretary said timidly. "Who is he?" "It's Jay," a familiar voice snarled into the receiver making my blood boil with anger as I stood up going to open my door. He stood with a smirk looking at me. Four of his goons stood behind him scanning their surroundings. I don't know what they expected though because this floor was occupied by myself and my secretary.  "Come in Jay," I said in a cool tone. They mad a move only to stop once I turned to face them. "Only him," I said turning to walk into my office knowing they would definitely stay behind. Pressing a button my office wall became transparent as I gave my secretary a small nod indicating for her to leave the floor. This left only Jay and his friends as Sam and several of my men walked in. I locked the doors restricting his men from leaving the floor before locking myself and Jay in my office. Oh oh. What does Jay want?  Don't forget the usual... a vote, comment here and there would be appreciated. Lots of love  Kudzi
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