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Lia's POV I woke up to find cold blue eyes looking at me. "Good you are finally awake. Get dressed you are coming with me," he said. I looked at him perplexed. "Why, were am I going?" "To my house. You shall remain there until you recover," he said shoving his hands into his slacks.  "No thank you, I think my house is perfectly fine," I said sending him a glare.  He seemed to think over his next words deciding not to say whatever he was about to say. He left the room returning with a nurse with discharge papers. "Mrs Queen once you sign these you are free to go," she said as I frowned seeing my hospital bill had been paid for. "Who paid for my hospital bill?"  The nurse smiled looking at Ethan. "Mr Shields did ma'am." I signed the documents with a frown willing myself to control my anger with him. He knew I most certainly no longer had a job and he went on to pay my bill thus resulting in me owing him. "How much do I owe you?" I said as he drove us away from the hospital. "Don't worry. It's my apology to you. And if you are wondering if you still have a job, it is still intact," he said staring at the road. "Thank you I mumbled looking out the window as I remembered the day we told each other cheesy pickup lines a smile forming on my face. The gps announced the next turn as he followed its instructions. Pulling up to my apartment I dreaded going in there. Why you might ask. Ever since that night I was taken I had been staying with my brother and niece, too afraid to relive the memory. Ethan opened my door and shoved my crutches into my hands.  "Thank you for the lift. I will be fine from here," I said as he looked at my apartment building with a scowl. Still adapting to the blasted things I made my way to the entrance not even daring to look back. Limping up the stairs I made it up to the second floor stopping to catch my breath once more as I felt his presence beside me. He sighed deeply undoing his jacket button. My heart was hammering in my  chest different scenarios running through my mind over  what he would do next. He grabbed both my crutches leaning them against the wall.  "Put your arms around my neck," he said. His eyes told me all I needed to know not to protest.  Doing as told I felt myself relax in his familiar embrace as he lifted me off my feet. Closing my eye I couldn't help myself as I took in his familiar scent. He cleared his throat snapping me out of my daze making me blush. Directing him to my apartment he placed me on my feet as I retrieved my keys from my bag. Once in my apartment he turned to leave.  "Wait, what about my crutches," I called out. He ignored me without a backward glance. Settling on my sofa I fell asleep too tired to even think of food for now.  I woke up with a start as I felt a hand on my forhead.  "Wha...what are you doing in here?" "Fixing this problem," he stated in a flat tone as I sat up straight.  "Who said I need to be fixed. I am perfectly fine thank you," I spat.  "Well if you had informed me earlier that you were hurt we wouldn't be here," he said lifting me up. "What are you doing? Put me down," i said panicking as he started walking towards my bedroom.  "Would you just calm down and let me help you. My brother and sister aren't even talking to me because of you," he mumbled silencing me. "I...I'm sorry," she whispered looking away from him.  "It's okay. It's not your fault," he said placing me on the bed.  He surprised me by sitting beside me moving stray hair away from my forehead as he leaned closer to me.  "I'm sorry for hurting you," he said placing a kiss on my lips.  It was light and sweet and felt like I was finally home. He moved away eyes locked on mine as I yearned for more. I truly had missed him even after all the trouble and pain I had put him through. He surprised me even more when he captured my lips once more his hand going around my neck as he deepened the kiss, before pulling back like he had been scorched.  "Forgive me, I should leave," he said clearing his throat as he stood up.  I remained quiet as he pointed out the food he had brought for me.  "I'll be back tomorrow," he growled walking out of the room. ----- I woke up to the sound of knocking on my door to find Sam with an apologetic smile. "Sorry ma'am. But Mr Shields asked me to come see how you are," he said with a warm smile.  "Please come in Sam," I said stepping aside to let him in disappointed that it wasn't Ethan who showed up. -------- Ethan's POV I don't know what came over me but when our lips met it was like, I had finally found what I had been looking for. An image of her face after I had ravished her lips appeared in my mind. This frightened me as I realized, I indeed knew this woman. She held a certain amount of power over me thus making me send Sam to see her. I couldn't stand to be in the same room with her once I recalled a fight we had which broke my heart. "Sir, sir," I heard as my secretary called me repeatedly. "Your nine o'clock meeting will be starting in a few minutes. My head was pounding as I stood up putting my jacket on but I never made it to the door as I passed out waking up in hospital a few hours later. "Ethan," I heard my mom cry as I opened my eyes. "Mr Shields," the doctor said pointing a flashlight into my eyes. "How are you feeling?" "I am alright," I said sitting up. Mel and Linc walked into the room with Talia right behind them. They all looked worried.  "What is she doing in here," I growled receiving no reply. "Get out of here you vile woman. What do you want from me, haven't you done enough already. You took everything from me, what more do you want after you broke my heart and left me on that bulcony," I said pulling out the IV and getting off the bed. "Why are you even here, you are not even family," I spat my anger getting the best of me as I shook with rage taking a step towards her as she stepped back making her crutches fall with a clutter to the ground. "Ethan," I heard my mother and Mel reprimand. "Doctor what is she doing in here. Get her out of my room or else I will sue you for every penny you are worth," I said harshly before turning to face her. "I gave you everything but you lied to me. I told you I don't like people who lie to me, but you continued to do so. Did you even mean it when you said you loved me?" I said as a sharp pain s**t through my head revealing an image of us dancing on the beach.  "Ethan," she whispered clearly at a loss of words.  "Get out! I am sick and tired of your pathetic lies," I said lifting my hand pointing towards the door maki her flinch as though she expected me to hit her.  The look on her face was of pure hurt and bewilderment as she limped out of the room. "You remember," Mel said looking at me with hurt.  "Bits and pieces not everything," I said taking a deep breath before I started feeling dizzy.  Grabbing ahold of the chair everything cam like I tidal wave as I remembered the rescue mission and what we had discovered making me realize she lied to protect me, before I passed out. ----- The following morning I woke up to find my father and Linc in my room.  "It's good to see you finally awake," Charles said as I looked at him.  "Where is Lia? Did we manage to rescue her?" I asked as both men looked at her in confusion.  "Ethan do you remember anything from the past few days?" Linc asked. "Yeah, we went to rescue Lia but I don't know why I am in hospital, what happened?" I said as Linc called a doctor. "We cannot explain this sir," he said apologetically before leaving them as Linc filled in his brother on all that had happened. ------ Lia's POV "You know he didn't mean those words right?" Mel asked me as we sat down over a cup of tea in my living room. "Yes, but there was some truth to it all. I did lie to him." "Only to protect him right?" "Yes," I whispered remembering his words.  "Do you still love him?" "Yes," I said softly.  "Then we will get him back for you," Mel said with a mischievous smile. I knew she was up to something. Hmmm I think I only have one chapter left for these guys before I start working on At His Command. Hope you enjoyed this short piece.
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