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This chapter goes out to all those who have supported this book starting from book one (At Her Command) Thank you so much. You support really means a lot to me. Don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT and PROMOTE Much Love  Jo "Linc who is this?" Ethan asked his brother whilst looking at Lia. "What do you mean? That's Lia, you know her very well," he said as everyone turned to look at each other worried. "I don't know her," he said shaking his head before her winced. "We expected this, the damage he received from the head shot could affect his memory. He might never regain it again. But it's good that he remembers his family, we expected worse. "Why didn't you tell us. And she is family therefore he doesn't remember his family," Linc growled.  "We are sorry Mr Shields," the doctor said looking at everyone in apology before turning to leave the room. "I...I think I should also leave," Lia said standing up. Mel walked up to her to see her out in understanding. "Don't worry he will remember you, he has to. You are the love of his life after all," Mel said with a pained smile. Lia's POV Claris and her husband were arrested for kidnapping and attempted murder thus allowing my brother and I to finally have a normal life. Thankfully our identities had been kept under wrap so we got back to our lives easily. Well it wasn't exactly normal because once Ethan recovered he started seeing other woman like nothing had happened. I was lucky enough to have my job back at the school still intact. The children always put a smile on my face but what hurt were the days Ethan would come by to pick up Zach. Though he wasn't in my class anymore I could always catch a glimpse of him as he passed my class leaving the school. A month passed by before I decided to give the dating scene another try. Waiting for my blind date to arrive I was shocked at the men who came and sat in front of me. He looked nothing like his profile picture to start of. He wasn't bad looking but he had the audacity to say I should pay for the dinner since I was seeing him. His table manners were 'animalistic' as he chewed whilst talking about himself at the same time. Not once did he ask about me. Cursing this idea of blind-dates I left the restaurant only to see a tabloid with Ethan and some blonde bombshell covering the front page. She was rather pretty as they posed kissing each other. Walking across the street; my thoughts were elsewhere before I was startled by the sound of a car horn. The car knocked me off my feet but luckily I was still conscious. Getting up on my feet I heard someone shouting. "Can't you watch where you are going?" In front of me stood Ethan, clad in a business suite, a dark stubble gracing his jaw as he looked down at me.  "Can't you speak?" He growled. "I...I am sorry," I stuttered.  "What is your number?" He asked. "What?" "Your phone number. I will need to call you so my physician can see if you are alright," he said. "Wait a minute you are that girl. I will come get you at lunch for the appointment. Here is my card, if you don't feel well just call me," he said handing over the card before turning back to his car. Still in a daze I started when the sound of a car horn made its way into my ears. Stepping out of the way, only to see him with the blonde lady from the tabloid. Heading to my apartment I took of my clothing only to see an angry bruise on my elbow from the fall and a swollen leg. Cleaning myself up I slept on an empty stomach troubled by what had happened today, Ethan was never that cold. They way he acted today was clearly not him. ------- "Miss you have a visitor," one of my students said shaking me awake. Looking up I found Ethan standing with a scowl on his face. "So this is what you are paid for, to sleep on the job," he said as I straightened myself out. "No. I don't know how I ended up falling asleep," I said as I stood up supporting myself with the help of my desk. "You know I could report you and have your dismissed within a snap of my fingers. I wouldn't want my nephew exposed to such uncouth behavior, especially in a reputable school as such," he said coldly. "What is the problem here?" The headmistress said standing by the door making my class become quiet as they looked at the adults. "Nothi..." I was cut off by Ethan. "What kind of school do you run here? Teachers sleeping in class and not attending to our kids. I am sure the parents would be disappointed with such news," Ethan said turning to look at me with a cold stare. Looking into his blue eyes I saw nothing, they were colder than ice itself. The headmistress cleared her throat making me turn to look at her.  "Ma'am I am sorry but..." "Mrs Queen please see me in my office," she said leaving the room.  Ethan had a smirk on his face as I stood up straight running my hands over the front of my skirt straightening it out once again. Not bothering to ask him why he had truly stopped by my class I walked, more like limped towards him as his smirk turned into a frown.  "Thank you for stopping by Mr Shields," I said as I stepped out of the class instructing the children to behave promising to give them a treat if they did so. Limping down the hall I made sure to not look back knowing he was watching me. I could feel his eyes on me. Reaching the headmistress's office my forehead was matted with sweat as I wiped it away feeling hot all of a sudden.  "Come in," I heard her say but upon entering her office that was the last thing I remember before I woke up in hospital. ----- "Lia, are you alright?"  Mel asked looking worried.  "Hey Mel. I am fine. Why am in hospital?" I asked looking around the sterile room. "You passed out. The doctor said you are running a fever from the infection on your elbow and your leg is still swollen you are going to have to stay off it for a few days," she said worriedly as I moved my hand to see it wrapped up pretty good.  Sitting up I started to panic remembering that I had to see the headmistress. "Mel, I need to go. I might lose my job," I said pulling out the IV. "Lia, please calm down," Mel said trying to keep me on the bed before Linc walked in holding me down as I struggled. "I will lose my job if I don't see the headmistress," I cried out as a nurse walked in injecting me with a sedative.  Calming down I felt the effects of the drug as Mel looked at me before asking. "What happened?" Mel asked. "Ethan," was all I managed to whisper before falling asleep. ---- Ethan's POV Since yesterday I couldn't get that darn woman out of my mind. Taunting her at work hadn't been my main agenda, I had gone to check on how she was after bumping her with my car. I could have taken her to the hospital but my current flame had other plans and there was no way I was going to change them over some stranger. As soon as she left for the office I left the school. My conscience was killing me as I remembered the slight limp she had or the fact that she didn't look all too good when she bid me farewell.  The last thing I expected was for Mel to barge into my office looking murderous. "What did you do to her?" She asked as Mel slowly walked into the room not looking all too pleased. "Who? What are you talking about sis?" I asked with a smile.  "Stop smiling Ethan and tell me what you did to Talia?" "Who the heck is Talia?"  "The woman who teaches as Zach's school. Now tell me what you did to her," she said placing her handbag on my table making me gulp as I looked at Linc for help. However that was pointless because he turned his gaze away from me. "Well I kind of knocked her down with my car and could have also cost her, her job," I mumbled. "Sorry please repeat that," I heard my brother ask. I stood up as they were both starring down at me.  "It was just for fun. I never meant for her to get into trouble," I said throwing my hands up. "It's was just for fun. When you knocked her down, was that for fun. You were supposed to take her to hospital so that they could make sure she was alright," Mel said moving towards me. "You are a grown man and you did not have the courtesy to take care of an injured lady," she said poking my chest as I backed away from her. "You are not a child anymore. She might as well have lost her job because of your 'fun'," she said as my back hit the wall. "You better fix this mess Ethan, if not don't you ever dare talk to me. In fact don't you ever come near me or my kids, I wouldn't want them to be corrupted with such despicable morals," she said as I looked at her in horror. "You are picking her over family?" I said as she turned to leave my office. "She is family," Mel said. "I don't understand what type of person knocks a person down and assumes they are 100% okay," she mumbled. "Fix this," Linc growled completely disappointed in me.
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