16 - Epilogue

1144 Words
Ethan's POV How would I get back the love of my life after what I had said. After being forced by my brother to attend a party at one of his clubs I had no choice after Mel threatened to never speak to me again.  Walking through the crowd I caught sight of caramel skin clad in a fiery red dress. Hair cascading down one shoulder as she threw her head back in laughter. Out of all the sounds in the room that laugh I heard clearly most of all. A man took her hand guiding her to the dance floor as she smiled up at him. Reaching the VIP bulcony I looked down on the dance floor spotting her immediately. "Good to see you here brother," Linc said slapping my back as I cleared my throat giving him a weak smile.  "Hi Linc," I mumbled returning my gaze to the dance floor.  "Lia looks lovely doesn't she. Too bad you messed that up, now someone else will be lucky to have her," Linc said with a smirk as I closed my fist tightly. "Hmmm yeah. Excuse me brother," I said walking away from him. Two blondes approached me making my life simple as I took both of them to the bar buying them drinks. Looking for her I found her still dancing with the same man as our eyes met. Grinding her body against the i***t I kept my eyes on her. She was clearly taunting me as I felt one of the girl's hand on my shoulder asking me to dance. Happy to oblige them I took them to the dance floor thinking two can play that game. I let the ladies do most of the work never taking my gaze away from her as I moved to the beat. "Excuse me ladies, I said leaving them in the hands of two other gentlemen. "May I," I asked the man dancing with her. Upon seeing who it was he left without a fuss leaving me with her as I signaled the dj to change the music to a slow jam. I pulled her into my arms her back against my chest as we started moving to the music. I knew she could dance but boy had she been holding out on me as our bodies moved in sync. The air around us became suffocating as it became overcrowded. Signaling the manager, he dimmed the lights giving us some much needed privacy as I moved her away from the dance floor. Slamming the office door shut I pressed her against the door with my body. "Lia. Please. Forgive. Me," I said each word with a kiss before crushing my lips against hers feeling her hands pushing me away but not creating any distance between us as she held onto my shirt.  "No Ethan. I need you to forgive me," she said, tears glistening in her eyes as I smiled at her. "I did that a long time ago," I whispered into her ear as I felt her heart beat hammer through her chest, smiling.  "We...we should, get ba..back out," she stuttered not looking me in the eye.  I chuckled as she looked up at me blushing.  "Not before I get my, I'm sorry hug," I said making her smile. ----- Lia's POV It felt good to have the old Ethan back whom I was currently waiting for, for our date. A whole week of not seeing him and I realized how I missed his smart mouth. That man could talk for days, but I loved it. Someone knocked on my door and upon looking up I found him standing there with his shades still on. "Is it really that sunny indoors?" "Well if you must know, your beauty is just too much for my eyes," he said removing his shades and pretending like the I was affecting them. "Very funny," I murmured walking towards him. "Here let me," he said grabbing my bags before pulling me into his embrace with his free arm. "I missed you," he murmured against my lips. "Not as much as I did. How was your trip?" "Oh boring. Would have been better with you there," he said making me blush. ------ It was too late for him to return home after they stayed by her place for their date night. Handing him some blankets she left him to make himself comfortable on her couch. A few minutes later she heard her bedroom door open and pretended to be fast asleep. Leaning down he kissed her cheek saying, "Sweet dreams." A smile crept up on her face as she heard him walk away. "You can always reply," he said making her look at him as he chuckled. "You can't fool me babe," he said. "Good night Ethan," she said throwing her pillow at him as he continued to laugh. "Such violence," Ethan said in mock surprise holding the pillow. "Thanks for this," he said with a triumphant smile as she realized she no longer had a pillow. Waking to the smell of breakfast was something she could clearly get used to especially if it was a shirtless man flipping pancakes like a pro. Fixing up her plate he placed it on the small table pulling out her chair for her as she sat down. Taking her utensil she expected him to go sit down as well but was surprised when he dropped to both his knees holding out a small box. "I know this isn't romantic and all but I just can't wait any longer to ask you this Lia. We have already been through all the crap couples go through but we are still here, together. I know I am a pain in the behind, but I want to be your pain in the behind. Wait that came out wrong. Let me rephrase," he said making her laugh as tears pulled in her eyes. "Lia you are the most, beautiful and stubborn woman I know. I hated all my teachers in school, but you are the one teacher I will always love. I wouldn't mind being disciplined by you any day," he said with a wink. "I want to be your husband, I want you to be my wife. To share all my crazy days on this earth with. I see you as a friend, a companion, the grandmother of our future grandchildren after we have our kids of course. Okay I am rambling. Simply put will you make me the happiest man alive by accepting this ring to be mine, to be my wife forever and ever and ever," he said as she shook her head yes giving him a kiss. "I love you too Ethan," she murmured. --------- Hope you enjoyed this short story. Please vote, comment and promote. Tell a friend or two. Thank you  

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