Chapter 6 Baran

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CHAPTER 6 BARAN Boredom couldn’t begin to describe his night at Flux so far. The DJ was on fire, the club was packed with its usual Saturday night crowd consisting of yups with too much money, and drove flashy cars. Scantily dressed women in designer wear had flocked onto the dance floor, surrounded by sharks in sharp suits looking for a hookup. But Flux was the place to be, especially if you managed to snag the corner table in the VIP section. Of course, that specific table, was only for a select crew. It was the Bloody Ones’ regular table and usually manned by Baran and the twins. Angel was working the floor. Everything seemed like a joke to him most days, but he took his work managing the club very seriously. Kristoff had entrusted the place to the golden boy, and Angel didn’t want t

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