Chapter 5 Lily

2158 Words

CHAPTER 5 LILY She was living in hell. This was day seven at the Grimaldi mansion, and every day so far she’d found herself in one of the seven circles of the underworld. There was even a personal devil assigned to her: Katrina Grimaldi, her evil half-sister. She couldn’t believe she had been abducted and locked away. It was archaic, a plot line from a historical romance, or a fairytale. Who did stuff like that anymore? Worse, she had no means of defense, no one who could come to her aid, unlike in the fairytales. Her father had known she had no one, which was why he hadn’t even bothered to take her phone from her. What was she going to do? Call Mia and get her killed? She had called her, but only to mention that she’d be studying her ass off the coming week. That way Mia wouldn’t worry

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