Chapter 4 Baran

1577 Words

CHAPTER 4 BARAN Joining Kristoff Romanov at his home gym after a summoning from their fierce leader was like walking into a lion’s den. You never knew if he was going to roar at you, or have you for dinner. Baran spotted Katya sitting on a utility bench. This sight helped Baran relax a bit. Usually, Kristoff tried to keep the body count to a minimum when Katya was around. Her cheeks had a healthy pink glow from her workout. It hadn't always been like that. He remembered the day they had found her lying passed out on the kitchen floor. Now, at twenty-two years old, there was nothing left of the sickly, chalk-white teenager. She was the living proof that Kristoff Romanov, the Soulless One, still had a heart. Viking was there as well. He leaned against the wall behind Katya. Kristoff gla

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