Trap Meeting

2530 Words

(Jackson) “Lucas knows about this meeting and has given us his insight prior to it.” I look at everyone sitting around the table in the conference room. Brandi and Isla are sitting across the table from me with Cam in between them. “We have decided what is to be done with the rogues, we do not have the numbers to go out and try to find where they came from. There was no trail decent enough for us to track last time. The only thing we can do is sit and wait.” Partially true, but this time we were anticipating it and planning for it. We could only hope they take the bait. “We can’t just wait here,” Cam argued. “We are going to have to, no other packs are coming to our aid and I will not jeopardize any of my pack members to go after a band of rogues.” Cam sat back, visibly mad. He e

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