Player 3

2706 Words

(Lucas) Bored, bored, bored. How can I be so bored? Can I text Isabella, or would that be too much? I haven’t talked to her since we spoke on the way back from my brother’s place. She was asleep when I got back and she didn’t respond the next morning. But, she did text me first. So maybe I could reach out to her now? But I couldn’t just say hi, I would need a reason to text her. Okay, think of a reason. You’re talking to yourself and it's insufferable, if you want to discuss something talk to me. Fine, then what do you suggest I do, oh mighty wolf? Oh mighty wolf, I might have to get used to that. Don’t I would say text her, she's our f.ucking mate. She’s going to be happy to hear from you. But she's human, she doesn't feel it the same way. She feels something We did talk for ho

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