Chapter : 7. My favorite day..

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Hope’s point of view :- ------------------------- It’s Wednesday today. The mermaid training day. It’s my favorite day because I love playing in water. Mermaid training is basically a swimming training for us. It’s just a challenge of who swims the fastest. Each week we are taught how to improve ourself and break our own records inside the water. We have a lake nearby, where we train most of the days, and our teacher for today is uncle Oliver. Everyone is excited about today’s training, because we love to take a dip in the cold water in this summer day. The only person who doesn’t want to do this is Mirth. He never forgets to behave like he has an allergy to water. To tell you the secret, he doesn’t even take a bath regularly. Isn’t this gross? But his words won’t go against our mother’s order. We have to join others in the training, no matter what. So, having no other option, he comes to join us forcefully. All of us are ready with our swimsuits on. The only thing we are waiting for before jumping in the water, is for the order of uncle Oliver. “I hope all of you know what to do? Now go and break your own records. The fast you cross the lake, the faster you will be out of your enemies reach. And don’t worry. No one is coming to attack you in here.” He said with a sly smirk, like he just made a funny joke. Does he think that what we saw was a hallucination? Does everyone think what we saw was a mistake? “Uncle Oliver. It’s not funny. What happend to us in the forest is a serious matter. Hope or me might have gotten hurt there.” Faith stood up to see him joke about yesterday. “Hey. I was just kidding. I do care about you and your safety a lot. Don’t get offended by such a little matter. You are my children as well.” He understood his mistake and tried to talk us through. “Can we finish this now? We have to go to school too.” Truce broke the discussion when he noticed that things were getting serious. “Yeah. We should finish this training and get going.” Faith also expressed her anger and went near the lake. I saw uncle Oliver feel guilty about taking such an important matter for us, so lightly. He sighed and went to begin the training and I followed him as well. “Today, you have to go all the way to the other side, touch the end and return..” “What? We are not getting a break in between? It’s too far to finish in one go.” Mirth is the one to whine first because doesn’t like to swim at all. “You are growing up now. Many challenges are coming in your way. You have to learn to push yourself more. You have to go far to achieve your goal. Now don’t be a little boy and show everyone that you are a grownup now.” A smile finally came onto our lips to hear the sighed sound he released. “Fine. Let’s do this..” “Okay, kids. One my count of three. One.. two.. three..” Just as he ended counting, all of us jumped into the lake and started swimming as fast as we can. Truce was fast at the beginning. But it didn’t take me long to cross him over. I always win in this, and I will win today as well. I pushed myself and became the first one to touch the other end of the lake. Without wasting any time, I turned around and started swimming back. Mirth caught me up soon. But along the way, I found Faith and Truce having a hard time to reach the other side. Are they going to be able to return so soon? What if they get too tired? Should I help them to finish this challenge? I stopped on my way to check back at them and found them touch the end and come back again. But while checking on them, I forgot that Mirth was right behind me and crossed me to go forward. “Hope.. You are going to lose. Don’t worry about them and keep swimming.” Hearing Uncle Oliver’s scream, I realized that I have gotten far behind Mirth. I have to catch him now before he wins. With this intention, I started swimming again. I pushed myself more to catch him, but he also took speed to finish the race. I have to think of something. I have to make him believe he is winning to decrease his speed. So, I decided to go underwater so that he can’t see me anymore. I can hold my breath underwater for long and swim under the water as fine as on top. So, using this trick, I went down and kept swimming at a faster speed. Once I felt that I was closer to the end, I got up from the water, and I was right. Mirth is now way behind, searching for me on his back. “I’m here. Catch me if you can.” Announcing it to him, I quickly reached to the edge and finished the run. He also joined me in a little, with a sad face on. “This is not fair. You cheated. I stopped to check on you and thought you have drowned. I was scared for you and you tricked me into winning the race. It’s not fair.” He splashed a little water at me in anger. “Everything is fair in love and war, loser” Saying this, I also splashed water on him and it created a war of water. “Stop.. Fighting.. Help us…” We heard Faith call out for our help as they both were panting really hard. They are almost breathless to finish the task. So, Mirth and I went a little forward and brought them back to the edge. “Faith, Truce.. You have to take this matter seriously and train harder. If you keep going on like this, you will be in danger. Think about what will happen when you come across a situation where you have to cross an ocean and you lost your boat. Your mother was in a situation like that and she fought with it to save her friends life along with her own. You have to be ready for a situation like those.” Uncle Oliver scolded them for losing in the task. “Don’t worry, uncle Oliver. We will never leave them alone. We will always be together and fight with everything that comes to us. Right Mirth. We will save them in water and they will save us on land. We will forever stay together.” I told him and we all hugged each other. “Bless your souls. I hope everything goes as you are saying. I wish rest of your life stays happy and joyful like it is now.” We smiled at each other and hugged each other more tightly. I hope so as well.. “Ugh.. These trainings suck.. We always get late for school. Miss Silvia is definitely going to throw us out today.” I screamed out in irritation. We are in the car right now and it’s already time to start the classes. There is still ten minutes path left to go. We are definitely going to be late for class. Just as we reached to school gate, we jumped out of the car and ran to the class. As expected. The class is already started and our class teacher is teaching her students. We all are scared to get scolded by her and couldn’t decide who will go first. We kept pushing each other to send them in. Unfortunately, Miss Silvia heard our noise, and came out herself while we were still fighting. “What is going on in here?” We all quickly fixed ourselves and pretended like we hadn’t done anything at all. “Why four of you are still outside?” She asked us angrily. “Umm.. Sorry, miss Silvia. We became a little late today. But we promise that it will never happen again.” Truce took the lead and apologized for us. “You said the same thing just a day ago.” “But this time we are really sorry. And we are not going to break our promise this time.” I jumped up and told her. “I am not falling for your lies again. You have to get punishment for your mistake. You are not attending next two classes. Two more days’ absence in a class, and I will restrict you to take the final exam.” “But miss..” Faith was about to say something, but she stopped her from talking. “I am not going to listen to your fuss anymore. Do what ever you want but you are not allowed to take next two classes. And if you are still so adamant about changing my mind, I will not hesitate to take you to the principal and suspend you from school. Do you want that?” We all became scared to hear her scream. “I thought so too. Now I am going to take my class. So, don’t disturb.” Saying this, she went back inside, leaving us standing in the hallway. “What now? Is she really going to ban us from taking the finals? This is our final year.” I felt bad for getting scolded like that. “We have to be more careful from now on. We can’t miss the finals at the end.” Faith is also sad, like me. It seems like this day is not going too well for us. We were standing there still, thinking about what to do next, when we saw someone else storming in and coming towards us through the hallway. It didn’t take us long to recognise that it is none other than Gordon, the weird boy. So, it looks like someone else is way too late than us. He looked at us once before getting inside the class. I was thinking about stopping him from going in so suddenly, because I know that Miss Silvia is not in a good mood right now. And just as I thought, another scream of her came out from inside, followed by Gordon. “How dare you to come inside without permission? Get out. Get out right now. And don’t you dare to attend next two classes. You will get the same punishment as them for being late for class even after getting warned. Get out.” He was thrown out of the class just like us. Miss. Silvia is really a strict teacher. Gordon came out of the class slowly. But in the next moment, he looked at us with so much hate in his eyes that it even shook our souls. Is he thinking that he was scolded because of us? While looking at us angrily, a low growl came out of his mouth. And in an immediate, Truce and Mirth came in front of us to protect with releasing low growl as well. We got scared to see that they are going to start a fight in the middle of the school hallway, surrounded by humans. “Stop.. Don’t do this.. You will get expelled from school.” Faith and I stepped in between to stop them from fighting. Seeing the situation, Gordon finally backed up and walked out from there. We released a breath of relief to see that there is no fighting happening anymore. “Why did you stop us? We would have shown him today who he is challenging. He deserves to get beaten to get this in his thick skull that we are the royals. He can’t just challenge us without reason and escape untouched.” Truce and Mirth are both angry at him for daring to challenge us. “Are you forgetting that we are in a human school? We are not only forbid to show our powers outside, it is school rules to not fight with other students. They will throw us out of the school for it. Even our parents won’t understand and blame us for this. Calm down and let him go. He is just angry by thinking we are the reason he got punished. I’m sure he was not doing it intensionally.” Faith tried to calm them down and they at least understood the problem.. “Whatever. We are going to park the car properly. Do what ever you want to do?” Saying this, Truth and Mirth left us there and went out of the school.
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