Chapter : 6. Howl for help..

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Faith’s point of view :- --------------------------- Today was our werewolf training day. All of us were really excited to get to know that we were going to have a game and two of us going to win fifty dollars as a reward. So, changing into our wolf forms, we began the game. It’s been a while since I let Gaia out, so she was really happy to be free. ‘Let’s enjoy the game. Okay, Gaia?’ ‘Yes. We will win the challenge in a fun way.’ Gaia is a really sassy girl who likes to have fun all the time. She is more like Hope in this these matters. As the game starts, all of us ran at full speed and entered the forest. But I on the other hand, was scared to enter deeper, even though my parents told me that there is no danger here now. What if that creature comes back again and this time I can’t run out of its reach. Thinking about yeasterday’s moment was making me get goosebumps. ‘Don’t worry Faith. I am with you. Nothing can hurt you when I am with you. Now let’s go and find that envelope.’ Gaia gave me some encouragement to go forward. Gaia dashed through the forest, jumping and swishing in between the trees. I was scared at first, but when I felt the air touch my fur, a calmness rise inside of me and I let Gaia do what she wants. It was a while and Gaia is still taking me deeper inside the forest. Now I am getting sacred to be alone so far. ‘Gaia. I think we should stop now. We have come way too far from home.’ ‘Just a bit more. I am getting a strange smell from here. Maybe the envelops are nearby. I can smell our brothers too. They are coming to get it too.’ Hearing that, I was confirmed that the envelope is right here. ‘Let’s go and get it before them then.’ We were running towards the smell with the intention of winning when a howl echoed through the forest. ‘What was that?’ I asked Gaia. ‘It’s Nala. They need our help.’ Without waiting for my order, she started running towards our sister to save her. She loves her brothers and sisters, as I do and will do anything to protect them. As I was running towards Hope, I found rest of our team beside me soon. They all heard her howl and came to help. But the moment we reached to her, all of us were shocked to see the same creature I found yesterday. So it’s a wolf. An Alpha wolf. We seceded to sacred it away all together and checked if Hope was hurt or not. Soon our parents also came and got the news before we all went back to home. Now they want us to stay together and safe all the time. It’s not like I am complaining, but hanging out with our brothers all the time is too much for us. At this moment, we are sitting in our room. Hope and I are both quiet. I don’t want to go to school today, but we have no choice. Skipping school without a good reason is not allowed for us. Hope is hugging her knees while sitting on the bed. I think she is too scared from todays incident. Well, I was in her place yesterday. So, I should console her like she did to me. “Hope. Are you okay?” “No.” “Don’t worry about what happened in there. We are going to stay aware from now on. It won’t come to hurt us again. I am with you all the times. And besides, we are queens. We can’t be scared of a wolf. No matter how big or bad it is. We are far more powerful than it.” I said to her while rubbing her back. “I am not worried about that. Something happend today. Something weird.” “What are you taking about? What happend?” “It’s Nala. She was acting crazy today. I was asking her to stop or run away. But she said that she knows that wolf. She said that it’s smell is very familiar to her.” “What? She said that? Do you think you have seen it before somewhere?” “I don’t think so. But his smell was controlling her. Do you know that instead of listening to me and run off there to protect me, she took the control and went near it to smell him better. For her mistake, I was about to die today. I don’t know why she did that all of a sudden. She never did something like that before today.” She seemed really worried about her wolf’s mistake. “That’s okay. She might have thought that it was a friendly wolf. It’s not something to worry about.” “Yes. It is. It was snarling at us when she was going near it. But it didn’t scare her. She was really adamant about going near it. It seemed like she dosen’t care about my safety at all.” “Don’t say that. She is the one who saved you by running off of there, right? She might have made a mistake. But that dosen’t mean she dosen’t care about you. She called us to help you. Anyone can do mistakes like that. Forgive her and move on. I’m sure she will become more careful from now on after experiencing this. Now get up and get ready. I don’t want to get scolded by Miss. Silvia.” I said while side hugging her. She passed me a smile with a nod and we both got up to get ready. Thankfully, we seceded to go to school today before the class starts. We didn’t had the mood to fight or argue today and that is what helped us to reach school soon. As we made our way through the school gate, we found Callum and Emily already waiting for us there. “Oh, honey! Are you okay? Callum told me everything that happend today. I’m glad that you are safe.” Emily hugged Hope and showed her care for her friend. “I’m fine. We are all safe now.” Hope replied with a smile. “Never ever go anywhere alone again. If you have trouble with any of them, call me and I will be there for you. Okay?” “Hey! I never fight with my sister. She is my partner is every crime. And you never said that to me?” “Yeah. That applies for you as well.” She said to me but with a careless expression. “You are really hurting me today. Don’t I mean anything to you?” I whined to her like a child. “Don’t worry. You mean the world to me.” Hope said while holding my hand. “You both are important to me. I am always here for you two.” Emily also comes near us and we three had a girls hug. “And are we just a driver/bodyguard for you guys? Don’t we have any value at all?” Mirth said, representing all three boys. “Yes, you do. But very little.” I said to him while showing a little gap in between my fingers. “Really? Boys, show them what we are. Group hug..” They announced and all three of them hugged us from all around, crushing us in the middle. “Stop.. You are crushing us.. Get away..” We pushed them away from us and finally got a breath of relief. After that, we all started laughing out loud for the little silly things we do all the time. Suddenly, a weird feeling ran through my body, giving me goosebumps all over. To find the source of this feeling, I looked behind and saw him. That weird new boy in our class. I think Hope also got the same vibe and looked towards him like me. Not only us, but when we looked at him, we found him staring at us intensely. His face is now half revealed from his hoody while showing half of his scar, and it is clear that he is looking right at us. His deep and dark eyes were looking at us so intensely, it felt like he would kill us with that one look. What is the problem with that guy? Why does he look at us like that? We saw him get into the class. His eyes were fixed on us as long as it cane. Once he was out of sight, the heaviness of my heart finally went away. “I thought he wasn’t coming again after yesterday’s incident. Looks like I was wrong.” Emily said to us as her own eyes were fixed on the way he went. “Stop thinking about him. He dosen’t even deserve your thoughts.” Callum said to Emily, and we looked at him in shock. This must be the first time we are hearing him give a suggestion. Or should I say, showing possessiveness? But for whom? Us or Emily? “The bell is about to ring. Let’s get in.” Before anyone can ask him anything, he changed the subject and went in first. We looked at each other’s face once before getting inside ourselves. The rest of the day went really badly. The entire day, we could feel Gordon’s stare on us, making us feel uncomfortable. Even in the lunchtime, he kept staring at us without eating his own food. I can’t understand what’s wrong with this guy? Why can’t he just be himself and leave us alone? Does he want to join our group or something? That must be it. He is alone in here and doesn’t speak to anyone. After we helped him yesterday, he must be thinking of joining us. But can I bear him around us all the time? ‘Hey! I was thinking, Gordon must be staring at us because he wants to join us. Did you notice that no one talks to him? He needs a friend too.’ I mind linked Hope and told her about my thoughts without letting anyone else hear it. The school has ended and we are hanging with each other before going in our back to our home. ‘Are you crazy? You want that weirdo to join us? What if he stares at us even after joining us? It will become more irritating.’ ‘I agree with you. But how are we going to get rid of him? I can’t bear this torture. What if things change once he is with us? Maybe he needs someone to open up to.’ ‘I understand what you are trying to say. But how are we going to tell it to our brothers? They will never agree to it. Most of all, they told us not to get involved with him.’ ‘We have to think of something before..’ “Hey! What are you two discussing secretly? Mind to tell us?” Truce caught us mind linking each other and revealed it in front of everyone. But now we are looking at each other to decide who is going to tell them. ‘Hope, why don’t you tell them?’ ‘No way.. It’s your idea.’ ‘Please. This one time.’ ‘Absolutely not. This was your plan, so you are going to tell them. I am not taking thos risk.’ She forced me to tell them just because it was my idea. “Fine. I was just wondering if that new guy wants to join us. He seems alone in here and nobody talks to him at all.” “Don’t even think about it. We will never allow a weird guy like him around you. He can be a criminal from inside.” Mirth replied in an instance. “We are the royals. He would never think about hurting us if he dosen’t want to lose his own life.” “Still. He is not suitable to hang around with us. Let him stay on his own boundaries.” “Guys.. We are the future kings and queens. Don’t you think it’s our responsibility to help someone like him who is struggling in life? Think about it..” I tried to convince them to try and talk to him once. This is the only way we will find out why he is looking as like that all the time. “I think Faith is right. Maybe you should at least go and talk to him. Maybe he needs a friend too, like we do..” I felt so glad that at least Callum understands what I am trying to say. “We are not doing it. If you want to, then you can go and talk to him.” Truce is still not convinced and determined on his decision. “Okay. I will do it then. I will go and talk to him tomorrow. We will see how he actually is. Good or bad.” Callum agreed to talk to him, making me excited about tomorrow.
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